Daning Dynasty god-level sign-in system

Chapter 192 My Seed Is the Master

Xiao Yan: "The yield of ten mu of land is 120 taels, and if all of them are sold, it costs 1 taels of silver, but the cost is only 5000 taels, and the net profit of one entry and one exit is 7000 taels. I underestimated this amount. Yes, do you still have an opinion now?"

If the three grades are calculated according to the yield of twelve stones per mu, the cost of seeds is 50 taels, 500 taels, and 5000 taels respectively, and the profit is 150 taels, 900 taels, and 7000 taels respectively.

People of all levels have figured out this account clearly in their hearts, and they are all as excited as if they have been beaten.

"Master Xiao, I am willing to buy fifty catties of seeds at a price of 50 taels."

"I also agree, everything will be done according to Master Xiao's wishes."

"If anyone dares to sell corn seeds privately, I will be the first to object, and I must hand over the full authority to the owner Xiao."

"That's right, Master Xiao presides over the overall situation, so we can benefit as a whole!"

Everyone is satisfied with this arrangement, and no matter what level people are, they can get huge benefits.

The people who are poor and have no money can exchange their own labor for seeds, which greatly solves their own food problems. If there is surplus corn to sell to Xiao Yan, they can also get a lot of wealth, which will greatly improve live.

Although the wealthy class paid a high cost, they also gained huge profits, because the upper limit of their purchase of seeds has been increased, so the final benefit is also an exciting one.

And Xiao Yan's profit is undoubtedly the biggest. On the one hand, he can use this to cover up the real number of seeds and get rich returns.

On the other hand, it can greatly promote the planting of corn, help the court solve the food crisis, and gain great prestige.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone, why not do it?
Because of the huge number of people who bought the seeds, it took four hours to complete the transaction.

After sending away all the people who bought the seeds, only one person was left lingering there.

Zhang Xiaoyi said unhappily: "Liu Datou, your mother is still hanging on here? Be careful, Second Master, I will break your dog's legs."

This Liu Datou has already aroused public anger, and Xiao Yan's gang has long disliked him. If Xiao Yan hadn't repeatedly asked them to convince others with virtue and pay attention to influence, according to their past habits, this Liu Datou might not see tomorrow. The sun is out.

Liu Datou scolded Xiao Yan and Zhang Xiaoyi's family in his heart, but he said: "Master Xiao, I was wrong just now, can you buy me some corn seeds?"

Seeing others get rich, who would be willing to be left behind?

Xiao Yan sneered and said, "Anyone can sell my young master's corn, even give it away, but you, Big Head Liu, can't."

Liu Datou saw that he was too soft, so he threatened: "My surname is Xiao, you sell corn privately, I will go to the official uniform to report you!"

Xiao Yan: "You mother really thinks I'm a bully, right? Xiao Yi, drive this dog away from me, it's getting in my way here."

Zhang Xiaoyi got the order, rushed forward and punched and kicked, until Liu Datou cried for his father and mother, and ran away with his head in his arms.

While the seed business is booming, it also leads to a lot of financial work to be done.

It's a pity that it's okay for those accountants to help keep the accounts. It would be really embarrassing for them to collect them.

Just like children who use advanced algebra to take the kindergarten exam, the difficulty cannot be simply measured by geometric grades.

Xiao Yan looked at the mountains of books and let out a miserable howl: "It's unreasonable! Is it easy for me to make some money? I have to stay up late to settle accounts. This is really not a human life."

Nima, people who don't know think that this person has suffered so much to make such a sympathetic howl.

Those who knew looked at the mountains of banknotes on the desk and the baskets of gold and silver on the ground and secretly cursed: What is the situation with our young master?This is only one day, and he has earned countless money, which is nothing more than a lot of rich families have accumulated for more than ten years, right?

Howling is howling, things still have to be done, who made me have obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Xiao Yan casually ate a bowl of instant noodles, and began to look at the bills one by one.

These bills are written in Chinese characters, or traditional Chinese characters.

First of all, they need to be written in Arabic numerals. For this item alone, it took most of the night to convert all the thousands of bills.

The subsequent item summary is another midnight effort.

When the sun came out the next day, Xiao Yan looked into his panda eyes and murmured to himself: "Grandma, is it easy for me? I worked hard all night without sleep, and I finally figured it out."

The final results showed that there were 600 people in the two grades of extreme poverty and poverty, and the number of seeds purchased was the largest, reaching a huge amount of [-] catties.

There are 300 people in the Liang class, who bought 5000 catties of seeds and earned [-] taels.

There are 90 people in this level of wealth who buy 5000 catties of seeds and make a profit of [-] taels of silver.

The wealthy class has the least number of people, only ten people, and the least amount of seeds purchased, only five hundred catties, but the maximum profit has reached 5 taels.

A total of 11 catties of seeds were sold, and the total income was [-] taels of silver.The number of remaining seeds is [-] catties.

It took several months in the early stage, and finally I had a relatively satisfactory harvest.

Xiao Yan yawned, stretched, got up and moved around.

For a long time to come, as long as the promotion of corn is done well, there should be a lot of money to be made.

It is estimated that the profit of this seed is the largest in the first two years, and it will definitely decline sharply in the third year.

Therefore, we must control it well this year, earn it again next year, and then we can give up this piece of income in the future.

All the big meat is eaten by myself, so I have to save some soup for others.

Xiao Yan thought in his heart, "Wangcai, check in."

Wangcai: "Ding dong, the check-in was successful. Today's check-in item is an antique sofa."

Xiao Yan didn't realize it for a moment: "Sha—sofa?"

Wangcai: "That's right, the two-meter-long super-elastic sofa is very comfortable!"

Xiao Yan: "Hahaha, it's really a sofa, quickly take it out for me to try!"

Wangcai quickly put the sofa in the room.

This sofa is antique, not leather, but an old-fashioned fabric on the outside, which is also in line with the characteristics of this era.

Xiao Yan sat down on the sofa, and lay down with intoxicated eyes. After a long time, he said to himself: "It's comfortable! I haven't felt the feeling of lying on the sofa for a long time. It's so cool!"

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