God of Greenery

Chapter 332 Unbelievable Score

After listening to Dembele's words, Van Gaal and Junker were still at a loss.

But fortunately, they finally knew that the team's onslaught against Waiters had more than its own reasons, rather than rebelling against Van Gaal.

As long as you know what's going on, don't panic.

It is inevitable for the players to be willful once in a while, so let them go!

Thinking of this, Van Gaal suddenly became enlightened, and no longer obsessed with the team's abnormal performance, he sat on the bench for a while, watching the goal performance of his disciples leisurely.

The next game was indeed like a goal performance.

Although Waiters tried his best to defend, but the huge gap in strength, coupled with the ability of Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates to attack, Waiters couldn't stop it at all.

Even if they could defend the penalty area by relying on the superiority of numbers, they couldn't defend Jiang Xiaolin's long shot from outside the penalty area.

Long-range shots are originally the main means of breaking through dense defenses, but the hit rate of other people's long-range shots on the goal frame is usually too low.

But Jiang Xiaolin didn't have this problem.

Whether it's shooting skills, strength, or arcs, Jiang Xiaolin has everything.

Even if the distance was extended to 30 meters, Jiang Xiaolin's long shots were still quite threatening.You know, Jiang Xiaolin once shot a terrifying shot at a speed of 152 km/h.

Since Waiters took advantage of the number of people to defend the penalty area tightly, Jiang Xiaolin naturally withdrew to the outside of the penalty area, and frequently switched positions with the two full-backs. The range of activities covered the entire frontcourt, allowing Waiters' defense Players are simply elusive.

Plus Jiang Xiaolin's physique, speed, and erratic movement.Even if he was close to the mark, sometimes Jiang Xiaolin would turn away in an instant, and then Jiang Xiaolin seized the opportunity.

In the 22nd minute, Jiang Xiaolin was moving on the right side of the frontcourt. Originally, there was a defensive midfielder next to him and a full back to help defend.

As a result, Jiang Xiaolin suddenly stopped twice and changed direction. Using the change in speed and the flexibility of his body, he temporarily threw off the two defenders and ran to the corner of the penalty area to gain a short gap.

Hamdoy, who had just caught the ball with his back in the penalty area and couldn't turn around, pushed the ball over in time.

Jiang Xiaolin didn't even need to stop the ball, he just rubbed his foot and kicked the ball out in an arc, just flew over from the penalty area to block the hole of the center back Hua Xiyazhi's legs, and then drew an arc Line, close to the near post around the goal.

The goalkeeper Hefulsin, who was still in the middle to prevent Hamdoy from turning around and shooting, was caught off guard. When he rushed to the near end, the ball had already flown into the goal in front of his eyes.

In the 22nd minute, Jiang Xiaolin scored twice to help Alkmaar lead Vitesse 4-0 away.

Many Waiters players and fans feel that a three-goal lead also has a history of being equalized and reversed, so it may be understandable that Alkmaar did not relax after a three-goal lead, but continued to attack.

Now that they are leading by four goals, then Alkmaar should be able to slow down the offensive and take a rest, right?
To their horror, however, the four-goal leaders Alkmaar showed no signs of slowing down.

Not only Jiang Xiaolin, who has always been fighting until the last minute, continued to actively fight for positions, but even the other Alkmaar players did not relax at all. Keep scoring goals.

This made Waiters' players very puzzled and felt very aggrieved.

However, no matter how aggrieved they were, they could only bear it. Who made them weak and Jiang Xiaolin hated them again?

Under the leadership of Jiang Xiaolin, Alkmaar continued to attack Waiters' penalty area and goal.

In the 25th minute, the full-back Poconioli made an assist and made a pass from the bottom after hitting the wall with Moussa Dembele on the wing.

Jiang Xiaolin rushed to the middle of the penalty area, attracting a group of Waiters' defenders and goalkeepers.

As a result, Poconioli passed the ball a little higher, even with Jiang Xiaolin's height and jumping ability, he couldn't reach it.

He's over the top.

However, Jiang Xiaolin's fall shook many Waiters players, including goalkeeper Hefulshin.

Everyone focused on Jiang Xiaolin, but the defense at the back point was somewhat neglected.

Another striker, Hamdoy, jumped up from the corner of the small penalty area at the back point with almost no one to defend him. With a flick of his head, he headed the ball into Waiters' far goal.

