God of Greenery

Chapter 396 Same Attack, Different Results

After Jiang Xiaolin received a pass from his teammate with his back to the goal, the two Zenit defenders Kanishinahi and Vidic Sheer, who were closely marking him, immediately stuck closer.

They kept stretching out their feet trying to poke the ball off Jiang Xiaolin's feet, while sticking to Jiang Xiaolin firmly to prevent him from turning around and shooting.

There were other Zenit defenders staring nervously at Jiang Xiaolin to prevent him from suddenly throwing off the two defenders through his powerful dribbling and direction changing ability to get a breakthrough and turn around and shoot.

In addition, the goalkeeper Malafev was also keeping a close eye on Jiang Xiaolin, also preventing Jiang Xiaolin from shooting.

In fact, Jiang Xiaolin's previous achievements were too scary and too threatening. They were all very careful and cautious when facing Jiang Xiaolin's ball.

Of course, their defensive goal was achieved, because Jiang Xiaolin really couldn't get a chance to turn around and shoot under their close defense.

Even with Jiang Xiaolin's dribbling ability and technique, it is difficult to turn around and shoot when his back is facing the goal in the penalty area and there are two opposing defenders sticking close to interfere with the defense.

Even if the ball is at his feet, it is useless to have the initiative to attack.

However, Jiang Xiaolin himself did not want to turn around and shoot forcibly.

Because Van Gaal conducted a detailed tactical drill before the game, in this case Alkmaar has a better tactical response plan, and Jiang Xiaolin has a better choice, instead of pursuing his own shot when he has to enter the penalty area.

Although he had the best shooting skills, he couldn't get up, hit the goal, and was useless.

It's better to pass the ball to a teammate.

Even if his shooting skills are not good, he is still a professional player at the Eredivisie level.

Once they get a chance to shoot without interference, Jiang Xiaolin's teammates can also score goals.

At this time, with Jiang Xiaolin holding the ball, Alkmaar's other teammates began to drill into the gaps tacitly.

They didn't need to think about whether Jiang Xiaolin could pass the ball.

Because they are not alone, but everyone runs together.

On the one hand, it disrupts the opponent's regional defense system, and on the other hand, it also allows Jiang Xiaolin to have more ball routes.

Around Jiang Xiaolin, Maarten Martens moved laterally from outside the penalty area to the right of the arc top of the penalty area.

But he was accompanied by a Zenit midfielder Scheinlov.

On the right side of the penalty area, Hamdoy rushed left and right, trying to get out of the gap, but he is also Zenit's key target and cannot get rid of the defensive players around him.

On the left side of the front of the penalty area, midfielder David Mendes stepped in, but there was also a Zenit midfielder following him to prevent Jiang Xiaolin from passing the ball to him.

Only on the left side, after Moussa Dembele passed the ball to Jiang Xiaolin, the full-back defending Dembele continued to follow Dembele to cut inward, preventing Jiang Xiaolin and Dembele from colliding with the wall.

In the gap after Dembele's inside cut, Alkmaar's left back Poconioli quietly stepped in, inserted from the side of the big penalty area, and rushed towards the corner of the small penalty area behind Jiang Xiaolin.

When Poconioli inserted into the penalty area, he finally attracted the attention of some Zenit St. Petersburg players.

However, they either have their own defensive targets, or they are too far away.

Only the two central defenders Kanisinnahi and Vidic Sheer who defended Jiang Xiaolin closely were the closest to Poconioli, but they could not give up Jiang Xiaolin holding the ball to stop Poconioli's running position.

They could only continue to work hard to grab the ball from Jiang Xiaolin's feet, or prevent Jiang Xiaolin from turning around and shooting.

But Jiang Xiaolin didn't forcefully turn around and shoot.

He looked to the right side of the penalty area, as if he wanted to pass the ball to Marten Martens or Hamdoy.

Vidic Sheer, who was defending Jiang Xiaolin closely behind him, moved his body to the right involuntarily, trying to stretch his foot to break Jiang Xiaolin's ball from the side, but his open arms, strong physique and balance blocked his attack. Steal.

Just when everyone thought that Jiang Xiaolin was going to pass the ball to Martens or Hamdoy, and the two players defending them were nervously preparing to grab the ball, Jiang Xiaolin suddenly raised his heel and knocked back , Knocked the ball between the legs of Kanisinaki, who was caught off guard, and knocked to the left corner of the small penalty area, in front of Poconioli's running position.

