"This game was scored by Tsukasa Kimura of Yamabuki Middle School, the score is 5:3."

After a short break, Tsukasa Kimura and Tezuka started a fierce battle again, Tezuka immediately fell into a passive position when faced with Tsukasa Kimura's mental strength.

The strong mental oppression often makes Tezuka lose his mind for a moment, and the moment of the master's fight is forever.

"How is it possible! Tezuka lost his serve without scoring a single point?!"

Kikumaru's face was full of disbelief, Tezuka's power had already been deeply engraved in the hearts of their group.

Would such a powerful Tezuka meet someone who made him helpless?
"Is this a higher realm?!"

Bu Er's eyes were wide open at the moment, and the azure blue pupils were full of greed, desire and faith.

Among the Qingxue people present, only Buer felt a strange wave of mental power.

Although he didn't know what it was, what it meant.

But he still kept this feeling firmly in his heart.

Fuji knows that the current self may not be able to reach that level, but one day in the future he will definitely be able to reach a higher stage like Kimura Tsukasa.

Because he is the best assistant!

Genius is not second Zhouzhu!

As long as he wants to, there is nothing he can't do about tennis.

On the court, the match between Tezuka and Kimura continued.

"Game, Tsukasa Kimura of Yamabuki Middle School, 15:0."

"Game, Tsukasa Kimura of Yamabuki Middle School, 30:0."

"Game, Tsukasa Kimura of Yamabuki Middle School, 40:0."

"The match point of Yamabuki Junior High School Kimura Tsukasa!"

The referee on the high chair raised his right hand and swung it down, and the loud voice immediately spread throughout the audience.

With Kimura scoring another goal, he was only one goal away from victory.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Yamabuki! Must win! Yamabuki! Must win!"

All the members of Yamabuki Junior High School erupted immediately, and cheers like a tsunami of Yamabuki resounded in the stadium.

Although Tezuka still maintained an iceberg-like expression on his face, his heart was already surging.

Kimura Tsukasa's constantly hitting tennis balls always give him a real sense of oppression, and he has been trying to find out what the illusion he saw was.

But he still didn't understand.

On the contrary, it was because of the urgency in his heart that he exposed more flaws, and Tsukasa Kimura seized the opportunity to score points.

"Tezuka, are you ready for defeat!"

Kimura Tsukasa's voice was harsh, and his heroic spirit moved many people at the scene, and the young ladies in the stands let out bursts of screams.

"Concentrate on it, Kimura!"

Tezuka suppressed the turmoil in his heart, the fight for the last ball could not be relaxed.

"It's the first time in a long time that I've seen Kimura Tsukasa want to defeat someone so much!"

Qianshi couldn't help but sigh a little, it seemed that Tezuka held a very heavy weight in Kimura Tsukasa's heart.

"The only person who can make such a match with Kimura, who is going all out, is Tezuka Kunimitsu of Aigaku!"

Minami Kentaro sighed slightly.

The current Kimura Division is stronger than what they saw when Kimura Division took over the club, especially after the guidance of Liujiao Papa, Kimura Division has touched the bottleneck of the world.

I believe it won't take long for him to open the door to the world.

"Only Seigaku's Tezuka!!!"

Yakujin's eyes were full of anger, and he was holding on to the fence tightly.

Both Kimura and Tezuka were the ones who defeated him before, although he didn't want to admit it, but now he is really not the opponent of these two people.

But one day, Yajiujin vowed that he would smash the faces of these two people.

In a daze, Akutsu saw Tezuka's tea-brown hair and Kimura Tsukasa's jet-black hair. Is this what a master must have?

Akutsu suddenly felt that his mushroom head seemed to make him look a little weak. He decided that after the game, he must have a haircut that was more arrogant than these two people.

Just when the heaven and man were at war in Ajiujin's heart, Kimura Division suddenly moved.

The racket swept out with a slightly slanted, high-angle curve, and the topspin serve that went straight to the diagonal did not conceal Kimura's belief in winning at the moment.

Tezuka's body has no self breath, and the brilliance of thousands of years of tempering shines.

The double hit is not only strength, but also complex rotation.

There was a rapid whistling sound, and the tennis ball stirred all the surrounding air into the bottom, and the trajectory of the ball suddenly floated high after landing.

"I didn't expect you to have such a trick, Tezuka!"

Kimura Division laughed and sprinted forward, jumping up with the momentum of the front court, his shoulders drove his arms and smashed down.

Ancient Martial Arts-Eagle Strike!

There was a cry of an eagle, and Tezuka once again saw an eagle swooping down with its claws outstretched!

"here we go again!"

There was a fine sweat on Tezuka's forehead, and he knew that he must not hesitate at this time.

The brilliance that has been tempered for thousands of years bloomed, and Tezuka swung his racket in the direction where the eagle swooped without hesitation.

The power of selflessness collided with the explosive power contained in this ball, and the thunder rolled in an instant, and the momentum was terrifying.

But the ball was still caught by Tezuka after all, the penetrating power and impact at hand forced Tezuka to put his right hand on the handle and push the ball out with both hands.

"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts-Xuanwu!"

Kimura Division stepped out to block behind the rewinding tennis ball, and the turtle and snake locked the river, and the turbulent and violent air current was instantly swallowed up.


Tezuka's eyes dimmed, and he lost sight of the tennis ball.

It came and went quickly, and the feeling of darkness falling disappeared from Tezuka's body in the next second, and the crisp and clear sound of rattling sounded in Tezuka's ears.

"Short Ball!!!"

Oishi stared at the field blankly, he didn't expect that Kimura could hit back with a short ball in the face of such a fierce ball!
How exactly is this done? !

"The match is over. This singles match was won by Tsukasa Kimura from Yamabuki Middle School, with a score of 6:3."

The referee blew his whistle, announcing the end of the game.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Wonderful! Really wonderful!"

"Two amazing boys! Is this the level of junior high school students now?!"

The audience spontaneously gave warm applause to Tezuka and Kimura. This game will be unforgettable for them.

PS: If you want to help me drive the screws, come for the physical examination!There is a shortage of people in the factory, so come directly with a bucket!

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