Goalkeeper Hefulshin tried his best to save, but he was still too far away. He failed to touch the ball and could only watch the ball go into the net.

In the 25th minute, Alkmaar scored a header from Hamdoy and took a 5-0 lead.

This is no longer a big victory, but a bloodbath!

You know, it's only 25 minutes since the game started!
The originally neutral commentator couldn't stand it anymore, and said in the commentary booth:

"Hamdoy scored!"

"5-0, Alkmaar leads Vitesse at home 5-0 away!"

"I don't know why, Alkmaar has a very strong offensive desire in this game, and has never slowed down the offensive."

"You know, according to the habit of the previous games, Alkmaar will generally slow down the offensive after leading by two goals. After leading by three goals, it is basically time to change players and give up the attack."

"But today's Alkmaar looks very abnormal."

"Let's not talk about a three-goal lead, even after a four-goal lead, they didn't show any sign of slowing down their attack, as if they wanted to drive Waiters to death."

"I don't know what the reason is, but it's definitely not a pure competition factor. I think there must be gossip!"

In the stands, many Waiters fans booed and scolded Alkmaar violently, thinking that Alkmaar, the top team, was too much to kill.

Waiters and Alkmaar are not mortal enemies, and they don't have any deep hatred. Why are they so desperate to kill them all?

Even some optimistic fans are still holding a little extravagant hope, thinking that Alkmaar should be satisfied now, right?

5-0 lead and still not stopping, this is the practice of rivals in the same city, but the problem is that Waiters and Alkmaar are not rivals!

Some people still have a fluke mentality and feel that Alkmaar should stop.

However, soon after the game restarted, what Alkmaar did shattered everyone's illusions.

Alkmaar, who is already 5-0, did not slow down his attack because of such a large lead, but still rushed to attack Waiters.

In the 27th minute, Jiang Xiaolin made a wonderful pass from outside the penalty area to the left wing of the penalty area. Left midfielder Moussa Dembele rushed into the penalty area and volleyed the ball without stopping. Unfortunately, the ball missed the post slightly.

Even so, it scares Waiters players and fans enough.

Immediately afterwards, in the 30th minute, Dembele himself broke through from the wing to form a bottom cross.

Jiang Xiaolin rushed into the penalty area to grab a point. When the opponent's defender pulled him away from the ball, suddenly a scorpion leaning forward swung his tail and shot, knocking the ball towards the goal.

It's a pity that although Jiang Xiaolin's scorpion tail is also full of 20 points, all skills are not [-]% able to score goals.

Jiang Xiaolin was unlucky and failed to score a goal this time when the scorpion swayed, and missed the post slightly, which made the more than 1000 Alkmaar away fans who accompanied the team on the expedition and the Alkmaar audience in front of the TV feel sorry.

Otherwise, if a goal is scored, this scorpion wagging its tail is a very wonderful goal.

After Dembele and Jiang Xiaolin himself missed two goals in a row, Alkmaar finally scored again in the 33rd minute.

This time, Jiang Xiaolin's long-range shot from outside the penalty area was saved by the goalkeeper He Fuerxin and turned into a corner kick.

In the subsequent corner kick, Alkmaar failed to grab the first point, and was grabbed by Waiters' defender to push out of the penalty area to clear the siege.

However, the second landing point after the ball flew out of the penalty area happened to land in front of the midfielder David Mendes who was inserted in the back row.

The nearby Waiters midfielder has already rushed over, ready to interfere with Mendes' stop adjustment or shot for the first time.

However, Mendes had no idea of ​​stopping the ball at all.

He looked at the ball falling in the air, rounded his thigh and shot in the air, and kicked the ball back to the goal.

Fortunately, the quality of Mendes' volley is quite high.

Not only the strength, but also the speed, and even the angle.

The ball crossed a parabola in the air, flew over the heads of several players above, and then went straight to the upper left corner of the goal.

Goalkeeper Hefulsin made a save, but faced with Mendez's heavy footed, extremely fast, and tricky volley, he was still beyond his reach in the end. He could only look at the ball against the crossbar in despair. The lower edge flew into the goal.

In the 33rd minute of the first half, David Mendes scored another goal and Alkmaar was already leading 6-0.