Jiang Xiaolin made an exquisite heel pass in the penalty area without watching Kanisinaki's two-footed position or Poconioli's running position in the penalty area.

This has a certain element of luck, but what is more important is Jiang Xiaolin's full value of creativity and Van Gaal's tactics arranged before the game.

Even without watching Poconioli's running position, Jiang Xiaolin knows that when this happens, when Moussa Dembele cuts in from outside the penalty area, as long as the full-back Poconioli has assisted up , he will definitely insert into the gap in the penalty area on the left.

This is the tactical movement coordination that has been practiced many times in training.

Coupled with Jiang Xiaolin's full teamwork and creativity, it seemed that his eyes were looking in the direction of Martens, Hamdoy and others, but in fact he kicked the ball behind him with a heel pass.

As for the heel kicking the ball through Kanisinah's crotch, there is a certain element of luck, but Jiang Xiaolin also judged the opponent's position based on the strength of the opponent's sticking to his body, and tried to knock the ball between the opponent's legs.

Jiang Xiaolin succeeded.

When Zenit St. Petersburg's defenders and goalkeepers focused on preventing Jiang Xiaolin from turning around and shooting or passing to Martens at the front of the penalty area, or Hamdoy on the right, Jiang Xiaolin's heel pass was both subtle and subtle. Suddenly, everyone was caught off guard.

Poconioli rushed to the corner of the small penalty area, met the ball that Jiang Xiaolin suddenly knocked with his heel, and kicked the ball into the left corner of the goal with a volley.

Although the goalkeeper Malafef was standing to the left of the midpoint of the goal line, he also made a save.

But Jiang Xiaolin's heel pass was too sudden, and Poconioli's shot was too decisive, with a short distance, great strength, and very fast speed.

Malafev's save failed to save Poconioli's shot in time.

The ball flew into the goal like a cannonball before Malafife's palm was in place.

In the commentary seat, Jones, the commentator of Dutch TV, shouted excitedly:


"The ball is in!"

"In the 21st minute, Alkmaar scored the first goal, and the goal was left-back Poconioli!"

"Jiang Xiaolin took the ball with his back in the penalty area, and then suddenly sent a wonderful heel knock pass to the left side of the small penalty area of ​​Zenit St. The position of the corner. Cut in from the wing, and the unguarded Poconioli volleys the close corner without defense."

"Although Jiang Xiaolin didn't score the goal, Jiang Xiaolin deserved the most credit."

"It was he who used his body and dribbling skills to control the ball in the penalty area, and attracted the close defense of the opponent's two defenders, allowing Poconioli to get the space to cut in and have no defense."

"Finally, Jiang Xiaolin's back-heel kick assist was a stroke of genius. It can definitely be included in the top ten assists in the UEFA Cup this season."

The on-site commentators of other national TV stations in the commentary booth, or the commentators in the broadcast rooms of various countries, like the Dutch TV commentator Jones at this time, believed that the biggest credit for the ball was still Jiang Xiaolin.

Although he didn't score the goal, Jiang Xiaolin contributed the most.

On the pitch, the players and coaches of Zenit St. Petersburg think so too.

Although it was Poconioli who scored the goal, they believed that the biggest reason for the conceded goal was Jiang Xiaolin's wonderful heel pass.

This is really surprising.

Therefore, looking at Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates running wildly and celebrating on the field, the Zenit players thought in their hearts that they still have to keep a firm eye on Jiang Xiaolin.

Otherwise, even if Jiang Xiaolin couldn't score a goal by himself, it would be very fatal to pass a wonderful pass like this for an assist.

Next time, everyone should not only defend against Jiang Xiaolin's shot, but also defend against Jiang Xiaolin's pass assist.

Zenit St. Petersburg is preparing to escalate the marking and siege of Jiang Xiaolin.

They are going further and further in the wrong tactical thinking.

Of course, after losing the ball, Zenit must also find ways to counterattack.

Otherwise, if the total score falls behind, Zenit will be more passive even if they return to the home court at that time, and Alkmaar will inevitably fight back defensively.

On the contrary, Zenit St. Petersburg does not have so much pressure to play away games now. If the total score is lost, it will lose. As long as the sneak attack gets an away goal, it is a victory.

Therefore, in the next game, Zenit St. Petersburg continued to firmly mark Jiang Xiaolin while trying to counterattack.

