God of Greenery

Chapter 126

The second point is Jiang Xiaolin's Chinese identity, which allows Mitchell's supermarket in Amsterdam to attract Chinese and overseas Chinese customers in Chinatown.

The third point is Jiang Xiaolin's recent performance, showing a strong upward trend, not only among Chinese and overseas Chinese, but also among ordinary Alkmaar fans.

Because, after Alkmaar suffered a six-game losing streak in the second half of the season, it was Jiang Xiaolin who came off the bench in the 25th round and took the penalty kick. Alkmaar stopped the losing streak and started to get draws and points. Even won and entered the UEFA Cup playoffs.

Jiang Xiaolin's own performance is also very good, with 5 goals and 7 assist in 1 games, he is the team's top scorer recently.

As a 16-year-old pure rookie, such a performance is quite amazing, even the proud Dutch fans have to approve of Jiang Xiaolin's performance.

As Jiang Xiaolin is a player of the Alkmaar team, it is no problem to win the favor of the fans in this city, which will help Yiwei Supermarket's turnover in Alkmaar to a higher level.

If Jiang Xiaolin continues to perform like this in the future, then Mitchell and Snaite will now find Jiang Xiaolin to sign a contract as an endorsement, and they will make a lot of money.

No matter what, Jiang Xiaolin has only played 5 Eredivisie games now, so the endorsement fee will not be high.

And the future is uncertain.

Today's small-cost gamble may reap big rewards in the future.

This is why Mitchell and Snett found Alkmaar and Jiang Xiaolin.

Of course, Jiang Xiaolin and Song Zhicheng didn't know these reasons, so they could only guess part of them.

But no matter what, this is Jiang Xiaolin's first endorsement. No matter what, Jiang Xiaolin wants to follow up. This is the first time he has experienced the feeling of being a celebrity earning endorsement fees.

Get money as long as you sign the contract, which is much better than earning wages from sweaty training and games on the court.

Of course, the basis of this money is Jiang Xiaolin's performance in the game.Only by performing well can you get more endorsement fees.

Therefore, the competition is the basis, and you can't get lost just because you got your first endorsement today.

Even so, Jiang Xiaolin and Song Zhicheng were quite happy and excited.

But the two of them were really not proficient in this kind of thing, and finally conveyed the meaning to Angus cryptically.

Angus was naturally willing to help.

Because the team is divided.

At the beginning, when Jiang Xiaolin signed with the team, he and Song Zhicheng only wanted to sign with Alkmaar Club. In terms of signing conditions, they almost agreed to whatever the club said, without raising any objections.

On the one hand, it was because he was eager to sign a contract with the Eredivisie club, and on the other hand, it was because Song Zhicheng was not a professional agent after all, he hadn't thought through some issues, and he didn't have the strength to bargain with the club.

In terms of endorsement fees that were finally agreed upon, the team used Jiang Xiaolin's portrait rights, name, jersey number, etc. to sell jerseys, sneakers, footballs and peripheral products, and gave Jiang Xiaolin [-]% of the profits.

Jiang Xiaolin and the club each take half of the endorsement fees for other external products and appearance fees for commercial activities in Europe.

For product endorsements outside of Europe, including product endorsements in Huaguo and appearance fees for commercial events, the two parties get [-]% to [-]%, the club [-]%, and Jiang Xiaolin [-]%.

Therefore, this time Mitchell and Snett came to ask Jiang Xiaolin to be the endorser, and Alkmaar wanted to share half of the endorsement fee. Angus was naturally willing to help and negotiated a higher endorsement fee.

After all, he also knew that Song Zhicheng was not a professional manager, and Jiang Xiaolin was only 16 years old and knew nothing.

Mitchell and Snett naturally preferred to talk to the inexperienced Song Zhicheng, but although Song Zhicheng was not professional, he was not stupid, so he pushed them all to Angus.

There was no way, Mitchell and Mitchell had no choice but to talk to Angus in the end.

Angus has a lot of experience.

Although it was a small endorsement, both sides went back and forth and talked for an hour.

The final negotiated condition was that Jiang Xiaolin would endorse Mitchell's Yiwei Supermarket for one year, and the endorsement fee would be 5 euros.

After signing the contract, Jiang Xiaolin was in charge of taking several groups of photos and an advertising video for Inveyer Supermarket, and then worked as a cashier in a new supermarket store in Amsterdam on the rest day of this weekend. Promote once.

Angus was really professional and awesome. Jiang Xiaolin naturally had no objection to this price, and he was so happy.

Just working as a cashier in a supermarket for one day earns 5 euros, or almost 50 yuan. It's pie in the sky, and a fool would disagree.

As far as Jiang Xiaolin knows, in the county where his hometown is located, the cashiers in those supermarkets may only earn about 1000 a month.

50 RMB is enough for domestic cashiers to save for 50 years without eating or drinking.

Sign, must sign!
Relatively speaking, both Mitchell and Snart seemed a bit heartbroken.Their initial thought was that they could sign Jiang Xiaolin's one-year endorsement contract for only 2 euros.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaolin and Song Zhicheng became hands-off shopkeepers and entrusted Angus with full authority to negotiate for them.

Since Angus can take the position of manager of the marketing department of the Alkmaar club, he naturally has the ability and experience. When confronted with him, the owner of a small supermarket with only a few chain stores, he naturally has the upper hand.

In the end, Mitchell could only agree to Jiang Xiaolin's endorsement fee of 5 euros.

After Jiang Xiaolin and Song Zhicheng nodded, Angus ordered the secretary to draft an agreement. After reading it, the two parties had no objections and signed the contract directly in the marketing department.

After all, the matter is not big, the amount is not large, and there is not much trouble.

However, after signing the contract, after Jiang Xiaolin and Song Zhicheng walked out of the office building, Song Zhicheng suddenly said: "No, Xiaolin, although the endorsement cost 5 euros this time, it was written in the contract when we signed with the club, For the endorsement fee in the European market, you and the club split half and half. For the 5 euros, you only get 2."

Jiang Xiaolin was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed, showing a painful expression on his face.

The loss is great.

The club cut off half of the 5 endorsement fee for him almost effortlessly.

The point is, even the remaining half of Jiang Xiaolin still has to pay personal income tax.

In the end, it was less than 2 euros.

For Jiang Xiaolin, who came from a rural mountainous area and grew up in a single-parent family, this kind of loss made his heart ache.

However, he couldn't express anything.

Because he agreed to the original signing conditions, in order to ensure the signing of a professional contract with Alkmaar.

As for the conditions of the contract, they didn't care at all at the beginning, they just wanted to join Alkmaar and Amitabha.

Who would have thought that the endorsement fee sharing clause in the contract would be used so quickly.

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