God of Greenery

Chapter 223 Van Gaal's Bombardment

Although Jiang Xiaolin did not lead his team to victory in the match against Nijmegen, in fact this match was only the first round of the final, and there was still a second round left. Alkmaar could not say that he had completely lost.

Secondly, both Alkmaar and Jiang Xiaolin encountered great difficulties in this game.

Whether it was an own goal or the referee's two serious misjudgments, as well as the defection of the striker Lens who was loaned out by his own team, it was a great test for Jiang Xiaolin and Alkmaar.

Under such extremely harsh and difficult circumstances, Jiang Xiaolin was still able to fight until the last moment and scored an earth-shattering ultra-long-range lob goal, helping Alkmaar narrow the gap to two goals and retaining the first place for Alkmaar The hope of reversing the comeback in the second round.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaolin's shocking lob shot in stoppage time also reversed the morale of Alkmaar players and fans.

In view of such performance and role, the system gave Jiang Xiaolin's performance in this game a "perfect" system rating.

As a result, Jiang Xiaolin has a new understanding of the system's rating function: the system's evaluation of his performance is not just a goal-only theory!
Afterwards, Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates interacted with nearly 2000 Alkmaar fans who accompanied the team on the away game.

In fact, judging from Alkmaar's 2-4 loss to Nijmegen, Alkmaar was a complete failure, and it was not qualified for the away fans who had worked so hard to accompany the team to applaud the players.

However, everyone knows that the score in this game is behind, the players are not to blame, it is just because of bad luck and the referee is too fucked up.

If there were no own goals and two huge misjudgments by the referee, Alkmaar would be more likely to win.

Even if they don't win, at least they can get a draw in the away game and retreat unscathed.

Therefore, the fans did not mean to blame everyone for the loss at all. Instead, they continued to applaud and cheer, encouraging the big players to cheer up and strive for victory in the second round.

Of course, the low morale and performance of the players other than Jiang Xiaolin in the second half was not very good. The fans only gave them encouraging applause and cheers.

But for Jiang Xiaolin, who never gave up and was still fighting until stoppage time and scored goals, the fans' perceptions were quite different.

Jiang Xiaolin's performance really conquered the fans and made them feel admirable.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin naturally became the person in the team who received the most applause and cheers from the fans.

Everyone understands that if it weren't for Jiang Xiaolin, Alkmaar would be three goals behind Nijmegen, and he could almost declare himself out of the final.

It was Jiang Xiaolin's spirit of never giving up and never giving up that scored a shocking lob in stoppage time, keeping Alkmaar's hope of a comeback in the second round.

This kind of performance allows the system to give a "perfect performance" rating, which is naturally worthy of applause and cheers from all fans.

After celebrating with the fans for a while, all Alkmaar players returned to the locker room.

When passing by the player tunnel, some media reporters wanted to interview Jiang Xiaolin, Ya Liens and others, asking them about their views on the referees of this game.

But when the players interacted with the fans just now, the assistant coach Juncker told everyone that Jiang Xiaolin and others should not be interviewed later, and the head coach Van Gaal would bombard the referee.

The task of the players is to concentrate on the game without being disturbed.

Therefore, when Jiang Xiaolin and others passed by the players' tunnel, they hurried past without being interviewed, and went straight back to the locker room to take a shower and change clothes.

What the media reporters want to ask, Van Gaal will definitely express his opinion at the post-match press conference.

Even if the reporters don't ask, Van Gaal will definitely bombard some of the referee's judgments in this game.

Therefore, seeing that no players from Alkmaar were willing to be interviewed, the reporters did not bother too much.

Everyone rushed to the post-match press conference hall. They all knew that even if the players didn't say anything, Van Gaal would definitely fire at the referee team.

Sure enough, not long after the reporters rushed to the press conference hall, Van Gaal walked in and sat down on the chair on the rostrum.

Before the press officer from Nijmegen could say anything, Van Gaal took the lead, picked up the microphone and started to speak.

When the reporters saw it, they were all excited. They knew that the big news they needed was about to start.

Sure enough, just listening to Van Gaal holding the microphone and speaking, he bombarded the referee team of this game:

"Thank you, friends from the media, for being here, ready to listen to some nonsense from me. I have some opinions on the referee team's law enforcement in today's game."

"What I want to say is: the referee and the linesman of this game, are you blind?"

Van Gaal paused when he said this, and the reporters in the audience suddenly had a collective climax.

