NBA super point guard

Chapter 206 Thoughts

When playing against strong teams, the Thunder never pull back, but when playing against weak teams, they always have a somewhat slack mentality.

With Love absent, Brewer was the only player from the Timberwolves, who was still a second-rate player.

Yes, a standard blue-collar player is not bad in any aspect, only icing on the cake, unable to score or organize offenses, and cannot be a core at all.

Even if Le Fu is here, he is just a rookie, and no one cares.

Before the start of the game, the players of the Thunder team were very excited. Finally, the XJBD environment can be restored. The Thunder team has not been in this state for a long time, and the main players on the field are very happy.

With such overwhelming strength, the Thunder didn't need guidance at all. Brooks walked over and sat down next to Li Muhua.

"Li, do you have any ideas?"

"Coach, I don't understand!"

"I mean, you should have some ideas about the team's playing time, including shots. You might as well say it, but we really haven't communicated well!"

Li Muhua nodded, thinking that he was only a loser in the draft, and thanks to Brooks, there was no reason for him to refuse to communicate.

In fact, the players and the head coach are two extremes. If you are not careful, there will be friction. Generally, the players will not easily communicate about tactical matters, such as playing time, shooting rights, etc., are all handled by the agent. It's done by people.

"Coach, I want to increase my shots!"

Li Muhua said it without hesitation.

Brooks was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Li Muhua to be so straightforward, so he nodded inadvertently and glanced at the players on the field.

"You have to understand, LI, your physical talent is average. Yes, it is undeniable that your contribution on the offensive end is very large. This is what we can see. It's just that our team has a lot of talented players. You know that. Even James, in order not to affect the record, I have shortened his playing time!"

"The degree of physical talent not only affects playing time, but also defense. I can give you the right to shoot, but not now. I hope you can understand that when you find yourself truly indispensable on the offensive end, only then can you truly A transformation must be completed!"

Brooks was very patient. Although he didn't elaborate, Li Muhua understood it very well.

It is nothing more than two reasons. The first is naturally the hateful physical talent. This is an innate factor, and no one can do anything about it. The second is that Westbrook is in the first position, and the positions overlap. , and the playing time has also been greatly compressed.

If it can be compatible with the core of the team, and even have a chemical reaction, this is what Brooks wants to see.

Every time Westbrook and Li Muhua are on the court at the same time, the offensive efficiency is very low, and the two are close to negative performance. On the contrary, they stagger their playing time and play well.

The double point guard style of play was proposed by Brooks before the season. Up to now, the two point guards have not complemented each other, but only rely on their individual abilities in terms of coordination, which is far from what Brooks wants.

Brooks patted Li Muhua on the shoulder and left.

Li Muhua watched the game blankly by himself.

The game starts soon.

The Thunder's starting lineup is still the previous practice: Durant, Green, Westbrook, Krstic, Sefolosha.

In comparison, the Timberwolves' starters are simply horrible, Brewer, Al Jefferson, Damian Wilkins, Flynn, Ryan Gomez.

Wilkins, who was previously a substitute for the Thunder and could no longer be a substitute, actually appeared in the starting lineup.

It can be seen how miserable the Timberwolves are.

A bunch of role players mixed into the starting lineup, worse than the Rockets.

Krstic wins the jumper on a rare occasion, and the Thunder attack.

Westbrook quickly entered the frontcourt and directly chose to break through. Flynn was over 180cm and was crushed by Westbrook. Gomez stepped forward to block. Westbrook passed to the bottom corner.

But it's broken.

Wilkins grabbed the rebound, the Thunder retreated quickly, and the Timberwolves had no chance of a fast break. Flynn dribbled the ball to the frontcourt and handed it to Brewer. An ugly turnaround jump shot.

The Thunder attacked, Westbrook passed to Durant, Durant directly chose singles, rushed in and threw a throw over Gomez's head.

The Timberwolves had no time to help defend.


It was another strike, and the core shot was not scored.

It can only be said that the Thunder's luck is too bad.

Wilkins squeezed past Westbrook to grab the rebound, dribbled the ball quickly, and wanted to find Flynn. Unfortunately, he was too short and was blocked near the midfield. hand.

Face to face to hand, this kind of pass is no one, Li Muhua even laughed.

Flynn attacked Westbrook with the ball, then jumped up and shot, and was directly slapped by Westbrook.

A defender with a height difference of about 10 centimeters dares to be arrogant in the turtle, and I don't know who gave him the courage.

The ball was picked up by Green and quickly launched a fast break.

The Thunder's offensive rhythm is very fast. When Green got near the free throw line, he threw the ball directly, and Durant dunked in the air.

Yes, the Thunder started XJBD again. As for organizing the offense, go to hell, whoever has a good chance will do it. This ball seems to be a signal, and Westbrook also made a wave.

However, after hitting two irons in a row, Westbrook had to surrender the ball obediently.

It was very problematic.

The two teams had a lot of fun playing back and forth, but the Thunder just blindly pursued speed and didn't pay attention to efficiency. Pure XJBD, the shooting percentage was less than [-]%, and the defense did not fall, which gave the Timberwolves a lot of opportunities.

Especially Westbrook, who was attacking well with the ball, stopped suddenly before remembering to pass the ball and threw it directly to Durant.

Originally, the tactical intention of the ball was that Green advanced to form a screen, and Durant cut the ball and hit it at close range. This met the tactical requirements, but Westbrook passed the ball for the purpose of passing. Under the circumstances, pass this kind of ball.

Invisibly exercising Durant's singles ability, the efficiency is also the lowest.

With no goals in four consecutive rounds, the Thunder players became more and more anxious.

The Timberwolves attacked, and Flynn couldn't break through Westbrook's defense, so he handed it over to Wilkins. Wilkins felt good and hit a mid-range jumper.

Looking back, Durant and Green made a long-distance connection in the front and back courts and dunked easily.

The Thunder gradually came into play, and their hand feeling recovered, and the situation was stable. Brooks was no longer nervous, and returned to the bench from the sidelines.

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