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Chapter 333 The Power of the Bed Crossbow

Xiao Yan opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time. He was deeply shocked by what happened in front of him!
Is this the power of the light crossbow?
A fishing boat was overturned so easily, how much impact must it have?

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be absolutely hard to imagine that the battle could be resolved with just a single crossbow.

After a period of ups and downs, the three small black dots in the distance gradually grew in size!

"Grass! None of this is drowned."

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that they had crawled onto the bottom of the overturned boat.

"Since that's the case, I'll work harder today, so I'll see you off again!"

Loaded a crossbow arrow again, and then opened the crossbow - aimed and fired!
This time I was prepared and was not frightened by the huge sound waves!
The crossbow arrows roared and shot out quickly!
Those three assassins, who were lucky enough to escape several catastrophes, just climbed onto the bottom of the boat, and before they had time to recover, they heard that terrifying sound wave again!

"Do not--"

"What the hell is going on here? Can a person open a bed crossbow?"

"Not only did it work, but it launched twice! It's not human! We're dead, eh! It's off the mark, hahaha——"

After all, the current target is much smaller than before, and the crossbow arrow did not hit the target, but landed in the river not far away.

"Wipe! Missed!"

"Damn it, come again! I have nothing else but too many arrows!"

Wangcai: "Cough cough cough! Brother, this crossbow bolt is ten taels of silver each! The price of the bed crossbow above is even more astonishing, 50 taels each!"

Xiao Yan said disdainfully: "Silver is just a number to me, and if I keep it, I won't have babies! As long as the money spent is valuable, it doesn't matter how much it is!"

Wangcai: "Fuck! I'm speechless! It's simply arrogant and inhuman."

Xiao Yan aimed again——shooting, but still missed!

Reload the crossbow again, aim and shoot!
The familiar piercing sound sounded again!
"What the hell, is this Xiao Yan still a human being? How did he manage to open the crossbow continuously?"

"Let's paddle faster, we've already missed twice, and this time we must—ah..."

This scream dragged a long tail, gradually drifting away.

It turned out that it was a coincidence that he was shot by a crossbow arrow, and then he was carried away by a strong force!
After the crossbow arrow took him another seven or eight zhang, he fell into the river from exhaustion.

And the black-clothed assassin's eyes were wide open, he was already too dead to die!
The remaining two black-clothed assassins were stunned. The companions who were sitting and talking together just now had their lives harvested like this!

The state of death is still so miserable, it is completely unheard of!

This bed crossbow is terrible!

Only escape can escape bad luck!
They regretted it, regretted why they came to mess with this guy who shouldn't be messed with!

This guy is so ruthless, I don't know what method he used, but he can fire crossbows continuously - bed crossbows!
The thought of running away had just arisen, and before he could make a move, another crossbow arrow pierced through the air.

This time, the crossbow arrows hit the boat, not the man.

The planks shattered!

Sawdust splatter!

A hapless black-clad assassin's eyes were blinded by a splash of sawdust!
"my eyes……"

Don't look, this person is useless!

The boat is broken and can no longer carry the weight of two people!

The hapless ghost with injured eyes fell into the icy river.

The gurgling blood immediately stained a small area of ​​the river red.

He struggled a few times in the river. He was already injured, and under the double blow of mind and body, he no longer had the desire and ability to escape.

Soon, his whole body sank into the river, and he didn't know where he would be caught by the undercurrent in the river!
There is only one person left with a broken liver and gallbladder!
Holding a piece of wood, the other hand is frantically paddling, wanting to escape from this place, escape from this hell-like place!
The crossbow arrows kept shooting as if they didn't want money, and the only remaining assassin was finally shot, and a smile appeared on his face.

Are you finally dying?

That's fine, finally don't think about how to escape, and when will you be shot by that damned crossbow!

The river is quiet!
All assassins are killed!
The remaining fragments of the fishing boat also flowed eastward with the river, and soon disappeared!
Except for the corpses of some assassins scattered along the river, it seemed like nothing happened on the river!
Xiao Yan sighed, "NND, I finally killed these damned assassins! If you want to assassinate the young master, then be prepared to face death!"

When I was concentrating on killing the assassin just now, I completely forgot the pain in the wound on my left leg, and now I feel the burning pain in the wound.

He cut open the Kuguan with a dagger, and carefully wiped the wound on his left leg.

The arrow pierced through the outside of the left thigh, and he pinched it with his hand, "Ah! It hurts so much! But fortunately, it didn't hurt any muscles or bones! It's not a serious injury!"

At this moment on the river, there are no villages or shops behind, not to mention doctors, even fishermen, it is difficult to find one.

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth, and said to himself: "There is no way, it seems that I can only deal with the wound by myself!"

When I had my wisdom teeth pulled out in my previous life, I had a dose of anesthesia. I don’t know if my body in this life can withstand the power of the anesthetic.

Xiao Yan didn't dare to use too much, so he bought a small amount of anesthetic from Wangcai, and used a plastic syringe to hit near the wound on his left leg.

After waiting for a while, nothing unusual was found. It seems that there is no allergy to anesthetics.

Then lightly pressed the wound with his hand, he could no longer feel the pain at all, and the anesthetic had already exerted its power.

Following the plot in the film and television works, he first cut off the tail of the crossbow arrow, then sterilized it with alcohol, and then clamped the arrow with medical pliers.

The sweat on the forehead has flowed down, dripping onto the body and the ground!
It looks easy, but it is not simple to do!
Now think about those people in film and television dramas, most of them cut open the wound and took out the arrow or bullet without anesthesia.

Compared with my own, it is much more difficult.

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth again, and pulled out the arrow shaft that was left in the flesh with a force.

Blood also gurgled out from the wound, and the pants were quickly stained red.

He threw the arrow over and immediately poured alcohol over the wound.

After completely disinfecting the poison, the white medicine was sprinkled on the wound.

It has to be said that the hemostatic effect of this Baiyao is surprisingly good, and no new blood will flow out soon.

In the end, the wound was carefully bandaged. At this time, the whole person was so tired that he was about to collapse.

He lay on his back on the deck, and breathed out deeply, "NND, these assassins are like gangrene, you really have to be on guard at all times! You wait, unless the young master can never find you, once you show up The slightest bit of falsehood will definitely wipe you out!"

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