Sure enough, what Van Gaal said was so explosive that he actually greeted the referee and the linesman directly at the post-match press conference and asked them if they were blind.

It is relatively rare for the head coach to directly greet and insult the referee.

Because most people dare not offend the referee, fearing that disaster will come out of their mouths.After you've had a good time scolding this time, what if you are targeted by other referees with the same hatred in the subsequent games?
Isn't that taking the initiative to let your team fall into dire straits?

Therefore, after many head coaches feel that they have been treated unfairly by the referee team, they usually complain and question a few words.

It is really too rare for Van Gaal to greet the referee team so boldly.

Although the game started at 20:22 tonight, it has already passed [-]:[-], but the reporters can predict that the post-match turmoil of this game will explode tonight.

Then, Van Gaal on the rostrum went on to say:

"In today's away game, our luck was not very good. The first goal we conceded was an own goal. We have nothing to say about this. Bad luck is bad, and we can't blame others."

"However, what happened when we lost the second ball? I think anyone with eyes can clearly see through the TV playback that it was Hemu who stretched out his feet and hung them on the ground. Cotto Moreno fell on his foot, he was an unmistakable dive and deliberately tricked the penalty."

"I stand on the sidelines, and I can see clearly from such a long distance. The referee is so close, can't he see it?"

"So I said that the referee is blind, not without basis."

"Of course, sometimes we make mistakes on the football pitch, it's inevitable, that's part of football."

"If it was just a misjudgment, I would not be so angry, and I would not say that the referee was blind."

"The reason why I said the referee and the linesman were blind is that they misjudged Jiang Xiaolin for the second time."

"Jiang Xiaolin made such a successful anti-offside and scored a one-handed goal. They actually said that Jiang Xiaolin was offside and blew it out."

"There were two major misjudgments in one game, and they directly affected the score. Such referees, apart from being blind, I don't know why they are."

"I suggest that the Football Association provide medical examinations to the members of the referee team who enforced today's game, and let them go to an ophthalmologist to treat their blind eyes before they can enforce the football game."

Van Gaal vented cracklingly, which made the reporters too excited to record Van Gaal's speech.

After Van Gaal finished the call as if venting himself, the reporters started scrambling to raise their hands to ask questions, wanting to get more breaking news about Van Gaal.

Basically, every question Van Gaal answered with anger.

The more the reporters listened, the more excited they became. There were too many hot spots in today's game.

In addition to the referee's misjudgment, the reporters also asked Van Gaal's opinion on Jiang Xiaolin's last ultra-long-range lob.

For this goal, Van Gaal is naturally extremely praised.

Van Gaal said that he did not expect Jiang Xiaolin to be able to score such an ultra-long-range lob with a distance of more than 70 meters after entering stoppage time.

Therefore, he thought that Jiang Xiaolin's performance today was very good.

If it wasn't for the referee's misjudgment, Jiang Xiaolin would have staged a hat-trick today.

For Jiang Xiaolin, this should have been a perfect away game, but it was ruined by a blind misjudgment by the referee team.

While Van Gaal was answering questions from the reporters, Nijmegen's head coach brought their captain into the press conference hall and sat on the rostrum.

However, what is embarrassing is that the media reporters in the hall basically ignored them, and continued to catch Van Gaal asking questions, trying to squeeze out more news.

The answers given by Van Gaal basically pointed to the fact that Nijmegen was not honorable to win, and the game was won by the blindness and misjudgment of the referee team.

Van Gaal said that returning to Alkmaar's home court in the second round, Alkmaar will definitely reverse the situation and defeat Nijmegen to qualify for the UEFA Cup next season.

Everyone can see the referee's misjudgment, even the head coach and captain of Nijmegen have nothing to say about it.

Of course, from their point of view, they are the beneficiaries, so it is impossible for them to blame the referee team.

They just told the reporters that they couldn't judge whether the referee's judgment was correct or not. Anyway, the game was over, and they had to concentrate on preparing for the second round of the game, that's all.

Van Gaal sneered at this, saying that it was not honorable for Nijmegen to win the game by the referee's deflection and misjudgment, and it was not a real advantage.

The gap of two goals, after Alkmaar returned to the home court in the second round, Nimegen will definitely realize the real strength gap between the two teams.

The head coach of Nijmegen laughed at Van Gaal for not being able to afford to lose, and blamed the referee for losing the game.

You know, they are leading now, and they are not one goal ahead, but two goals ahead.

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