NBA super point guard

Chapter 198 The Tragic Chalmers

Li Muhua was very familiar with this scene, and was very envious of this coquettish style of play.

The Thunder attacked, and Brooks, who was standing on the sidelines, blew his whistle to attract the players' attention, and then shouted and made a gesture. This is the rhythm of the attack. Westbrook immediately understood and quickly entered the frontcourt with the ball.

Li Muhua stepped forward to cover, Westbrook attacked from the right side of the horn area, and Li Muhua came to the left wing.

Westbrook attracted the defense from the strong side, and now the Heat had to separate the defense, which was equivalent to creating distance for Westbrook. Transfer the ball directly to Durant's hands on the other side.

Durant hit a jumper with the ball, and Beasley was a step slower and did not interfere.

Many media commented that Beasley's level is higher than that of Durant. He is an all-around player and has a very high basketball talent. This is almost everyone's approval, but the only downside is that this guy's personality is not a basketball player at all. athlete.

Beasley's playing is completely dawdling, his defensive awareness is relatively poor, and he is not active in training. He is completely two extremes with Durant.

With Durant's scoring methods, Beasley couldn't prevent it at all.

The Heat attacked, and Als still handed it to Wade after halftime. Wade did not choose to break through, but transferred it to Beasley. Beasley passed Green and hit a jumper.

There are no dead ends in the offense. As long as the body is not hard, Beasley's shooting percentage is still good.

The Thunder team attacked, Li Muhua received the pass again, faked the pass, and sent the ball inside Richardson's defense, Westbrook made an air cut and made a layup.

The offensive rhythm is quite fast, and the Heat's defense gradually loosened.

In the past, the Thunder and the Heat had similar offensive methods, relying on stars for continuous singles and less cover.Right now, the Heat's offense mainly relies on Wade's sudden points to complete the offense, while the inside and outside defense is done by Richardson and O'Neal.

O'Neal is all-round offensive and defensive, and Krstic's role in the basket is extremely limited.

The configuration of the Heat is unreasonable at first glance, but this kind of blue-collar team is just right for Wade and Beasley to play.

Beasley made another mid-range shot. Durant's defense was in place, but Wade's breakthrough easily attracted double-teams. As long as a breakthrough was formed, Durant had to assist in the defense, which would easily miss Beasley.

The Thunder attacked, and Li Muhua got open on the outside and hit a three-pointer.

Originally, the insiders had better chances, but with the help of super brain calculations, Li Muhua saw that Kostic's timing of catching the ball might be delayed, so he simply shot by himself. Anyway, he can adjust his shooting gesture at any time, and his hit rate is very high.

The Heat's defensive space has widened, giving them many opportunities to pass the ball. In the first quarter alone, Li Muhua sent out 5 assists.

Thanks to the cooperation of passing and cutting, the Thunder took a 3-point lead in one go.

Wade's role is mainly to break through, which puts a lot of pressure on the Thunder's inside line. More often, it still allows Beasley to run out of the open to score, but the offense is a bit too monotonous. It is always a two-man turn back and forth, which cannot be compared with the Thunder. , especially Beasley's defense, put no pressure on Durant, allowing Durant to score 10 points in the first quarter.

Li Muhua was very low-key, just a little more cooperative.

The Thunder's tactics are mostly passing and cutting, and several players have formed a tacit understanding. It is not difficult to beat the Heat.

Pick-and-rolls, passes, air cuts, the basic process is as good as the textbook. In this case, the Thunder's offense is very smooth. Whether it is Durant or Westbrook, scoring becomes easy.

Among them, Green performed well in the first quarter, 3 of 2. As long as he ran out of opportunities, Li Muhua would definitely pass. Whether it was singles or jump shots, Richardson couldn't keep up with Green.

In the second quarter, Harden and Maynor played, and the Thunder made a big rotation.

Beasley played well in the first quarter, making 7 of 5 shots. In the second quarter, he made 4 of 2 shots, which was in line with the average field goal percentage. On Wright.

Wright's athletic talent is good, but he behaves more like an old man on the court, and he is technically a rough guy.

The shooting gesture was very awkward, and the continuous shooting hit the four irons angrily. Li Muhua wondered if the Heat were looking for the wrong person in their search for a spot-up shooter.

Wade and Beasley supported the game on the court. Harden made 3 of 2 three-pointers. Even if the Heat's two core players were on the court, they still couldn't beat the Thunder led by Durant and Westbrook.

It seems that this game is not difficult to play. Brooks didn't have many on-site guidance, and even put his hand in his trouser pocket a few times and stared at the floor in a daze from the sidelines.

After the start of the second half, Li Muhua replaced Westbrook.

After Li Muhua controlled the ball and entered the frontcourt, he called for a pick-and-roll. Ibaka ran out and stood on the high post. Li Muhua used the screen to break through directly, and then Collison made another screen near the free throw line. At this time, Ibaka was empty Cut to the basket, Li Muhua hit the ground and passed the ball, and Ibaka made a hook.

The backup point guard, Chalmers, was dumbfounded, chasing and blocking all the way, and no one else had time to help defend.

In the air cut after the pick-and-roll, Ibaka played very smoothly as the blue-collar of the team, especially when he was on the court with Li Muhua.

Ibaka came over and clapped hands with Li Muhua to celebrate.

The Heat attacked, Chalmers directly broke through Li Muhua, and then was blocked by Ibaka, Durant assisted in the defense, Chalmers made a panic shot and hit the iron, Ibaka took advantage of the situation and took the rebound, Chalmers wanted to steal , Ibaka handed it directly to Durant.

Durant glanced at Li Muhua, Li Muhua quickly ran to the frontcourt, attracted Chalmers' defense, and then directly set a pick and roll for Durant, Durant threw it inside, Ibaka wobbled and then threw it again out.

After Li Muhua received the ball, there was another open space, and he made a three-pointer.

Chalmers was stunned and kept running with the ball, but missed the three-point line. Spoelstra stomped his feet angrily and directed from the sidelines. This foreign head coach was also very embarrassed in the Heat. As Pat Riley's spokesperson, Wade, Beasley can't be offended, but there is no problem in scolding Chalmers.

Since Li Muhua came on the field, the Thunder's offense has become methodical, and Li Muhua rarely attacks by himself. As long as he can attract Chalmers' defense, it will be of great help to the team.

Shooting needs space, even if there is no coordination and needs to be singles, Li Muhua tries his best to assist Durant to complete the offense.

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