God of Greenery

Chapter 222 Behaving Perfectly

In addition to the fans, the commentators on the commentary booth were also very excited.

Seeing Jiang Xiaolin shoot from a distance of more than 70 meters from Nijmegen's goal in the backcourt, the TV commentators in the commentary booth actually opened their eyes wide.

Some commentators even stood up when they saw that the ball was flying in the correct direction and directly towards the goal behind Babos.

The commentators became more and more excited when they saw that Babos's retreating speed could not keep up with the falling speed of Jiang Xiaolin's ball.

Then, under everyone's wide-eyed gaze, watching the ball rush into the goal ahead of Babos's save, the commentators on the commentary booth all grabbed the microphone with their hands, put it to their mouths and hissed hard. roared.


"The ball is in! The ball is in!"

"My God! Jiang's ultra-long-range lob shot went in!"

"Great goal!"

"Genius goal!"

"The distance of this ball exceeds 70 meters by visual inspection!"

"It's farther than Beckham's shocking long shot of 64 meters!"

"Alkmaar's super striker Jiang scored an ultra-long-range lob goal from a distance of more than 92 meters in the 70nd minute of stoppage time."

"This is a classic goal enough to be selected as the world's best goal of the year!"

"Jiang Xiaolin has accomplished a seemingly impossible task."

"He finally scored his second goal of the game for Alkmaar in the 92nd minute of stoppage time, closing the gap on Nijmegen to just two goals and scoring two goals. Away goal."

"With a score of 2:4, plus two away goals in hand, after returning to home in the second round, Alkmaar only needs to play 2:0 or 3:1 against Nijmegen, and they can still rely on away goals. advantage to qualify for the UEFA Cup next season."

"Jiang kept the hope of the second round for Alkmaar, and the final has not been killed yet!"

"Moreover, with this goal, Jiang scored twice in this game again."

"If it wasn't for the late joining of Alkmaar and the relatively few Eredivisie matches this season, I believe that Jiang Xiaolin will definitely win the top scorer of the Eredivisie this season."

"Jiang Xiaolin's future is bright."

When the commentators were excited and frantically explaining Jiang Xiaolin's ultra-long-range lob goal, Jiang Xiaolin himself was a little too excited.

Today's game can be said to be the most depressing and aggrieved game he has played since he was possessed by the God of Greenery system.

The referee kept making misjudgments and directly changed the score, which filled Jiang Xiaolin, who is usually peaceful, with anger, and wished he could fight the referee.

But the reality does not allow him to really play the referee.

So Jiang Xiaolin felt very depressed and angry.

But now this goal has become Jiang Xiaolin's vent.

Even if Jiang Xiaolin judged it himself, this ball was quite exciting, even more exciting than his long-distance attack in the last round.

Therefore, after finishing the shot and seeing that the ball fell into the goal ahead of Babos, Jiang Xiaolin turned around and rushed towards the stands where Alkmaar fans gathered on the sidelines. He slid and knelt down in the stands to celebrate passionately.

This is the first time that Jiang Xiaolin, as a Chinese who is more introverted than Europeans, made such a celebration, which made the Alkmaar fans in the stands even more crazy.

Afterwards, the players from Alkmaar rushed up, crushed Jiang Xiaolin to the ground and piled up Arhat, celebrating fiercely.

Even goalkeeper Sergio Romero ran up to celebrate with everyone.

Everyone was so excited.

When everyone thought they would definitely be eliminated by Nimegen, Jiang Xiaolin actually scored such a ground-breaking ultra-long-range shot in stoppage time, which really excited the players of Alkmaar up.

You feel hopeless when you are three goals behind, but when you are only two goals behind, it feels completely different.

In the case of Jiang Xiaolin, returning to the home court of Alkmaar in the second round is definitely hopeful for a comeback, and the hope is great.

Already feeling desperate, Hamdoy, Maarten Martens and others suddenly felt alive, so everyone threw Jiang Xiaolin to the ground and celebrated fiercely, even the goalkeeper Romero participated Come in.

In addition to the players on the field, the off-field substitutes and temporary conductors Junker, Alfred and others also celebrated enthusiastically.

Everyone also felt alive from the abyss of despair, and admired Jiang Xiaolin's imaginative ultra-long-range and shocking long-range shot.

At that distance, many people don't even think about shooting.

Jiang Xiaolin not only thought about it, but actually did it, and really did it.

This is really astonishing, even as Jiang Xiaolin's coach and teammate, I feel very incredible.

