God of Greenery

Chapter 395 The UEFA Cup vs. the Defending Champion

Van Gaal hopes to use Jiang Xiaolin's attractiveness to attract the opponent's defensive attention, and then provide space for other players in Alkmaar to get shooting opportunities to defeat the opponent.

Of course, if it was a set-piece attack, or when Jiang Xiaolin had a good chance, Van Gaal would not let Jiang Xiaolin deliberately not shoot.

In general, Jiang Xiaolin's tactical role in this game is greater than his offensive role.

But the opponent doesn't know.

Even the outside media and fans don't know.

Everyone thought what Jiang Xiaolin said was true, that Jiang Xiaolin really wanted to score at least 4 goals in the two rounds of the quarter-finals and set a new record for the UEFA Cup in a single season.

It can be said that Zenit St. Petersburg was deceived by Van Gaal and Jiang Xiaolin, and they were deceived miserably, even focusing on the wrong direction and tactical arrangement.

Soon, on March 3, with the arrival of the match day, some strong Russian fans began to appear in Alkmaar.

They unscrupulously waved the flag of Russia or Zenit St. Petersburg, and were not afraid of the possible dangers of away games.

Of course, as a former sea coachman, the Dutchman is not afraid of trouble.

Faced with the provocation of the Russians, there were naturally diehard Alkmaar fans who fought back. The two sides almost had a small-scale conflict before the game.

Fortunately, this game is very hot from the pre-match war of words between the two sides. The local police station in Alkmaar has long been prepared. Once there is a gathering of fans, the police team will immediately rush to deal with it.

There are also police from neighboring cities supporting the city of Alkmaar.

Therefore, there was no excessive physical conflict between the two sides before the game, which caused the fans to be injured or something. Everyone just shouted at each other through the police.

Fans of Zenit St. Petersburg are still clamoring that their players will tackle Jiang Xiaolin's leg and make Alkmaar end in a disastrous defeat like Bayern Munich last season, while Alkmaar fans retaliate that Jiang Xiaolin will definitely lead Alkmaar to a bloodbath Niet, let Zenit St. Petersburg go home bitterly, ending the game in the first round.

When the entrance to the stadium was opened, fans from both sides entered the stadium through different channels, just because they were afraid of physical conflicts between the two sides.

After entering the stadium, more than 2000 away fans of Zenit St. Petersburg were also concentrated in one stand, and then surrounded by security and police isolation to avoid conflicts with Dutch fans in other stands.

Of course, although the polar bears are born to fight, they are not so arrogant that they forcibly break through the security in the away game to fight with more than 1 Dutch fans.

They just stayed in their stand area, scolded the Dutch fans across the air, and booed and cursed when the Alkmaar team took the lead, hoping to affect the state of Jiang Xiaolin and Alkmaar.

But these are just the normal operations of the fans, and it doesn't matter to players who are used to seeing big scenes.

Jiang Xiaolin and others focused on warming up before the match.

Zenit St. Petersburg players were also booed and abused by more than 1 Alkmaar home fans when they warmed up. They also did not do anything in return. They warmed up normally like Alkmaar and prepared for the game.

In a real game, it still depends on the performance of the players. The fans who claim to be the No. 12 of the team can play a certain role, but in fact it is not as big as the fans think.

The game still depends on the players from both sides to fight, grab and score goals on the court.

As the game time approached, the AFAS Stadium, which can accommodate 17000 people, was fully occupied. There were still a large number of Alkmaar fans who could not buy tickets in the square outside, but there was no other way.

They can only look at the big screen outside the bar or directly in the square.

Soon, the pre-match warm-ups of the players on both sides ended, and the game was about to start.

After the appearance ceremony and side-picking ceremony, before the start of the game, Jiang Xiaolin opened the system package and double-clicked the team halo to check Alkmaar's overall on-the-spot status.

There is no room for loss in this game.

His original idea was that if the team's state was below 90%, he would spend 10 attribute points to increase the team's on-the-spot state to above 90% to ensure victory.

