The Prince of Tennis: Destroying Akutsu at the start

Chapter 168 The Opening of the Regional Qualifiers

The news of the addition of three first graders to the official team of Yamabuki Middle School spread all over the place with Inoue Mamoru's report.

Many people have seen the Huadian from it.

Three more first graders?

No matter how talented these three first graders are, unless they have the level of Kimura Tsukasa last year, otherwise, the strength of Yamabuki Middle School will undoubtedly decline.

A flame called hope ignited in the hearts of all those who coveted the throne under the buttocks of Yamabuki Middle School.

Feng Shui turns, this year's national champion may not be them.

This kind of spying on Kimura Division knows it well, after all, the tree attracts the wind.

As last year's national champions, they will inevitably be regarded by everyone as the biggest obstacle on the way to the championship.

But as the saying goes, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight, and this kind of pressure must be endured by Yamabuki.

Ignoring the ups and downs of the outside world, all the candidates from Yamabuki Middle School quickly devoted themselves to more intensive training.

Yuta, Kamio and Fukaji have been training very hard, they have heard from Kimura Tsukasa.

The three of them are the main players in the regional qualifiers this time, and everyone else will make way for the three of them.

In order for Yuta, Kamio and Shinji to grow up as soon as possible, Kimura also tried his best.

If you want to grow quickly, you must experience the tempering of the official open competition.

Only in the main race can faster progress be made.

And what Yuta, Kamio and Shinji lack the most is the experience of the race.

Time slowly entered May, and the temperature gradually became hot and dry.

The atmosphere in Tokyo began to warm up, and the annual regional budget contest began.

this day.

The main candidates of Yamabuki Middle School gathered at the gate of the school.

Yuta, Kamio and Fukaji were extremely excited. Today they will represent Yamabuki Junior High School in an official open competition for the first time.

"Get in the car, we should go."

Ban Tiangan also looked at the smiles on the faces of these children with a smile, and his heart was also full of warmth.

For him, there is nothing more gratifying to see these children win all the way.

on the bus.

Everyone was very excited looking at the constantly receding scenery outside the window. The start of the regional competition indicated that this year's series of competitions were officially on the right track.

Qianshi, Nan and Dongfang have not forgotten the oath they made last year.

This year, Yamabuki will win the national championship again and achieve two consecutive championships in the national competition.

And Yuta, Kamio, Fukasa and the others were all a little bit embarrassed when they were excited.

Thinking back a month ago, one of them could only practice in an off-campus tennis school, and the other two didn't even have the chance to play.

In the blink of an eye, they became the official members of last year's national championship team Yamabuki Junior High School Tennis Team, and today they even have the opportunity to play in the regional qualifiers.

I have to say that fate tricks people.

After all, it was only a regional qualifier, and this time the venue for the competition was very close to Yamabuki Middle School.

It didn't take long for the bus to pull into the parking lot in the park.

The group of Yamabuki Middle School who got off the bus soon became the focus.

"Here we come! Yamabuki Junior High School is here!"

"It's such a strong momentum, it really deserves to be the team that won the national championship last year!"

The other teams at the scene were discussing in low voices.

Last year's national champion, a veteran giant who has repeatedly entered the national competition.

Yamabuki Middle School is undoubtedly the biggest favorite to win the regional qualifiers this time.

Even most of the schools participating in this regional qualifier are only aiming for the final four.

After all, the top four have already won the tickets for the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition.

Secretary Kimura walked at the forefront, and the team members behind him looked forward, completely unaffected by the crowd watching them.

All the way to the reporting office, Kimura Division handed over the list of entries that had been prepared to the staff of the reporting office.

"All eight members of the Yamabuki Junior High Tennis Team are here!"

Simultaneously handing over the list, Kimura Tsukasa said lightly.

The staff glanced at the team members behind Kimura, and he was amazed by such a mental outlook.

Really worthy of last year's national champion!
Soon staff members came to take Kimura Division and others to the venue of today's competition.

The draw ceremony for the regional qualifiers had already been held before this, and everything was already arranged.

When Kimura Division and others came to the court for today's game, their opponents in the first round were already waiting here.

It's just that looking at the appearance of these people, they seem to be very heavy.

But this is also normal, after all, going to Yamabuki Middle School basically means going home for a round of travel.

Who can be happy?

Their minister kept cheering for his team members, but he didn't have much confidence himself, so how could he boost the morale of the team.

nine in the morning.

When the referee and staff come to the stadium, it means that the game has officially started.

In this park, the stadium where Kimura Tsukasa and others are located is the most crowded.

Without exception, they all came for the name of Yamabuki Middle School.

With so many people paying attention to Yuta, the three of Kamio and Shinji were obviously a little nervous.

This is also a moment that every newcomer goes through.

"You three don't need to be so nervous, these people are not your opponents at all."

Kimura Division reassured the three of them, he was not too worried.

He knew that this was a very normal process, as long as the three younger generations passed today, they would grow up.

Confidence can be developed, and the winning streak along the way will naturally build confidence in the heart.


Yuta, Kamio and Shinji nodded, and with Kimura Tsukasa's reassurance, the three felt a lot more at ease.

The harbor in the heart of the predecessors is always so broad and peaceful.

"The first round of the regional qualifiers must play five games, so today Minami and Dongfang will play doubles two, Sengoku and Akutsu will play doubles one. Yuta, Kamio and Fukaji will play singles, do you understand? "

After Kimura Division called everyone together, he told everyone the list he had discussed with Bantian Mikiya.

The others naturally don't have much problem, only Yajiujin has objections to his wanting to play doubles.

In his words, he has no interest in dealing with these guys.

But in the end Akutsu still couldn't twist his thigh with his arm, so he could only accept this fate.

Fortunately, Secretary Kimura agreed to him, just this once.

He will not be scheduled to play in any other games in this regional competition except this one.

After receiving the promise from Kimura Division, Yajiujin finally liked Kimura Division.

He doesn't want to play house tricks with these weaklings here.

Wouldn't it be nice for him to take a rest under the shade of a tree when he has this spare time?

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