Tsukasa Kimura sat on the sidelines on the coach's bench, and the next three people were all newcomers he was very optimistic about.

After nearly a month of hard work, how far their strength has improved is not even clear to Kimura Si.

But now you can see the results.


Yuta patted the tennis ball twice and threw it straight into the air, his eyes were full of excitement.

I saw him bowing his knees and kicking his feet on the ground to stand up.

The racquet swings forward overhead with a slight slant.

"Side spin serve!"

After leaving an arc in the air, the tennis ball quickly fell in front of the opponent.

The sharp piercing sound made one's scalp tingle, and the sudden ball bouncing into the sky caught people off guard.

The official third-year player subconsciously took a step back to avoid the ball, and the ball went straight into the sky in front of him.

Stab it!

The ball directly hit the barbed wire behind him, and the strong impact made the barbed wire shake non-stop.

There was a noise.

In fact, he didn't have to avoid it like this. Even if the official third-year player didn't dodge the ball, it wouldn't hit his body.

Yuta's side spin serve is a bit different from Fukaji's.

Shenji's is more focused on the control of rotation, while Yuta's is more about the combination of strength and rotation.

His side-spin serve is faster than that of Ibu Shinji, and the rebound speed is also faster.

But the rotation is not so violent.

"What a side-spin serve! I really didn't expect a freshman to hit such a serve!"

Inoue Mamoru admired, he was not flattering Yuta.

Such a side spin serve is not easy.

"Ha ha."

Ban Tiangan also smiled and said nothing, but his slightly cloudy eyes were full of approval.

Yuta can have such strength, talent and hard work.

This is a very hard worker.

"Fuji Yuta scored in this game, the score is 1:0."

Relying on the sharp side spin serve, Yuta easily won his serve.

If the tennis ball that bounces directly to the front cannot overcome the fear of the body, it will be impossible to fight back.

Obviously, this third-year official team member cannot overcome the fear of the body.


The regular third-year team members took a few deep breaths and forced themselves to calm down.

Although he knew that Yuta was very strong, he didn't expect Yuta to have such tricks as side spin serve.

However, he will not give up his official team member's sportswear.

After all, he is a player who has been trained under Bantian Mikiya for three years. Even if his talent is limited, his serve is still remarkable.

Yuta's gaze was as sharp as a sword, and his brows were full of seriousness.

Kimura Si was sitting not far away at the moment, and he had to let Kimura Division know that he had lived up to his expectations.

He will do his best.

As soon as the tennis ball bounced off the ground, the racket in Yuta's hand came from behind, and the decisive half-volley turned into a golden light and passed by the opponent's ear.

"Good and fast!"

A few drops of cold sweat flowed from the forehead of the third-year contestant, and the ends of his hair were messed up by the air waves that just passed by.

"What a great half-volley!"

This first-year will definitely become an official team member of Yamabuki.

Mamoru Inoue made a judgment in his heart.

Based on Fuji Yuta's side-spin serve just now and his current half-volley, he can already make a conclusion.

Yuta Fuji
No two?

A thought suddenly flashed in Inoue Mamoru's mind.

"What's his relationship with Qingxue's Bu Er Zhou Zhu?"

Mamoru Inoue asked Bantian Mikiya who was on the side.

The surname Fuji is rare, not to mention that there are some similarities between Yu Tai and Zhou Zhu Meiyu.

"You guessed it, Yuta is indeed the younger brother of Shusuke, the genius."

Ban Tianqian replied with a smile.

He didn't mean to hide it, after all, there was nothing he couldn't say.


Mamoru Inoue nodded.

It was a pity in his heart that Fujisuke's younger brother chose Yamabuki instead of Qinggaku.

This somewhat surprised him, isn't brother tennis bad?
The game ended quickly, and the ending was just as Mamoru Inoue predicted.

Yuta successfully defeated his opponent and became the new official team member of Yamabuki Middle School.

Akira Kamio and Shinji Ibu obviously couldn't wait after seeing Yuta successfully won the official team member's seat.

The second one to appear was Kamio Akira.

"This player is quite satisfactory!"

After watching Yuta's performance, Mamoru Inoue is full of expectations for Akira Kamio's performance, but he finds that Akira Kamio's performance can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

There are no outstanding performances and no shortcomings.

The only thing worthy of praise is that Akira Kamio's speed is not bad.

"This game is scored by XXX, the score is 2:2."

Shaking his head, Kimuraji said, "Kamio, did you forget to take off the weight on your body?"

Akira Kamio's speed is obviously wrong, and his body coordination is not perfect.

At a glance, Kimura could tell that Akira Kamio forgot to take off the weight on his body.

The reason why I didn't remind him right away was to see if Akira Kamio could react on his own. Now it seems that Akira Kamio is really a little too excited.


Hearing this, Akira Kamio also reacted immediately, his little face flushed immediately.

He was so excited, so excited that he forgot that he was still carrying a weight on his body.

Akira Kamio took off the weight training wristband on his wrist and the ankle trainer on his feet, and threw them off the field.

The dull sound and the dust stirred up from the ground made Mamoru Inoue's gaze become serious.

This kind of weight? !
More importantly, with such a load on his body, Akira Kamio can still maintain the speed just now? !
How fast should he take off the burden.

Soon Mamoru Inoue knew the answer, and the speed of Kamio Akira who took off the weight suddenly reached an astonishing level.

He hasn't dropped a single ball since he took off the weight.

He caught up with all the counterattacks abruptly with his feet.

The second official first-year team member was born.

Ibu Shinji, who appeared at the finale, had no expression on his face, but his heart was full of excitement.

It was his dream to become an official player, and now it's time for his dream to come true.


The tennis ball was thrown directly by him, and his lower waist was lower than that of ordinary people.

"Side spin serve!"

The tennis ball floating in the air seemed a little uneasy, and the rapid sound of breaking through the air was a bit unusual.

The ball bounced directly towards the opponent's racket, and the racket was directly knocked off the opponent's hand by the powerful impact brought by the violent rotation.

Fukasa's side-spin serve puts heavy pressure on the player's wrist.

"The game is over, and Ibu Shenji won, with a score of 6:4."

Shinji's opponent is Shinto Yonekichi, a second-year student.

Although Xindumi is also an experienced veteran, his strength is still inferior to that of Ibu Shinji after all.

In the end, he lost his seat in the main election.

After the final challenge, the new official list of tennis clubs of Yamabuki Junior High School is released.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to Kimura Tsukasa and others who fought across the country last year, there were also three first-year students mixed in.

The success of Yuta, Kamio and Shinji also gave everyone hope.

As long as they are willing to work hard, there may not be a day when they become an official team member.

And this is exactly what Kimura Division wants to see.

The vigorous development of the tennis department.

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