Unexpectedly, Alkmaar's overall on-the-spot state in this game reached an astonishing 92%.

This is Jiang Xiaolin* seeing that his team is in more than 90% state without him adding a team halo. It seems that Alkmaar's teammates are also eager to win this game and are bound to win!

This situation made Jiang Xiaolin very happy.

In such a state, according to Van Gaal's tactical arrangement before the game, the chances of other players successfully scoring goals should not be low.

It should be no problem for Alkmaar to win at home, it just depends on how many goals they can win.

Anyway, Alkmaar's schedule is unfavorable. In the first round, you must score as much as you can, and you must not be soft!

Since the team is in such a good state, Jiang Xiaolin didn't spend any more attribute points to add.

Anyway, even if there is an accident, there is still a second round of the game that can be saved, and there is no need to increase the overall state of the team to 100% in the first round.

Jiang Xiaolin's attribute points are also very precious, and there will be many times when he will definitely need them for key matches such as the Asian Cup, World Cup, and Champions League in the future.

It cannot be wasted lightly.

With the confidence to win, Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates are about to face the crucial match against the defending champion.


Despite the clamor before the game, Zenit St. Petersburg's ability to win the UEFA Cup last season was naturally not just rushing with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

Facing the top team in the Eredivisie in the away game, and Jiang Xiaolin, the famous scoring machine, is threatening. Zenit St. Petersburg’s goal in the first round is officially a tie and a victory, leaving a greater hope of promotion in the second round. One more showdown.

Therefore, they did not attack rashly after the opening of this game, but put on a defensive counterattack posture from the beginning.

This is a relatively normal tactical approach.

Because the away game is against Alkmaar, which owns Jiang Xiaolin, any team is not suitable to play against Alkmaar, it is courting death.

Zenit's ability to calmly play defensive counterattacks in the away game proves that they have not been completely stimulated by the success of last season to the point of dizziness, and they are relatively calm.

However, in the tactics of defensive counterattack, they made a mistake about who to defend.

There is no doubt that Jiang Xiaolin is the most dazzling star and offensive core in Alkmaar's formation.

Jiang Xiaolin's provocation and shouting before the game according to Van Gaal's orders also caused Zenit St. From the very beginning, Jiang Xiaolin was extremely guarded.

As soon as Jiang Xiaolin entered Zenit's half, at least one person would start to follow him and mark him closely.

Once entering the 30-meter danger zone of the goal, it will become at least two man-marked.

Once in the penalty area, it will become a three-man mark.

Although there was a lot of clamor before the match, Jiang Xiaolin's threat was real.

Therefore, in defending Jiang Xiaolin, Zenit St. Petersburg was [-] points cautious and cautious, not as arrogant as they clamored to beat Bayern Munich.

It's just that their prudence and care are misplaced.

Jiang Xiaolin is not at all the offensive end point of Alkmaar's game, but just a tactical center and an offensive transfer point.

Especially in the 6th minute of the opening game, after Jiang Xiaolin received a wonderful pass from Marten Martens on the right side of the penalty area, he evaded an angle by constantly changing directions and smashing the ball. Misunderstanding Jiang Xiaolin up and down.

Whether it was Zenit's defender or the goalkeeper, they all focused on Jiang Xiaolin, guarding against Jiang Xiaolin's attacks, breakthroughs, running positions, grabbing points, and shooting.

As a result, the marking of other Alkmaar players was relaxed.

Of course, it cannot be said to be completely relaxed.

For key offensive players such as Hamdoy, Maarten Martens, Moussa Dembele, Styne Schals, etc., Zenit still has people to mark or assist in defense. Let them run out of the gap easily.

But because too many people are needed to mark Jiang Xiaolin, each team has only 10 people besides the goalkeeper, so there will be omissions in the marking of other players in the back row of Alkmaar.

For example, with the occasional assists from midfielder David Mendes, the two full-backs Poconioli and Yariens, Zenit St. Petersburg cannot be so thoughtful.

