NBA super point guard

Chapter 199 Whip Corpse Wright

Two live commentators also started to talk about this in the commentary booth:
"You see, the relationship between Durant and LI must be good. Just now they cooperated again. From this aspect, it is not difficult to see that Kevin Durant finally has a suitable helper!"

"Yes, but LI seems to have a good relationship with everyone in the Thunder team. We interviewed Russell Westbrook before. He said that LI's awareness of passing is at the top level. This is the direction Russell is pursuing. !"

Hearing the praise from the on-site commentary, Li Muhua almost didn't fall down. Many of the Thunder's tactics revolve around these two cores. Li Muhua is quite happy to be given 10-15 calls per game.

Before the commentary was finished, Li Muhua received a pass from Durant and fired again from the outside. Chalmers watched the three-pointer go into the net with a look of horror.

In fact, cooperation means being able to collect data. The easiest data for a point guard is assists and points.

In the Thunder team, the most indispensable thing is the attacker, and the blue-collar player, except for the mascot Collison, is Ibaka. Of course, Ibaka's statistics are very poor. Basically rely on rebounding.

It's just that, without Ibaka's conscientiousness, the Thunder would have a lot of rebounds.

Whether it is a pick-and-roll or an off-ball screen, these are invisible data, and these invisible numbers are needed tactically.

In this game, Li Muhua screened for Durant and screened for Westbrook, which consumed a lot of energy, but at this time, it was easy for his teammates to score.

As for the defensive end, there is nothing to say. Li Muhua had a great advantage against Alston, but it was different against Wright. The living will defend.

After the whole game, Li Muhua scored 15 points, 11 assists and 4 steals, quite versatile.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the Heat withdrew their main players and declared defeat.

At the end of the game, the Thunder beat the Heat 100:81.

Seeing the final score, Wade looked desolate, turned and left the arena.

Before, the media satirized Li Muhua's average points per game. It's not that he doesn't have many offensive methods. It's just that the Thunder has too many talented players. Only the Thunder's three young players can shoot suddenly. , that's just my job.

Li Muhua's performance in the last game was relatively poor, and Li Muhua also knew that in this game, he tried his best to play for his teammates, but he played very well.


Relatively speaking, the overall performance is good.

The best performer of the Heat was Beasley, who made 24 of 13 shots and scored 28 points, 6 rebounds and 2 assists. He felt very good and basically maintained an average shooting rate of 50% per game, which was quite scary.

If Durant hadn't been off the court for a while and Li Muhua couldn't help defend in time, I'm afraid Beasley's score would be 30+.

Wade still played very well, 21 of 10, made a lot of free throws for breakthrough layups, and finally scored 24 points, 6 assists and 8 rebounds.

The two core players played well, but the role players did not play well, and the loss is also reasonable.

There is only core offense, and all the role players are blue-collar. Unless they play super data, it is difficult to win. Facts have proved that Beasley can only be a core player of the Heat, but he is not a suitable second-in-chief and cannot guide the ball. team attack.

In the era when various teams gradually recognized offense, the Heat had not scored more than 90 points. You must know that the Thunder's defense was very average.

In this case, it is not difficult to see that the Heat need to strengthen a lot.

Wright didn't work hard during the game and didn't make Spoelstra angry. When the reporters interviewed after the game, the media pulled Wright out and flogged his body.

"Yes, Dorell has recognized his previous mistakes, and he is now making a positive change. He didn't play this game, maybe it's just a matter of touch. In terms of offense, we have to learn from the Thunder. For example, Dorell is like LI, It's easy to find a vacancy, in fact, Dorrell's chances of making a move today are not good!"

Spoelstra tried to put his words on good terms, and kept making excuses for Wright.

Wright likes to drive drunk, especially if he has been caught not once or twice. When the media sees Wright's poor performance, they will definitely say that this guy must have been drunk again last night, which affected the state of the game.

A player with excellent physical talent can only rely on his talent to play, and the training does not improve his skills. The media did not blame him.

It is not difficult to see from this game that Wright beat the Heat to death, 9 of 1 in the game, including 4 of 0 three-pointers, and the whole game was like sleepwalking.

The point is that the media still compared Li Muhua, and now Spoelstra couldn't sit still.

This is not over yet, the media grabbed Li Muhua's double-double again to make a point.

"Statistics brush? I'm sorry, I don't agree with this statement. LI worked hard in training, and made a lot of contributions to the team on the court. Whether it was covering or running, the data of LI in the first few games was not good. Good looking, only limited by the state of the game. No, LI has never had any off-court influence!"

The media can only use the data to question. As for the style of life, let alone, how can a person who spends every day in the training ground participate in nightclubs or drunken behavior.

In fact, many tabloids found no evidence even when paparazzi were dispatched.

Now that Spoelstra has come up with a comparison, the media will naturally not be polite. It is necessary to provoke a war between the two teams, so that it is in line with the rhythm of ups and downs.

It is well known that physical talent is not good, but as long as you keep working hard and have a positive attitude, you will definitely make a difference. This is Brooks' concluding statement.

The media also had to admit that Brooks had touched on a key point.

For example, Wright's physical talent is drool-worthy. After joining the NBA, he almost squandered his talent, and he was often late for training, not to mention that he didn't even strengthen his shortcomings such as ball control and breakthrough.

As a result, his shooting level is getting lower and lower, and he is almost reduced to a spot-up shooter.

This is simply incredible.

Of course, this kind of situation is very common in the NBA. After getting a good draft ranking and signing a big contract, many talented players start spending money and drinking to death every day. As for the game, it is just an act of mixed salary. Desperate.

If the team wants to have a good record, it must be the hard work of every player, whether it is a role player or a core player. If you don't work hard, then the team's winning can only be a joke.

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