Tsukasa Kimura threw the tennis ball in his hand, his eyes full of sharpness.

A crisp sound opened the prelude to the seventh game.

Tezuka suppressed the doubts in his heart, pulled up the racket in front of him and lifted it from his feet.

A pale golden arc rose from the ground, and hit the bottom corner of the no man's land flanking Kimura Si at an extreme angle.

"The lob!"

Minami Kentaro exclaimed, he didn't expect that he would dare to hit a lob in the face of Kimura Tezuka!

The eagle spreads its wings and soars high.

Kimura jumped into the air step by step with one foot on the ground. His terrifying explosive power and amazing jumping ability made him come from behind and catch up with the ball in the air.

Ancient Martial Arts-Eagle Strike!

With sharp claws and a sharp beak, Tezuka seemed to see a giant eagle swooping towards him.


In an instant, Tezuka, who hesitated for a moment, rang the alarm in his heart, and the smashing ball mercilessly hit the racket in his hand.

There was a terrifying bang like an explosion, accompanied by a burst of smoke and dust that filled the field.

A summer wind blew, and the smoke and dust were blown away to reveal the true face on the field.

Tezuka's right hand pressed against the wrist of his left hand, and his white racket was lying quietly not far from him.

"Game, Tsukasa Kimura of Yamabuki Middle School, 15:0."

"What a monster! The only guy who can face a monster like Kimura Tsukasa is the same monster, Akutsu!"

Nan Kentaro was straightforward, and he spoke directly from the bottom of his heart.


Akutsu glared at Minami Kentaro viciously.

monster?I'm afraid this guy wants to die!

Minami Kentaro sensed a trace of murderous intent, and immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing after looking at Kami Akutsu.

Nan Kentaro immediately covered his mouth, and then made a gesture of zipping up, indicating that he would shut up immediately.


Yakujin snorted coldly and turned his head away.

Tezuka silently picked up his racket on the field, until now he was still thinking about why he suddenly saw a glimmer of fantasy just now.

There is also the powerful sense of oppression facing the soul, it is almost like an eagle is really swooping towards him.

With a smile on the corner of Kimura's mouth, he walked slowly to the service line on the left, took out a tennis ball from his pocket, and tapped it on the ground a few times.

He was not in a hurry to serve, but gave Tezuka enough time to recollect the smash just now.

"I'm going to continue, Tezuka!"

Only after seeing Tezuka crouching down did Tezuka throw the ball.

Ancient Martial Arts - Roaring Tiger!

A tiger roared in the mountains and forests, and thunder struck the ground!
The extremely violent flat serve was thrown out of his hand, and the tennis ball was pushed towards Tezuka's feet like a cannonball with great force.

The violent momentum set off by this ball once again aroused the exclamation of many spectators at the scene.

Even just looking at them from a distance, they can feel the strong wind that seems to blow towards their faces. What kind of pressure should Tezuka face when facing this ball.

The hairs all over Tezuka's body were already standing on end, and he knew that if he didn't rely on hard work to catch the ball, there was a high probability that he would make a mistake due to a damaged center of gravity or return a low-quality return, which would be scored by Tsukasa Kimura.

Even his own wrist will be affected by this powerful impact.

The selfless power erupted in Tezuka's body like magma, and finally gathered in his left hand.

The ball hit by Tsukasa Kimura from the left service line landed in the direction of Tezuka's forehand, which was undoubtedly a good opportunity for Tezuka.

The breath of thousands of years of hard work poured into the ball along the racket, and the double-strength counterattack of the tennis ball crushed the air along the way and rolled back.

The violent airflow made a sharp and piercing sound.

Kimura Tsukasa's body shot out like an arrow from the string, and his perfect abdominal muscles were under the fluttering skirt.

The tennis ball hit Kimuraji heavily in front of him, and the dust and gravel splashed across Kimuraji's calf, bringing a different kind of touch.

"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts - White Tiger!"

With Tsukasa Kimura shouting loudly, Tezuka's eyes darkened.

In Tezuka's line of sight, a giant white-fronted bug with dangling eyes was running towards him at an alarming speed.


Even a player as calm as Tezuka couldn't help feeling flustered at this moment. As the white tiger swooped towards Tezuka, Tezuka felt a pungent stench coming from his nostrils.

With an explosion that shook the ground, Tezuka's figure was immediately submerged in billowing smoke and dust.



Everyone in Qingxue couldn't sit still and stood up one after another.

Everyone looked anxiously at the field covered in smoke, they were very worried about what damage this ball would do to Tezuka.

The smoke and dust drifted away slowly, and after seeing that Tezuka was safe and sound, everyone in Qingxue let go of their hanging hearts.

Tezuka's racket was knocked off again.

Tezuka stood blankly on the spot, and the image of the white-fronted big bug with hanging eyes just now appeared in his mind.

Now he can be sure that what Kimura Division said before should be worthy of this real image.

But what exactly is that very real feeling?
Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Tezuka realized that he seemed to have grasped something, but the inspiration quickly disappeared.

"Tezuka, I'm going to continue!"

Looking at Tezuka's appearance, Kimura Division planned to demonstrate it to Tezuka again.

For national-level players, perhaps they still don't understand what mental power is, but they have more or less mastered the usage of mental power without knowing it.

Whether it is Atobe's Ice World, Sanada's Furin Volcano, or other people's national-level tricks, there is a trace of spiritual power behind them.

And if the national level wants to open the door to the world level, mental power is undoubtedly the most important key.

The four dimensions of strength, speed, body, and skill are a lock that is firmly locked in the hearts of top players at the national level. Only qualified players can condense the lock in their hearts.

When this lock appears, it only needs to be paired with a key made of spiritual power to open it.

Strength, speed, body, technique, and fineness.

It is not unreasonable to divide the various values ​​​​of the U-17 joint veteran players into five dimensions.

The potential of strength, the extreme speed, the spirit of body, the shape of skill!

These four items are a brand new field born from the fusion of strength, speed, physical skills and spiritual power, and they are also world-class symbols.

Although Kimura Tsukasa himself is still on the road of exploring the world, he has undoubtedly taken that step ahead of Tezuka.

"This game was scored by Tsukasa Kimura of Yamabuki Middle School, the score is 4:3."

"Both sides change game!"

The end time of this round was the fastest of the seven rounds, and Tezuka was immersed in the feeling of the epiphany in his mind at the moment.

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