God of Greenery

Chapter 7 Anti-offside

In the next few days, Jiang Xiaolin honestly served the dishes in the restaurant, and went to the team's training in the middle of two mornings.

Amateur teams are naturally not as professional as professional clubs.

Most of the players in the Purmes team are part-timers. Except for the weekend league, it is difficult to fill up the team. Even the 7-a-side training game is difficult to play. Even if a few players come to the training, they practice separately. Take a look at your physical fitness.

Therefore, no one knew about Jiang Xiaolin's changes, and he himself couldn't feel how his off-ball running at 19 o'clock was.

A week later, and another Sunday, Pulmes challenged Bonigum away to a football field about 3 kilometers southwest of Chinatown, not too far away.

Naturally, the Class D amateur team does not have any club buses. Everyone travels from home or work to the competition field by car.

If you have money, you can take a taxi, if you don't have money, you can take a bus, and if you really can't bear the money, you can walk.

The distance of 3 kilometers is actually not far to Jiang Xiaolin, and he can go jogging by himself.But this is the Netherlands, and it's an away stadium that I haven't been to, so I can't find my way.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin could only take a taxi there, keeping the route firmly in mind on the way, and he could walk when he came back, saving a lot of money on the fare.

After arriving at the stadium, the coach and most of the teammates arrived. Everyone changed their clothes and started to warm up before the game.

10 minutes before the start of the game, everyone arrived, and the head coach van der Nuo called everyone to start arranging tactics.

The starting players are not much different from the previous game, only a midfielder has been changed.

Although Jiang Xiaolin scored a goal in the last game, Van De Nuo didn't think highly of him. After all, he didn't know about Jiang Xiaolin's change and thought it was just luck.

As a striker, it takes so many games to score one goal, so it is naturally impossible for people to look up to him.

Van der Nuo's tactics still involved Jiang Xiaolin's feint attack, creating a gap for Hernik, and attacking with Hernik as the end point.

But this time Van der Nuo did not specifically tell Jiang Xiaolin not to shoot easily.

The implication is that when Jiang Xiaolin has a chance, he doesn't have to be polite. He still has to shoot when he should shoot, but he doesn't say it clearly.

This can be regarded as a change in exchange for Jiang Xiaolin scoring a goal in the last game.

At 15:[-], with the whistle of the referee, the game officially started.

Jiang Xiaolin followed the coach's tactical arrangement and tried his best to pull out of the penalty area, hoping to draw Bonigom's defenders out of the penalty area and leave room for Henick to shoot.

But this tactic was unsuccessful.

Although the amateur league does not have as strong intelligence gathering capabilities as the professional league, everyone still needs to ask each other about who the opponent's key players are.

Bonigom paid a little attention and knew that Pulmes's team's top scorer, Henik, should be their main target.

As for Jiang Xiaolin, a 16-year-old Chinese native, he is useless in the eyes of the coaches and players of the Bonigum team, and is not worthy of attention.

Therefore, no matter how Jiang Xiaolin ran, the eyes and attention he attracted were very limited, which could not reduce the defense that Hernick faced much.

After 10 minutes of the game, Henick only got one shot and missed it.

Of course, Bonigum also didn't score, and the two sides were still 0-0.

However, in the 13th minute, an accident happened.

The center back of Pulmes fouled the Bonigum striker in the penalty area and was awarded a penalty.

The opponent achieved it overnight and took a 1-0 lead. Dozens of Bonigum fans cheered on the sidelines, while the Pulmes players were quite depressed.

Only Jiang Xiaolin looked at Bonigom's restricted area, his eyes shining brightly.

After more than ten minutes of practice, although Jiang Xiaolin was carrying out the task of opening the gap for Henike, he found that he always ran into the gap unconsciously, as if it was completely instinctive and involuntary.

Although no teammate passed the ball at that time, Jiang Xiaolin analyzed it himself. If the ball fell to his feet at that time, he could easily form a shot, and the opponent couldn't even interfere: the distance was too far.

Jiang Xiaolin understood the power of running without the ball.

He decided to start asking for the ball next.


Just as the Bonigum team was celebrating a goal and Jiang Xiaolin was about to ask his teammates for the ball, a middle-aged man in his 40s and a car salesman, Kenneth, passed the football field.

Hearing the cheers in the arena, Kenneth, who had just negotiated a deal and was just passing by, tilted his head and thought for a while. Anyway, he's fine now, so let's just watch the football match!
So, Kenneth walked into the field, found a corner step, spread a piece of paper and sat down.

At this time, the game on the field restarted.

When Jiang Xiaolin subconsciously searched for gaps, he ran out of gaps more often.

After all, the opponent was only a team in the Dutch Amateur League D. Jiang Xiaolin deliberately looked for a gap with 19 points off the ball. Naturally, it was easy.

This ability to run without the ball is top-notch in the world.

Therefore, less than 3 minutes after the restart of the game, Jiang Xiaolin ran a gap in the side of the penalty area and shouted to his teammate Lanier holding the ball: "This way!"

Lanier looked at Jiang Xiaolin, then at Henike on the right, and hesitated for two seconds.

It was the two seconds that Lanier hesitated, and the gap Jiang Xiaolin ran out of disappeared.

A defender blocked between Jiang Xiaolin and Lanier, and the chance to pass the ball has disappeared.

Jiang Xiaolin could only sigh and continue running.

He still doesn't have enough capital to make his teammates fully trust him, so he can only take his time.

This attack by Pulmes failed to pose a threat, and finally ended with another midfielder's long-range shot hitting the plane.

However, the off-ball movement at 19 o'clock meant that Jiang Xiaolin would have many opportunities to run out of space when facing an amateur team with no tactical discipline like Bonigum.

Soon, Jiang Xiaolin's opportunity came again.

In the 21st minute, the two sides scrambled for football near the center circle, and four players scrambled together.

Suddenly, kicked by someone, the football rolled out of the crowd and rolled in the direction of Pulmes striker Donimick.

Jiang Xiaolin, who was standing on the left, reacted the fastest. When the ball rolled out of the crowd and rolled towards Donimike, he turned around and rushed towards the opponent's penalty area, pointing his finger in the direction of Bonigom's penalty area Shouted: "Donimic, this way!"

Everyone in the audience heard Jiang Xiaolin's shout, but there was no time to stop it.

Although he didn't trust Jiang Xiaolin very much, Jiang Xiaolin was about to form an anti-offside at this time, and his chances were much better than Henik, who was being watched by two people.

Therefore, Donimick, who heard Jiang Xiaolin's shout, did not hesitate, nor did he stop the ball. Facing the rolling ball, he made a long pass over the top.

The ball soared into the air, flew over the head of a Bonigum midfielder, and fell towards the front of the penalty area.

The moment Donimick passed the ball, Jiang Xiaolin just passed Bonigom's back line and rushed to the ball's landing point.

The linesman did not raise the flag, which was a successful counter-offside.

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