Daning Dynasty god-level sign-in system

Chapter 191 My Seed Is the Master

"Liu Datou, what the hell do you have to say this time?"

"Damn it, I just complained about such a good person as Master Xiao, Liu Datou, you are really not a good person."

Liu Datou's face was livid, he didn't expect Xiao Yan to really decide to sell the seeds, he roared: "Don't be too happy, this person surnamed Xiao must have no good intentions, the price of seeds must be very expensive, most of you can't buy them started."

This roar silenced many people, and what Liu Datou said was not without reason.

It's no wonder the price is so low for such a good seed.

Many poor people with little spare money stretched out their hands to rub their shriveled pockets, feeling bitter in their hearts.

The owner of Xiao Zhuang is benevolent and righteous to sell seeds. If he has no money, he can't blame others!

Most people have a heavy heart and pale faces. Who can blame them for not having money to buy them?
From time to time, someone let out sighs, and Liu Datou was even more proud, "Hahaha, everyone was not very proud just now, sir, I will not pour cold water on you, can you wake up so early?"

No one paid any attention to his words, they were all trying to figure out how to raise money to buy corn.

Some people even plan to borrow usury loans. As long as they buy the seeds, they can pay back the money next year. Although they won't make much money, at least they can fill their stomachs, right?

Xiao Yan watched Liu Datou's performance quietly, "What? Have you finished? Are there any other questions?"

Liu Datou proudly said: "This one is enough, tell me, what kind of high price do you plan to sell? These mud legs must not be able to afford it, right?"

Xiao Yan had already thought about the matter of seeds, and he said calmly, "I'm sorry, I'm going to disappoint you. Regarding this matter, I've already thought of a countermeasure."

Liu Datou: "Okay, don't worry, I'll wait to see your countermeasures."

Xiao Yan: "Fathers and folks, to be honest, I, Xiao Yan, did not expect to make a fortune from corn seeds. Just go to Butler Zhu to register, and I will announce my rules after all registrations are completed."

Many people were still worried when they thought about the price. Someone asked, "Master Xiao, but we really don't have much money."

Xiao Yan: "Don't worry, I have other methods for the poor people."

With his repeated assurances, everyone lined up to register in an orderly manner.

Zhu Tong had already made all preparations. Seven or eight old masters who could read and write sat in a row and began to register the names and addresses of those who signed up to buy seeds.

In addition, Xiao Yan also asked people to invite well-known elders from various villages to sit in town, and outline the wealth level on the registered names.

It is divided into five levels: poor, poor, good, rich, and rich.

After about an hour, all the applicants have been graded and graded.

Xiao Yan: "This time, I will divide the people who buy seeds into five grades. The lowest two grades are the abject poor and the poor. These two kinds of families can receive five catties of corn seeds for free without money, which is just enough to plant one mu of land. .”

Even if the technology is not good enough for one mu of land, you can still harvest [-] or [-] stones of corn, and even less than [-] stones and [-] stones are acceptable. Eight hundred catties are enough for a family of five for several months.

And this only takes up one mu of land, and rice can be grown on other land, so the food and clothing for a year can be considered solved.

Many people who were classified into the two levels of abject poverty and poverty suddenly danced with excitement.

Some people couldn't believe such a good thing, so they asked: "But Master Xiao, aren't you losing money like this?"

Xiao Yan smiled and said: "It's just a little money, I'm also helping the emperor and the court to share their worries, and I also have conditions."

"What are the conditions? Even if Master Xiao tells me to wait, we will definitely fulfill them."

Xiao Yan: "Actually, it's not a big deal. First, all corn seeds are not allowed to be sold outside for three years, and I must sell the unfinished part at a unified price. Of course, the final part of the money still belongs to you. "

"Naturally, I am willing to accept it!"

"I am also willing to accept."

Xiao Yan: "My ugly words are up front. Anyone registered on the roster must abide by it, so it is the same for all five levels. If someone violates this rule, then don't blame me, Xiao, for being ruthless!"

The demand for corn seeds is absolutely astronomical, Xiao Yan plans to popularize corn cultivation within three years.

The main reason is that the output in the first year is only 360 shi, which is [-] jin. Although it is also possible to sell the seeds bought in the system, it is not easy to do too much.

If it gets out, some people will probably estimate it, and it is easy to miss the account.

Therefore, he set a three-year period, and he earned almost all he could earn at that time.

Most of the common people use it for themselves, and they don't sell much, and it doesn't matter if you take them to make a little money.

This move is mainly to suppress those wealthy households, Xiao Yan firmly controls the pricing power, which can prevent these people from striving for more profits.

"Master Xiao, we can definitely abide by the first rule, but what is the second rule?"

Xiao Yan: "The second rule is that those who get the seeds for free must help me plant and harvest corn, and it will be considered that you have paid back the money for the corn seeds."

"It's so simple, it's still a big deal for us."

"Young Master Xiao is benevolent, I... I... woo woo woo..."

People with rich emotions have been moved to tears.

Xiao Yan continued to announce: "The remaining three classes are Liang, Fu and Daofu. Liang can buy five catties of seeds for ten taels of silver a catty, rich can buy ten catties of seeds for 50 taels of silver a catty, and the rich can buy fifty catties of seeds." Seeds, 100 taels of silver per catty, do you have any opinions?"

Some people were not happy, "Why do we need five taels of silver a catty?"

Hearing this man is a rich man.

Xiao Yan: "This is my rule, Xiao, you don't have to buy it if you don't like it."

The man muttered for a long time, but he didn't dare to say that if he didn't buy it, he wouldn't buy it.

At this time, someone asked: "May I ask Master Xiao, what is the price for a catty of seeds next year?"

Xiao Yan knew that someone would ask this question, after all, he paid a lot of money to buy seeds, but they couldn't sell them for the price, so who would want to buy them?
"Next year's price will be one tael per catty. Let's not talk about the two kinds of good and rich, let's take the richest man with the highest principal as an example!"

"I would like to listen to Master Xiao's explanation for me!"

Xiao Yan said: "If a rich man buys fifty catties of seeds, he can plant ten mu of corn. With the strength of the rich family, it is no problem to harvest twelve stones from one mu of land, right?"

"Master Xiao can harvest fifteen stones from such a barren land, so we can naturally produce twelve stones."

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