God of Greenery

Chapter 333 Failed Malicious Foul

The score of 7-0, in any football match, can be called a shameful bloodbath for the losing side.

But now, the time when Alkmaar led 7-0 was only the 37th minute of the first half, and the first half was not over yet.

With such a disparity in the score and the situation of the game, even many neutral commentators felt sorry for Waiters.

The problem is that everyone still doesn't know why Alkmaar wanted to catch Waiters and beat him so violently.

In the previous league, Alkmaar has never shown such a side.

Even if they still have the strength to attack, for the long-term battle of the league, they will slow down the attack after leading by two or three goals to save energy for the next game.

Everyone has never seen Alkmaar, who is still attacking wildly after leading by a big score like today, and they said they don't understand.

The Waiters players on the field also expressed their incomprehension.

Moreover, while they couldn't understand, some players couldn't help but feel a kind of mentality of "you won't make me feel better, and I won't make you feel better".

This is because after being bombarded indiscriminately for more than 30 minutes, some players became angry and prepared to go to extremes.

After seeing that the game restarted, Alkmaar still looked like he was killing everything.

Especially Jiang Xiaolin, who ran very actively, constantly looking for opportunities to continue to break through Waiters' goal, which made Waiters' players itch.Among them, some players had the idea of ​​maliciously fouling Jiang Xiaolin and scaring Jiang Xiaolin.

Of course, they didn't intend to abolish Jiang Xiaolin subjectively, because that would easily lead to trouble for themselves.

Jiang Xiaolin had only suffered a serious injury before, and Garay, who had maliciously injured someone, was suspended by FIFA globally, which is extremely uneconomical.

Therefore, the idea of ​​these players is to take advantage of Jiang Xiaolin's previously injured psychology and use exaggerated fouls to scare Jiang Xiaolin away, instead of taking the initiative to abolish Jiang Xiaolin.

Generally speaking, people like Jiang Xiaolin who have been seriously injured or even almost ruined their careers will subconsciously avoid similar malicious fouls, and they will develop fear, for fear of being injured again, and never again. The doctor is not good.

As long as Jiang Xiaolin is scared off, Waiters may be able to withstand the attacks of others in Alkmaar, keep the single-digit score, and avoid being scored by Alkmaar in double-digit goals.

If the conceded goals exceed double digits, it would be really embarrassing.

Under such a guiding ideology, in the 42nd minute, when Jiang Xiaolin took the ball in the middle and was about to dribble through Waiters' midfielder Pugonuni in front of him, Pugonuni suddenly made a shovel, and a ferocious shovel went straight Jiang Xiaolin's right leg came.

Pugonuni's tackle was very skillful. It looked like he was running for the ball, but his foot was raised a little higher. If he didn't pay attention, he would shovel Jiang Xiaolin's right calf.

Pugonuni felt that Jiang Xiaolin would definitely give up control of the ball, take off and dodge, and would be afraid of meeting him in the back.

Because of his ferocious tackle, Jiang Xiaolin might be crippled.

However, what Pugaonuni didn't expect was that Jiang Xiaolin didn't even give up control of the ball in the face of his flying shovel. Tackle the ball.

Then, Jiang Xiaolin got up and jumped away, but it was too late.

After the ball was pushed away by Jiang Xiaolin, Pugaonuni naturally failed to shovel the ball, but shoveled it on Jiang Xiaolin's calf.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaolin took off in time and was not hit by the shovel while standing on the ground. Although his legs were shoveled flying in the air, a lot of force was relieved.

Even so, Jiang Xiaolin was rolled in the air by the shovel before falling down.

As a result, when he fell, Jiang Xiaolin's entire body was pressed against Pugaonuni.Even more coincidentally, Jiang Xiaolin's elbow, which was trying to reach out to support the ground, hit Pugaonuni's forehead with one elbow.

Pugaonuni was caught off guard by Jiang Xiaolin's elbow, and immediately screamed, his head was bleeding.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaolin also fell to the ground, rolling on the ground holding the calf that was shoveled by Pugaonuni.

The situation suddenly became hot.

The Alkmaar players rushed up excitedly, wanting to do something to Pugonuni.

