Xiao Yan was too tired to move, so he just lay on the deck and thought wildly.

The sun is high, and the sun is warm on the body.The breeze on the river makes people drowsy!

At some point, Xiao Yan fell into a deep sleep!
He had no idea that the mansion had fallen apart!

Qin Ruyu turned around anxiously: "Have you searched everywhere?"

Zhang Xiaoyi: "I searched everything, but I didn't find anyone!"

He Dayou: "The people from Jin Yiwei have also been scattered, and no trace of Uncle has been found yet!"

Qin Ruyu knew that Xiao Yan must have deliberately left the others aside, there must be some secret matter to deal with!

But where will he go?

In fact, Xiao Yan did go to a remote place on purpose when he was about to leave, and almost no one knew his whereabouts.

Of course, those black-clothed assassins were hiding in a house near Xinyuejiang Tower, and had been secretly spying on his whereabouts before they could follow his whereabouts and carry out the assassination.

"No, send someone to look for it immediately!"

The little tiger screamed suddenly, it seemed to understand that its master was gone.

"Xiao Hu, go eat steak by yourself when you're hungry, there are still several fresh pieces in your bowl, we're going to find Xiao Yan."


Xiaohu dragged Qin Ruyu outside.

As clever as Qin Ruyu, she was also a little confused for a while, "Xiaohu, don't be naughty... Eh, could it be..."

An incredible idea suddenly popped up in her mind, so she followed Xiaohu to the door.

While walking, he said: "Xiaohu, Xiaohu, do you want to take me to find your master?"

Xiaohu nodded his head in a serious manner, let out another "owoo~", and then quickly led the way.

Qin Ruyu followed Xiaohu closely in surprise, and sighed infinitely in her heart: "Sure enough, there is such a pet as there is a master, this little tiger is too powerful, he can understand human language, and even take me to Look for!"

With Xiaohu leading the way, there was also a main direction. Everyone gathered and followed Xiaohu all the way to the riverside where Xiao Yan disappeared.

It was getting late at this time, and Xiao Yan's iron-clad boat had drifted to nowhere!

Su Yu had excellent eyesight, and was the first to spot the abnormality, "No, there are signs of a fight ahead!"

Qin Ruyu hurriedly followed Su Yu who had rushed down the embankment. She gradually felt a strong smell of blood, and she couldn't help but feel extremely anxious again.

An unknown premonition rose in my heart!

Su Yu checked the clues carefully, not letting go of any suspicious places.

a long time.

Qin Ruyu asked nervously, "Did you find anything?"

The woman who had always been extremely intelligent showed a rare panic!

Don't care about things, care will lead to chaos!
Xiao Yan is the biggest pillar of her life, at this time there is no trace, there is no news at all, why not let her be confused?
Su Yu: "The costumes of these assassins are exactly the same as the ones we met in that hunting. There are a total of 39 corpses here, but fortunately there are no young masters!"

Qin Ruyu's tightly held heart calmed slightly, "There are so many black-clothed assassins, and they all carry standard crossbow arrows, he...he is alone..."

Speaking of this, she could no longer calm down, and her voice choked up!
Two fists are hard to beat four hands, two fists are certain, but there are more than four hands here?

There are 39 people who died, how many people are still alive to hunt down?

The little tiger started roaring, and became restless. It walked back and forth by the river.

Because, due to the barrier of the river, it can no longer smell the breath of its master!

This makes it even more restless!
Qin Ruyu wanted to hug Xiaohu, but Xiaohu had grown up a lot, and it was difficult for her to hug Xiaohu as easily as before.

So, he could only gently stroke Xiaohu's head to appease him!

"Xiaohu, don't worry, that guy is lucky and lucky, he will be fine!"

The restless little tiger slowly calmed down!

The crowd scattered and searched carefully along the river bank, the result was obvious, nothing came to fruition overnight!
Dongfang gradually revealed his fish belly!

The news of Xiao Yan's disappearance gradually spread.

Even Ning Shizheng already knew about it, Liu Youcai informed Liu Bao, and Liu Bao reported it to the emperor overnight.

After Ning Shizheng heard the news in the middle of the night, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning.
He was furious, all kinds of porcelain, utensils, etc., but they suffered, almost washed in blood, and few of them were complete!

Several imperial edicts were issued overnight, ordering Jin Yiwei, the Ministry of Justice, Ying Tianfu and other yamen to find Xiao Yan quickly at all costs, the sooner the better!

Moreover, it must be alive!

Otherwise, figure it out for yourself!
During the morning court, Ning Shizheng was also restless. After a sleepless night, he hastily ended the morning court.

This surprised all civil and military officials. Since the emperor ascended the throne, except for the time when he was unconscious and unable to go to court, he had never been so perfunctory in other times.

"This Xiao Yan is simply a sycophant, the emperor can't rest assured that it is all his fault!"

When Liu Jinglong said these words, his expression was filled with righteous indignation, but in fact, his heart was already filled with indescribable joy!
He wished that Xiao Yan would die sooner!Liu Zongming, the future of the Liu family, has already disappeared because of him, now he is fine, the retribution is not good, is it Xiao Yan's turn to disappear?

Huagaidian University scholar Xue Song: "This old man thinks that Xiao Yan is timid?"

Shen Gongming, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs: "The elder Ge's words are reasonable. Today is the day for him to compete with the Beiliang mission, and at this time, he disappeared by coincidence. It really makes people wonder!"

Zhou Chengzong looked displeased, Xiao Yan was already his son-in-law in name, how could he be bullied at will?
"Old Xue Ge, Liu Shangshu, and Shen Shangshu, what you said is wrong! Xiao Yan has made a lot of contributions to the court and the emperor. How could it be as unbearable as you said? Are you running away?"

Xue Song: "The old man is just suspicious, he didn't say that he just ran away!"

Liu Jinglong echoed: "That's right, Mr. Zhou is feeling sorry for his son-in-law? Speak up for him everywhere!"

Shen Gongming: "State-owned, state-owned, and family-owned have their own rules. Anyone who breaks the law will not end well!"

Zhou Chengzong blushed with excitement, "You are wronging a good man!"

Fan Wenbin: "Master Zhou, we might as well go find Xiao Yan when we have this time, why bother arguing with these malicious people here!"

Li Ji looked up and pulled the sleeves of the two of them, "My lords, with the emperor's life in hand, I must find Xiao Yan. I happen to be short of manpower, why don't you come with me to find someone?"

"If you wish, let's go!"

"Let's go together!"

A few more officials followed and left the hall!

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