As for the players of the opponent Nimegen, they were even more shocked and frightened. The goalkeeper Babos, who fell into the goal together with the ball, even stared at the bouncing ball in the goal for a long time.

Even the referee was stunned for a long while before reacting and blew the whistle for a goal.

Jiang Xiaolin and his teammates celebrated for almost a minute before returning to their own half to wait for Nimegen to kick off in the middle circle.

After the game restarted, some Nimegen players wanted to attack and score again, but Jiang Xiaolin's ball just now made everyone very frightened and confused, resulting in insufficient attack power.

Alkmaar seized the opportunity to re-solidify the defense.

Now, Alkmaar's morale has been greatly boosted by Jiang Xiaolin's goal. Everyone dares to fight hard, and they are not as absent-minded and numb as before.

Because the celebration time of Jiang Xiaolin's goal was too long, the referee added more than 1 minute of stoppage time, so that Nimegen, who was playing at home, had enough time to attack.

Although such behavior was booed and abused by Alkmaar away fans, it is actually a normal operation.

Generally, when a goal is scored in stoppage time and the scoring team takes a long time to celebrate, the referee will appropriately extend the game time.

Nimegen took advantage of this time to launch another crazy counterattack, trying to score another goal to offset the impact of Jiang Xiaolin's stoppage time goal.

However, the players in Alkmaar have already woken up because of Jiang Xiaolin's super long shot, and their morale has been boosted.

Under the united defense of everyone, and Jiang Xiaolin retreated to the vicinity of the penalty area to participate in the defense, even though the referee added more than 4 minutes of stoppage time, Nimegen did not score any more goals.

At the 94th minute and 20 seconds of stoppage time, amidst the boos of nearly 2000 Alkmaar away fans, the referee finally blew the whistle for the end of the game.

Immediately, the fans of Alkmaar and Nijmegen burst into applause at the same time. The players of Alkmaar and Nijmegen did not leave the field, and they all went to their fans stands to interact with the fans to celebrate.

After all, Nijmegen is home, and the applause and cheers of the home fans are much louder than Alkmaar.

After Jiang Xiaolin scored a goal, the Nimegen fans finally figured it out. They were the winning side, and they won two goals 4:2.

Therefore, they cannot show disappointment, they must applaud their team, thank them for their hard work and dedication, and hope that they will continue to maintain this level in the second round, and finally eliminate Alkmaar and win Qualification for the UEFA Cup next season.

Especially forward Lens, who was loaned from Alkmaar, was one of the main contributors to winning this game.

Coupled with Lens' special status, Nijmegen fans gave Lens the most applause and cheers. They wanted to use Lens to stimulate Alkmaar's players and fans, making them hate Lens and make them feel angry. Lens can't go back to Alkmaar for good.

However, Alkmaar fans didn't care at all.

If they were a little angry before, they don't care much about Lance now.

Because Alkmaar has Jiang Xiaolin.

One Jiang Xiaolin is worth countless Lances.

As long as Jiang Xiaolin is around, Lance and the like, it's best to stay away.With Lance's grades, he wasn't even worthy of lifting Jiang Xiaolin's shoes.

This is the voice of countless Alkmaar fans at this time.


After the referee blew the final whistle, Jiang Xiaolin also received the game reward issued by the system.

Jiang Xiaolin only scored 2 goals in this game and did not win, so his basic experience is 2 experience points for 4000 goals.

In terms of game ratings, Jiang Xiaolin only got good rating experience based on scoring two goals in previous games, and believes that he will only get good ratings in this game.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the system gave him a rating for the game not only not good, but not even excellent, not excellent, but perfect.

Perfect system rating with a rating factor of 5.

Therefore, even though Jiang Xiaolin didn't win and scored only two goals, he still got a final experience reward of 4000*5=2 in this game.

With the training experience of the previous two days, Jiang Xiaolin's level experience rose to 16/7.13 for level 20.

Of course, 2 experience points is not a lot for Jiang Xiaolin now.

He was shocked that he only scored two goals, and his team also lost, how could he get a perfect system rating.

This was Jiang Xiaolin's first perfect game rating since he started the system rating function, and he was stunned.

Then, after asking the system, Jiang Xiaolin found out that the system rating is not simply judged by goals, assists, and winning or not, as Jiang Xiaolin thought.

The system will evaluate the host based on the importance of the game played by the host, the performance of the host in the game, the leadership role of the team, and other aspects, rather than simply rating based on goals and assists.

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