In the 11th minute, Jiang Xiaolin drew the attention of three defenders and the goalkeeper in the penalty area. As a result, Styne Schals, who was holding the ball, did not pass the ball to Jiang Xiaolin, whose back was facing the goal in the penalty area, nor passed it to The other offensive players passed to the space outside the penalty area.

David Mendes, who was inserted in the back row, rushed up and took a long shot. Unfortunately, he fired an anti-aircraft gun high and did not pose any threat.

Therefore, Alkmaar's attack did not attract the attention of Zenit St. Petersburg. Everyone still focused on Jiang Xiaolin, thinking that as long as they kept an eye on Jiang Xiaolin, they could avoid being scored by Alkmaar.

Of course, as the defending champion, Zenit St. Petersburg also has pursuits.

They also want to win and eliminate Alkmaar to advance to the next round, and even succeed in defending the champion in the end.

Therefore, they are not only defensive, but also occasionally counterattack.If they can score an away goal at the AFAS Stadium, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to their strategic and tactical arrangements for the game after they return to home in the second round.

Therefore, while closely marking Jiang Xiaolin and Alkmaar's frontcourt players to prevent Alkmaar from scoring goals, if the Zenit players get the ball, they will also counterattack.

It's just that Zenit St. Petersburg, which plays a defensive counterattack, doesn't have many chances to counterattack.

In addition, Alkmaar also paid great attention to the defense of Zenit's counterattack, and did not give them many successful counterattack opportunities.

In the end, even if the counterattack hits the frontcourt and successfully gets a chance to kick the goal, the players of Zenit St. Petersburg do not have Jiang Xiaolin's shooting skills. They can guarantee to hit within the goal frame and break through Sergio Romero's goal. Ten fingers off score.

From the beginning of the game until the 14th minute, Zenit St. Petersburg played a *slightly threatening counterattack, playing the attack forward, and finally their striker De Ge kicked the ball from the right side of the top of the penalty area in Alkmaar. .

The quality of this shot is not bad, but it missed the post slightly in the end, but it was also good.

If you are lucky and hit within the goal frame, maybe you can really score a goal.

Therefore, Deky's shot won warm cheers from more than 2000 Zenit away fans.

In contrast, Alkmaar, who has been actively pressing the offense from the beginning, seems to be a bit unable to open the situation.

Jiang Xiaolin, who was placed high hopes by countless fans on the spot and in front of the TV, had only one shot in the 15th minute in the first 6 minutes of the game, and he still failed to score.

The fans of Zenit St. Petersburg are very proud.

Jiang Xiaolin, the so-called top scorer in the UEFA Cup, did almost nothing under the defense of their players, which made them very happy, and kept cheering for the Zenit players in the stands.

As long as Jiang Xiaolin has the ball, these more than 2000 Zenit fans will boo and curse loudly and interfere with Jiang Xiaolin.

In fact, this already shows the importance of Jiang Xiaolin.Otherwise, they wouldn't bother booing and scolding an insignificant player!
The Zenit players also felt that they were relatively successful in defending against Jiang Xiaolin. They constantly adjusted their defensive positions, trying to keep a tighter mark on Jiang Xiaolin and not give Jiang Xiaolin any chance to shoot.

It was under such circumstances that the time came to the 21th minute.

Under the opponent's strict marking, although Jiang Xiaolin stood in the penalty area, he still failed to get a chance to face the goal. occupy the position.

Of course, this is exactly Alkmaar's tactical purpose, but the players and coaches of Zenit St. Petersburg don't know it yet.

They just thought that they were successful in letting go, and that they didn't give Jiang Xiaolin the chance to turn around and face the goal.

As a result, at this moment, Moussa Dembele, who broke through from the wing and dribbled inward, passed the ball to Jiang Xiaolin's feet.

Jiang Xiaolin received a pass from Dembele on the left side of the penalty spot in the penalty area, but he turned his back to the goal and it was impossible to shoot.

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