At this point, Waiters players and fans are finally desperate.

Everyone can see that Alkmaar seems to regard Waiters as a deadly enemy, and he will never stop until he kills them all.

It will not slow down the offense and release water on Waiters just because of a big lead.

Many Waiters' home fans couldn't stand it anymore and left the field early on their own.

However, the Waiters players on the field were unable to leave the field early, and could only continue to suffer from Alkmaar's indiscriminate bombardment, or even ravages.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, Alkmaar, who has already led 6-0, still has no intention of slowing down the attack. He continues to press hard, constantly passes and cuts, moves and dispatches, trying to tear apart Waiters' defense and continue to score goals.

The players of Waiters can only run and defend as hard as they can, and they don't know when the next goal will be lost.

In fact, it didn't take long before the sixth goal was conceded.

In the 37th minute, Jiang Xiaolin took the ball from the wing and broke through.Facing Waiters' defensive player who was rushing up, Jiang Xiaolin saw the opportunity and made a sudden pass through the crotch, and broke through.

Then, facing the interception of the full-back, Jiang Xiaolin began to dribble the ball laterally.

Whether it was the full-back or the other defensive players in the middle, they all thought that Jiang Xiaolin would definitely dribble horizontally and cut in to shoot.

Therefore, everyone focused on Jiang Xiaolin's lateral dribbling and possible shots.

As a result, Jiang Xiaolin saw that the opponent was so defensive, but when he was close to the corner of the penalty area, he suddenly smashed the ball and killed it towards the bottom line.

Jiang Xiaolin's smash this time shook the player defending him, allowing Jiang Xiaolin to easily break through and go to the bottom line.

And, immediately cut inwards, killing diagonally towards the corner of the small restricted area.

There was chaos in Waiters' penalty area. Two defenders rushed over desperately to block the hole of the gun. The goalkeeper also tried his best to spread his legs and arms to expand the defensive area, hoping to block Jiang Xiaolin's shot.

But is Jiang Xiaolin's shot so easy to block?

20 full-value shooting skills, but it allows Jiang Xiaolin to point to where to hit the penalty spot!
And Jiang Xiaolin's successful breakthrough this time caused the shooting distance to be even closer than the penalty spot, but the angle was slightly smaller.

But it doesn't matter.

No matter how small the angle is, it is impossible for the goalkeeper to block all the routes, otherwise there would not be so many successful small-angle shots in the history of football.

Jiang Xiaolin's superb shooting skills allow him to kick the ball to the angle he wants to the maximum extent.

However, Jiang Xiaolin didn't kick the angle this time.

Before the defender who rushed over from the middle flew forward to block the shooting path, Jiang Xiaolin stabbed the ball straight in front of the goalkeeper.

Instead of sending the ball directly to the goalkeeper, Jiang Xiaolin aimed at the goalkeeper's crotch.

He found that the goalkeeper, Hofulsin, spread his legs too far in order to expand the defensive area.

You know, Jiang Xiaolin is a full-fledged archer, so he can shoot wherever he wants!

What's more, his full crotch piercing skill can also be used at this time.

The accumulation of the two skills allows him to kick the ball almost [-]% on the spot, and kick the ball from the route he expected.

Jiang Xiaolin's self-confidence did not turn into arrogance.

The ball he kicked went out exactly according to the route he expected. It stuck to the turf and passed between the legs of goalkeeper Hefulsin in an instant, and got into the goal behind him.

Although Hefulxin realized something was wrong the moment Jiang Xiaolin shot, he closed his legs and sat down on his buttocks, trying to catch the ball.

But it turned out to be too late.

The ball went into the goal behind him, and Wofulshin sat down on the ground, but it was of no avail.

In the 37th minute, Jiang Xiaolin started from a breakthrough from the wing, cut inward, broke through, and slashed all the way to the bottom line, and then shot through the crotch at a very small angle, and kicked the ball into the goal from between the legs of goalkeeper Hefulsin. While completing his own hat-trick, he also helped Alkmaar take a 7-0 lead.

You know, the first half is not over yet!
Alkmaar is already leading 7-0 in the away game.

Whether it was on the spot or in front of the TV, many fans were dumbfounded.

Even Alkmaar fans feel a little unreal.

Such a disparity in the score at this point in time makes it hard to believe my eyes.

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