God of Greenery

Chapter 19 Horrible

After Philip and Song Zhicheng left, Van Gaal said to Jiang Xiaolin, "Jiang, join the team and train with everyone in the next few days."

Jiang Xiaolin responded, walked to the edge of the second row and stood up.

The players looked at Jiang Xiaolin with some curiosity, and inevitably wanted to discuss and mutter something.

However, Van Gaal did not give everyone time to discuss, but immediately clapped his hands, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said:
"Today is the first day of training after the new year. I shouldn't have said these spoiling things. However, it's impossible not to say it."

"Everyone knows that our results in the first half of the season were terrible. Since the second round of the league, we have not entered the top five in the standings. When we ranked the lowest, we dropped to 2th, and we are not far from the relegation zone. "

"The UEFA Cup was also eliminated in the group stage and failed to enter the knockout round."

"You know, in the past few seasons we were all the top three teams in the Eredivisie. Why did we play like this this season?"

"I admit that after Avelas left, it had a certain impact on our attack power, but this is not a reason for everyone to give up on themselves. Don't you all rely on Avelas' thigh to get into the Eredivisie League? "

It is naturally impossible for everyone to admit this, and several people immediately replied: "No!"

Van Gaal frowned and said, "Where are the others? Answer me together, louder!"

This time it was neat, and all the players shouted loudly: "No!"

Although Jiang Xiaolin has just come to the trial training and has not officially joined Alkmaar, he already regards himself as a member of Alkmaar in his heart.

Hearing Van Gaal say this, he felt the same way, and he yelled "No" together with everyone, causing many people to glance at him and nod in appreciation.

Regardless of the results of the trial training, at least Jiang Xiaolin's attitude has indicated that he will advance and retreat with everyone.

Van Gaal nodded and continued: "Since this is the case, everyone must be mentally prepared for the second half of the season. We must redouble our efforts to chase points. Next, Junker will arrange today's training content."

Junker was Van Gaal's assistant.

Originally, today is the first day of training after the winter break, and it should be mainly restorative training. The players move their muscles and bones to restore their physical condition, and do not do excessively high-intensity training.

But the team's performance was too poor and the situation was too severe, so there was no time for everyone to waste it slowly. The coaching staff decided to conduct regular training from the first day.

Of course, there are still no high-intensity events, no matter how anxious you are, you can't train the players, right?

For example, there is no team training match today.

Basically, it focuses on physical fitness, agility, coordination, jumping, stopping, and passing training.

After Jun Ke finished arranging today's project and before the training started, the electronic sound of the system suddenly sounded in Jiang Xiaolin's mind, and the system issued the third task to Jiang Xiaolin.

Task 3: Sign Alkmaar
Task requirements: Pass the trial training and sign a professional contract with Alkmaar.

Reward: 2000 experience points + scorpion wagging tail (special skill)
The experience value is nothing, and the scorpion knows it, but what does the special skill mean?
Jiang Xiaolin asked the system in his mind and got the answer: special skills are specific skills that are different from general skills such as shooting, heading, and running without the ball.

In addition to the scorpion wagging its tail, there are fried meatballs, Marseille gyrations, Cruyff turns, etc. These are special skills, which are not in the upgrade lottery system, and can only be obtained by completing system tasks.

Scorpion wagging its tail is the first special skill that Jiang Xiaolin can obtain by completing system tasks.

This skill is very ornamental and very practical.

In the case of a teammate passing a low-altitude ball from the wing and running past, no matter whether it is a header or a regular shot, it is too late.

At this time, if you can wag your tail with a scorpion, you can take advantage of the opportunity to knock the ball into the goal with your heel.

Of course, just meeting is not enough, you have to be proficient, and you have to turn it into the instinct of your body.

Because professional competition is a race against time, the opportunity is fleeting, but there is no time for your head to think of the scorpion wagging its tail, passing orders to the body, and then making actions.

In that case, the day lily will be cold early.

Generally, the moments when you can use the tail of the scorpion to score goals are fleeting opportunities in the penalty area, and you can only rely on physical instinct.

If this skill is not activated, no matter how Jiang Xiaolin practices it, it will be difficult to master it.

Only after opening this special skill first and being able to add points, can it be filled with attribute points. When this skill is applied in the game later, the body will be able to respond naturally.

After reading the mission introduction, the training also started.

Jiang Xiaolin's existing skills are basically aimed at how to score goals in the game.

Therefore, without the training match, Jiang Xiaolin's performance can be described as horrible.

In addition to being relatively good in physical fitness, Jiang Xiaolin's other technical training items are very amateurish.

During the practice of passing and catching the ball in groups in the afternoon, Jiang Xiaolin's passing was often not in place, either because he was too strong or the route was off course; he couldn't stop the ball passed to him by the opponent, and he often stopped two or three meters away.

In the end, the players in his group were unwilling to practice with him.

"Coach, I don't want to practice passing and catching with him. How could someone of this level appear on our training ground?" The players in Jiang Xiaolin's group ran to assistant coach Junker and protested angrily.

He felt that practicing passing and catching with Jiang Xiaolin not only had no training effect, but would also lower his level.

Jiang Xiaolin stood awkwardly in the distance, blushing and didn't dare to approach.

Junker was also shocked.

What shocked him was how someone of Jiang Xiaolin's level could be spotted by Philip and brought to the first-team training base.

"Could it be that Philip took a bribe from this kid?" Junker guessed maliciously.

You can't even get into the youth team at this level, okay, and you want to go straight into the first team?


Except for his physical fitness, Jiang Xiaolin was useless in Junker's view.

Commonly known as the big fool!
How can this kind of person drag down the training of his players here?

So Juncker did as well as he could, accepting the player's protests and stuffing him into another group for a three-man passing practice.

As for Jiang Xiaolin, Junker asked him to juggle the ball by himself. The obvious reason was to let him train his sense of the ball.

There was no other way, Jiang Xiaolin could only practice juggling by himself.

Of course, Jiang Xiaolin's juggling made people even more speechless.

With full marksmanship, Jiang Xiaolin's passing has somewhat improved. In fact, it's already better than before, but it's just not up to the level of a professional player.

But bouncing the ball is even worse than his passing.

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