Not only to mark Jiang Xiaolin's personal breakthroughs and shots, but also to mark Jiang Xiaolin's passing routes to other teammates.

Facing a player like Jiang Xiaolin, Zenit St. Petersburg had to both attack and defend, even defending Jiang Xiaolin's pass. Naturally, they didn't have much manpower and energy to strictly defend the other Alkmaar players.

They haven't seen through Van Gaal's tactics yet, and still think that Jiang Xiaolin is the core and end point of Alkmaar's offense.

Speaking of which, Zenit was not very lucky today.

After conceding the first goal, they also played a threatening attack in the 27th minute.

It's a pity that forward Sensov's final cross was pushed slightly above the crossbar by forward Pug Enjek.

Pug Enjek hit the ball almost without defense, but it was a pity that it was even high.

Otherwise, this could really be a valuable away goal.

This can reflect the preciousness of Jiang Xiaolin's header technique.

If Jiang Xiaolin had grabbed the ball, it would have been more than [-]% likely to be pushed in by Jiang Xiaolin.

However, Pug Enjek did not have Jiang Xiaolin's header skills, so he could only hold his head and sigh, feeling that he had missed an excellent scoring opportunity.

The Zenit St. Petersburg fans in the stands also sighed in unison, regretting that Pug Enjek did not score in this header.

However, what made them even more depressed was yet to come.

Just less than 10 minutes after Pugenjek failed the header this time, in the 35th minute, Alkmaar actually played almost exactly the same attack.

The same winger, the same bottom pass, and the same striker fighting for the top in the middle.

Alkmaar winger Steyn Schals made a one-two with Hamdoy, who came to meet him, and then successfully passed the last defensive full-back on the wing.

The ball was impartial, passed quite well, and fell towards the area near the penalty spot in the penalty area.

The landing point was relatively far from the goal, and the goalkeeper Malafef did not dare to attack, so he could only passively wait for the players from both sides to compete for the top.

Jiang Xiaolin showed his superhuman ability in running position, speed, physique, grabbing points, and jumping in this middle road competition.

At the moment when Styne Schals took the ball, he first ran two steps from the top of the arc of the penalty area to the near point of the penalty area, attracting the guards who were closely marking him to follow him forward, for fear that he would grab the ball First place.

However, in fact, Jiang Xiaolin judged by his keen ability to grab the ball the moment his teammates took the ball, that the best place for the ball was not the front point, but near the penalty spot in the middle.

Therefore, his movement is only to get rid of the opponent.

After running two steps forward, Jiang Xiaolin immediately braked and changed direction, and the two steps moved laterally to the vicinity of the penalty spot.

The running position in the penalty area can be lightning-fast and extremely fast. Jiang Xiaolin just moved forward and changed direction, and immediately threw away a defensive midfielder and a central defender who were closely marking him. Only the last one Central defender Carney Sinahi caught up with his change of direction in time.

But even if you keep up, it's useless.

Because Jiang Xiaolin's other abilities are also top-notch, Kanishinahi can't stop Jiang Xiaolin from grabbing the goal at all.

Jiang Xiaolin judged the landing point of the ball before Kanisinashi, took off from the best take-off position, leaped high, and relied on his strong physique and balance ability to compete against Kanisinaki's collision next to him for the top. Facing the air ball passed by teammate Shars, a powerful head shake hit the goal, and the ball was pushed towards the back corner of the goal.

In such a one-on-one attack in the penalty area, Jiang Xiaolin still pushed an angle in the air in the end.

It can be seen that Jiang Xiaolin has a great advantage in the header competition.

Even though Kanisinnashi next to him jumped up desperately, the top of his head could only reach Jiang Xiaolin's neck.

His jumping ability was far behind Jiang Xiaolin's.

This is because Jiang Xiaolin was dragged by him and failed to jump to the highest point, otherwise he would appear even shorter.

On the goal line, the goalkeeper Malafiv kept staring at Jiang Xiaolin, guarding against him getting the first header and making a save immediately.

However, Jiang Xiaolin's header was too tricky this time, and he simply went straight to the back of the goal and hit the dead corner.

Moreover, the header in the penalty area is too close to allow the goalkeeper to have enough time to save.

Even though Malafife made a save, he was still beyond his reach in the end, and could only watch helplessly as the ball brushed against the lower edge of the crossbar and flew into the net.

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