Generally speaking, it is no problem for a professional player to hit a hundred or eighty tops, and an excellent player can hit a few hundred without falling.

But Jiang Xiaolin's juggling skills on the training ground were really bad, only ten or twenty, never more than thirty, and he was about to drop.

When you are unlucky, if you don't even get ten, you have to lose it.

This kind of performance naturally fell into the eyes of other players, and everyone couldn't help talking about it.

"How can it be possible to score five in one game with this kind of ball feeling? Even in amateur games, you can't do it!"

"I heard that not only scored five in one game, but others scored eight in two games!"

"I suspect that Philip is bragging. Did Philip charge this kid for favors?"

"Hey, I don't know about that."

"Hua people, it's better to play table tennis! Football, I think it's fine."

The members of the coaching staff standing on the sidelines also felt a little angry. They felt that Jiang Xiaolin's level was an insult to Alkmaar and professional coaches like them.

Didn't Philip cram players of this level into the trial training, deliberately disrupting and embarrassing them?
During the dribbling and breakthrough training, Jiang Xiaolin's performance was also unbearable to witness.

Amateur in dribbling, easily steals the ball, and can't break through alone.

Even Van Gaal, who had been patient, was a little angry.

Although Philip vaccinated him in advance, he said that apart from Jiang Xiaolin's good physical fitness, excellent off-ball running and shooting skills, his other skills were relatively poor.

But Van Gaal thought that there is a bottom line no matter how bad it is, at least it should meet the basic requirements of professional players, right?
Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaolin was so poor that he was completely amateurish.

With this level of technology, isn't it the opponent's undercover agent on the field?

If you don't pass the ball to him, it's equivalent to fighting with one less person on your side, ten to eleven.

Pass the ball to him, maybe he will stop, or pass the ball wrongly, and give the ball to the opponent.

Even if he stops well and doesn't pass it out, he may take the ball out of the sideline or the baseline by himself.

In the top league, it is impossible for a striker to just catch the ball and shoot, and there are not so many gaps and opportunities for you to shoot.

Most of the striker's touches also need to cooperate with teammates in the midfield, run, pull, pass and catch the ball, and tear the opponent's defense line during the passing and running, and a fatal blow.

Jiang Xiaolin's technical foundation does not meet the basic requirements for signing with Alkmaar at all.

However, remembering what Philip had repeatedly stated to him about Jiang Xiaolin's superb shooting skills, Van Gaal decided to take a look at Jiang Xiaolin's shooting skills before talking about it.

Therefore, in the afternoon, Van Gaal specially arranged for Jiang Xiaolin and the main goalkeeper Joey Didulica to conduct comprehensive shooting and goalkeeping training, and warned Didulica not to release water before the training started.

He wanted to see Jiang Xiaolin's real shooting skills.

If his shooting skills were really good, he might reconsider signing Jiang Xiaolin.

If you can't even pass the marksmanship, then you are really useless. No matter what Philip says, he can't sign Jiang Xiaolin.

For Didulica, regardless of whether Van Gaal has warned in advance, it is impossible for him to release the water.

He didn't know Jiang Xiaolin either.

Therefore, Didulica is ready to go all out, and he still has to rely on his performance in training to continue to maintain his position as the main goalkeeper!
As for Jiang Xiaolin, seeing this shooting practice, he was already eager to try.

This is his forte!

He is well aware of the contempt and criticism from the coaching staff and players.

If he doesn't show his strengths, he suspects that he will be rejected again.

The comprehensive training of shooting and goalkeeping is exactly what he wants.

The groundsman dragged a basket of footballs, and under Van Gaal's instructions, he placed a row of twenty footballs on the penalty area line, one every two meters.

After the ball was placed, Van Gaal asked Jiang Xiaolin to shoot, and the goal was guarded by Didulica.

Van Gaal needs to look at Jiang Xiaolin's goal frame hit rate, goal rate, shooting power, arc and other indicators in various positions under the guard of the goalkeeper. By the way, he also needs to observe the state of the goalkeeper Didulica.

After everything was ready, Jiang Xiaolin started to shoot, and other coaches and players also set their sights here.

Everyone has heard Philip's evaluation of Jiang Xiaolin, saying that Jiang Xiaolin's other skills are poor, except for his off-ball running and shooting skills.

Everyone wanted to see for themselves whether Philip was telling the truth or not.

If the shooting skills are really superb and the scoring efficiency is high, it is not impossible to stay in Alkmaar as a striker.

After all, what Alkmaar lacks now is a striker.

Jiang Xiaolin was also ready to shoot.

His dominant foot is right, so start with the ball on the far left placed in the corner of the penalty area.

The corner of the penalty area is actually far away from the goal, which is considered a long shot.

But Jiang Xiaolin has no right to bargain.

Fortunately, his physical fitness brings a lot of strength, and his shooting speed is very fast. Even if the distance is relatively long, it will not allow the goalkeeper to have too much time to deal with it calmly.

The only regret is that he didn't get the long-range or arc skills, so that his shooting path is relatively straight and unchanged. It is much easier for the goalkeeper to deal with than the arc ball.

But at this time, I can't control so much, I can only use my existing skills to impress Van Gaal.

Standing four or five meters behind the ball, Jiang Xiaolin looked at the goal blocked by the goalkeeper, took a deep breath, and started to run.

Didulica squatted down, ready to make a save.

As far as Jiang Xiaolin's previous skills were concerned, Didulica didn't think he could hit any good shots.

As for the ball within the range of the goal frame, Didulica is confident that he can save it.

Originally, the shot from the corner of the penalty area was relatively far away, coupled with the angle of inclination, and there was no interference from other people like in the game, Didulica was confident that Jiang Xiaolin's shot would not break through his defense.

On the opposite side, Jiang Xiaolin, who started the run-up, rushed behind the ball in a few steps, supported it with his left foot, concentrated all his strength on his waist and abdomen, and then transmitted it to his right foot through his thigh, straightened his instep, and slammed his foot on the football.

The football left the ground in an instant and flew towards the near corner of the goal like a sharp arrow against the grass.

Didulica jumped down after the football left Jiang Xiaolin's feet and the path of the ball was clear.

Because of the relatively long distance, he thought he could catch it.

Unexpectedly, the speed at which he fell to the ground was slower than the speed at which the football was advancing.

Before his hands could touch the ball, the ball had scuttled from under his palm against the turf into the near corner of the goal behind him.

Didulica, who fell to the ground, turned his head and looked at the ball still bouncing in the goal, a little dazed.


I thought it was a ball that was caught by hand, but I didn't expect Jiang Xiaolin's shot to be so powerful and the ball was so fast that he missed it.

The first ball was taken off by Jiang Xiaolin, and now he was ashamed and humiliated!

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