However, Waiters' players also rushed up immediately. Some were protecting Pugonuni, while others rushed to Jiang Xiaolin's side and asked Jiang Xiaolin why he deliberately elbowed Waiters.

Of course, Alkmaar's players immediately protected Jiang Xiaolin.

The two sides began to push each other, questioning and cursing in their mouths, and they were very excited, and they were about to turn into gang fights.

The referee rushed over immediately, and while stabilizing the situation, he greeted the linesman and the fourth official to enter the field, helping him to separate the excited players from both sides.

Then, after checking the conditions of the two players, Jiang Xiaolin and Pugaonuni, he called the team doctors of the two teams to enter the field for treatment.

In fact, Jiang Xiaolin was not seriously injured.

Just now Pugonuni's flying shovel looked dangerous, but Jiang Xiaolin consciously pushed the ball away, causing Pugonuni to be unable to tackle the ball, and he could only shovel him to form a foul situation.

The last time Gary was shoveled in the Olympics because Gary shoveled from behind. Jiang Xiaolin didn't even know that Gary shoveled, and the shovel was aimed at his calf.

But this time Puganoni was different, he shoveled him face to face.

If Jiang Xiaolin wanted to dodge, with his explosive power, speed, jumping, and agility, it was enough to jump up and dodge completely.

Jiang Xiaolin took the initiative to let his opponent shovel him to form a foul, just to get this free kick.

His confidence is that when he jumps up, even if Pugonuni's flying shovel hits his calf, it will not cause much serious injury.

On the other hand, he included two bottles of healing potion in his hole card, which made him not afraid of getting hurt at all.

In case of injury, there is also healing potion as backing.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin took the initiative to let the opponent shovel him to form a foul, and Jiang Xiaolin wanted to win a free kick in the frontcourt for himself.

The result was not as he expected, the injury was not serious.

Of course, his elbow to Pogononi when he landed was indeed an accident. This was not under his control during the process of his body falling to the ground, and it was caused inadvertently.

But as far as the result is concerned, it is not bad. It not only caused the opponent's foul, but also retaliated against the opponent.

The team doctor checked and dealt with it carefully and asked about Jiang Xiaolin's feelings before letting Jiang Xiaolin stand up and take a few steps. Sure enough, there was no major problem. The people on the sidelines, including Van Gaal and Junker, were greatly relieved. .

Everyone is afraid that Jiang Xiaolin will be shoveled by Pugaonuni this time, and the old injury will recur, which may ruin Jiang Xiaolin's career.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaolin was strong enough, so he was not injured.

On the other hand, Pugaonuni on the other side was so dizzy and even bled from Jiang Xiaolin's elbow that he couldn't hold on to the game at all.

The team doctor issued a sign for a substitution.

As a result, when Pugonuni was carried on the stretcher and was about to be carried down, the referee still firmly showed him a yellow card, saying that his malicious flying tackle on Jiang Xiaolin just now was a serious foul and he must be shown a yellow card .

This yellow card caused serious dissatisfaction among Waiters players and fans.

Because in their view, Pugonuni was the victim, and they were all carried down on a stretcher. As a result, at this time, the referee turned out to be inhumane in law enforcement and showed Pugonuni a yellow card.

Fans booed the referee in the stands, while Waiters' players surrounded the referee and asked him to change the sentence.

As a result, the referee not only did not change the sentence, but even took out another yellow card to a Waiters player who was closest to him and was a little suspected of pushing.

Moreover, the referee also warned Waiters' players that the penalty cannot be changed, and whoever is sloppy and interferes with the referee's law enforcement, be careful that he will directly show a red card and send him off.

The serious expression of the referee finally made Waiters' players feel scared, and some rational players pulled them away.

Because Pugo Nuni fouled Jiang Xiaolin with a shovel, Alkmaar won a free kick from the left side of the front of the penalty area about 26 meters away from the goal.

After asking Jiang Xiaolin's opinion and seeing that he had no problem and could take the free kick, Martens, Hamdoy and others backed away and stood inside and outside the penalty area to prepare for a supplementary shot.

Jiang Xiaolin stood behind the penalty spot, ready to take the free kick.

Although he was not injured, Jiang Xiaolin was very angry at Pugaonuni's malicious foul.

