God of Greenery

Chapter 6 Off-the-Ball Running Master

After walking 2 kilometers along the road outside the football field, Jiang Xiaolin returned to the restaurant where he worked in Chinatown, and walked in through the back door.

Most of the chefs, apprentices, and handymen in the back kitchen are Chinese, and they care about Jiang Xiaolin.

Seeing him come back, everyone greeted him and asked:
"Xiaolin is back?"

"How was the game today, did you win?"

"Did you score a goal?"

Jiang Xiaolin smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern. I finally scored my first goal today, and the team also defeated the Hellerburg team with a score of 2-0."

In fact, everyone doesn't care whether Pulmes wins or not. What everyone really cares about is whether Jiang Xiaolin scores a goal.

Now hearing that Jiang Xiaolin finally scored a goal, everyone is very happy for him.

"Wow, finally scored a goal."

"It proves that Kobayashi can still play football in the Netherlands!"

"Although it is an amateur league, it is also a regular match, not a friendly match."

"Come on Kobayashi, you will be a big star in the future!"

After Jiang Xiaolin thanked everyone for their congratulations, he went to the bathroom to take a shower, then threw the jersey into the washing machine, changed into a waiter's uniform, and went to the office of the boss Song Zhicheng on the second floor of the front hall and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Come in!"

Song Zhicheng's voice came from inside.

Jiang Xiaolin opened the door and walked in. When he saw the boss sitting behind the desk, he called out "Uncle Cheng".

Song Zhicheng is over 40 years old, and it is only natural for 16-year-old Jiang Xiaolin to call him uncle.

Seeing Jiang Xiaolin come in with a smile on his face, Song Zhicheng snorted and said with a smile, "The game is over? Why, did you score a goal today?"

You must know that when Jiang Xiaolin's performance is not good, he will change his clothes and start working directly after the game, and will not take the initiative to report to his office.

Jiang Xiaolin scratched his head, nodded and smiled, "Yes."

Hearing that Jiang Xiaolin really scored a goal, Song Zhicheng was very happy, stood up from behind the desk, let Jiang Xiaolin sit on the sofa, and he sat opposite Jiang Xiaolin.

Then, Song Zhicheng said: "Tell me about today's game, how did you score?"

Jiang Xiaolin gave an overview of today's game.

Of course, he couldn't say that he got the system, he just said that he felt that he had opened up his mind, and when he saw the ball flying over, he lifted his foot and pushed the shot successfully like a conditioned reflex.

Song Zhicheng really regarded Jiang Xiaolin as his nephew and junior.

He was very happy to hear Jiang Xiaolin finally scored his first goal in the Dutch Amateur League, and praised Jiang Xiaolin a few words.

However, Song Zhicheng finally told Jiang Xiaolin that the D-League level is too low, and he asked Jiang Xiaolin to work hard, continue to perform well, and see if he has the opportunity to play in the professional league in the future.

Even He Bing is much more advanced than amateur Ding.

Jiang Xiaolin was full of confidence in his career prospects, but he couldn't tell Song Zhicheng.

But he still remembered the new skills in his system.

So, Jiang Xiaolin pretended to be unintentional and asked: "By the way, Uncle Cheng, I overheard a word from my teammates called running without the ball. What does it mean?"

Song Zhicheng said with a smile: "Running without the ball? It literally means running without the ball."

Jiang Xiaolin nodded, and asked again: "Then what is the use of this skill or ability? If the attribute is very high, is there anything special about it?"

Song Zhicheng thought for a while and asked, "Do you know Inzaghi of AC Milan?"

Jiang Xiaolin nodded and said, "I know, in the Champions League final last season, it was Inzaghi who scored twice to help AC Milan defeat Liverpool and win the championship. The scoring efficiency is very high."

Song Zhicheng nodded and said, "Do you know what the media and fans say about him?"

Jiang Xiaolin said: "I know, many people say that he is a speculator and opportunist living on the offside line."

Song Zhicheng shook his head and said with a smile: "You are old history. Now there are quite a few coaches, sports reporters, and senior fans who are more inclined to call Inzaghi a master of running without the ball."

Jiang Xiaolin was taken aback and asked, "What do you mean?"

Song Zhicheng said: "This starts with the function of running without the ball."

Then, under Song Zhicheng's patient explanation, Jiang Xiaolin finally understood what the so-called off-ball running ability is.

To sum it up in the simplest terms, a striker's ability to run without the ball is the ability to find a gap in the opponent's defense and achieve a fatal blow.

Inzaghi, who is not very good in body and technology, can achieve super high scoring efficiency and today's achievements, the main reason is his excellent off-the-ball running ability.

This is the most representative figure of running without the ball.

Of course, there is also Ruud van Nistelrooy, the king of the small penalty area, who is also a super forward who is proficient in running without the ball. They can always find gaps in the opponent's defense.

If the teammates holding the ball cooperate tacitly, understand, and can send a wonderful pass, they can easily score goals, without the need to pass several people in a row or shoot vigorously.

This way of scoring goals has not attracted much attention in the past few years. Everyone prefers Ronaldo's goal of passing several people in a row and riding thousands of miles alone.

And now, Inzaghi's off-the-ball movement has attracted the attention of professionals.

Therefore, Song Zhicheng predicted that due to the increasingly tight defense of professional football teams, in the future football, the ability of forwards and even midfielders to run without the ball will be more and more important, and the requirements will be higher and higher.

Players with higher off-ball running ability and better ability to find opportunities to break defenses will naturally become more and more popular.

After listening to Song Zhicheng's explanation, Jiang Xiaolin finally understood: the striker's off-ball running is the ability to find shooting opportunities, and his own off-ball running is only 7, no wonder it is difficult for him to find opportunities to catch and shoot after the opponent pays attention to it in the second half up.

If the running without the ball is increased to a high level, is it easier to run out of the gap and get a chance to shoot?
His shooting attributes are at full value, as long as there are enough opportunities, he can definitely score goals.

After leaving Song Zhicheng's office, Jiang Xiaolin found a gap to open the system and added all 12 attribute points to running without the ball.

Jiang Xiaolin's off-ball running attribute has changed from 7 points to 19 points, which is close to full value.

Of course, Jiang Xiaolin's attribute points were all used up, not one left.

After finishing adding points, Jiang Xiaolin's basic information and skills become:
Host: Jiang Xiaolin
Nationality: Hua

Age: 16 years old

Height: 182cm
Weight: XNUM X kg
Rating: 1
Experience: 120/200
Attribute Points: 0
Club: Purmes (Netherlands)
Archery: 20
Moves without the ball: 19
In addition, the level gift bag in Jiang Xiaolin's package has also become level 2, which can only be opened when it is upgraded to level 2.

Seeing his shooting skills and off-the-ball running attributes, Jiang Xiaolin couldn't wait, looking forward to the early arrival of next weekend's game.

He wants to try whether his off-the-ball running ability, which has been added to 19 points and is close to full value, is useful, whether it can help him achieve better performance and score more goals.

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