He had made trouble for Yu Hai before, and now he maliciously fouled his injured right leg, which made Jiang Xiaolin's hatred for Waiters even higher. Score as many goals as you want, and it is best to score more than double digits.

If this free kick is scored, Alkmaar will lead 8-0. As long as two goals are scored in the second half, the goals will reach double digits, completely nailing Waiters to the pillar of shame.

That would be regarded as revenge for the rest of my compatriots.

Therefore, before the opponent is still lining up the wall and the referee blows the whistle to serve, Jiang Xiaolin is constantly adjusting his physical and mental state, preparing to use all his strength to send a perfect free kick, so that the opponent's goalkeeper Wofulshin couldn't catch it at all.

As long as the angle is sharp enough, the speed is fast enough, and the arc is big enough, it will be useless no matter how good the Waiters goalkeeper Hefulsin is and how many people there are in the wall.

While adjusting his physical and mental state, Jiang Xiaolin observed the human wall and the position of the opponent's goalkeeper Hefulsin, thinking about the position and angle of the goal later.

When Waiters lined up the wall to block the near-end angle, the goalkeeper stood still at the far end, and the referee blew the whistle for free throws, Jiang Xiaolin took a deep breath and started to run.

Jiang Xiaolin's run-up distance was a bit long this time, seven or eight steps in full, and he brought his speed to the extreme. Then he stood on the side of the penalty spot with his left foot, swung his right leg, volleyed, and kicked the ball out.

The ball soared into the air, flew over the head of the jumping wall, drew an arc in the air, and headed towards the upper left corner near the goal.

In fact, before Jiang Xiaolin took the shot, the goalkeeper He Fuerxin had already guessed that Jiang Xiaolin might hit the close corner.

Because Jiang Xiaolin's free kicks are basically hit close corners, and free kicks hit close corners are also the easiest way to score goals.

So, before Jiang Xiaolin kicked the ball, Hefulxin actually started to move towards the near end.

After Jiang Xiaolin kicked the ball out, He Fuerxin immediately judged that Jiang Xiaolin really hit the near corner, and immediately threw it out.

In fact, Wofulshin played quite well in this save.

With the predicted movement and timely saves, if it was Jiang Xiaolin's previous free kicks, He Fuerxin might really be able to save them.

However, this time, Jiang Xiaolin's free kick was a little different.

This time, Jiang Xiaolin had to go in with all his energy for the free kick.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin retreated farther and had a longer run-up, so the ball he kicked out was quite powerful and fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, he flew around the wall and flew to Hefulsin's finger.

Hefulxin's face changed drastically, and he stretched his arms as hard as he could, trying to get the ball out.

In the end, the ball was still ahead of him by a line.

The ball almost flew past his finger, and then drilled into the goal against the post.

He Fuerxin predicted accurately, moved ahead of time, and tried his best to save, but in the end he still failed to save Jiang Xiaolin's free kick.

He Fuerxin felt that Jiang Xiaolin's free kick was a free kick with a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, otherwise the speed would not be so fast, and he would not be able to miss it.

Of course, Hefulsin doesn't want to know the specific speed. He only knows that the goal he is guarding has been pierced by Alkmaar players including Jiang Xiaolin 8 times.

This made him feel deeply powerless.

Just like this save, he tried his best and showed extraordinary saving power, but he still couldn't save the goal from falling.

This made him feel very depressed, and he lay on the ground for a long time without getting up.

The same goes for the other Waiters players, standing inside and outside the penalty area, bowing their heads in frustration.

In the 44th minute, Jiang Xiaolin once again pierced Waiters' goal with a direct free kick. While performing his big four, he also helped Alkmaar lead Waiters 8-0.

This was Jiang Xiaolin's first four goals in an official game between the club and the national team, and he also managed to let the team lead the opponent 8-0, scoring close to the double-digit mark.

Therefore, after scoring this free kick, Jiang Xiaolin also seemed very excited, and rushed to the away fans' stands with open arms to celebrate enthusiastically.

The more than 1000 Alkmaar fans who accompanied the team on the expedition also gave Jiang Xiaolin a warm response.

Everyone excitedly shouted Jiang Xiaolin's name and paid homage to him.

Afterwards, other teammates of Alkmaar also ran over, hugged and high-fived Jiang Xiaolin to celebrate.

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