In fact, when the two sides were fighting fiercely, Xiao Yan didn't have time to think too much at all. As the main general, he had to go forward bravely, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.

There are only 60 people on my side, and there are more than 300 people on the opposite side. I am at a serious disadvantage in terms of numbers, and the Eastern Japanese pirates are all veterans, and all of them are extremely ferocious. Armor and powerful triple crossbow armed these subordinates, and they were able to barely draw with the pirates.

In the end, he operated again and again, killing several samurai and the leader of the opposite side, Sato Rokuro, and finally won the final victory.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of my subordinates, I, Xiao Yan, became a warrior, um, well deserved!
This guy actually felt a little complacent.

"Qiu Er, my young master sees that you are not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. With this experience, I think you will perform better in future battles. What do you think?"

Qiu Er didn't expect that the young master not only didn't blame him, but also valued him so much, he said excitedly, "Master, I, Qiu Er, will definitely live up to your high expectations!"

Although there are not many words, the meaning is clearly expressed.

Xiao Yan nodded, and said to everyone: "Everyone has contributed to this war, so let's bring the money in!"

Just now Li Tieniu and others found a total of 1 taels of silver on the two ships, and it was all in vain cash. After interrogation, they learned that the silver was the commission for the Dongshan faction to hire these East Japanese pirates to kill Xiao Yan.

But the Eastern Japanese pirates didn't like silver bills, they only believed in silver, so what Dongshan sent was cash.

As a result, these Eastern Japanese pirates lost their lives before they could enjoy the money, which made Xiao Yan cheaper.

Xiao Yan took out 1000 taels of it as a reward.

Looking at the plates of white money in front of them, the eyes of Xiao Yan and his subordinates did not have the cheering look of the past.

Xiao Yan wondered: "What's the matter? Don't you like money anymore?"

Someone boldly said: "Master, we only know that following you is very happy. Not only do you eat well, but you also have good armor to save your life and good weapons to kill the enemy. You care so much about us, how can we take your money again?" ?”

Xiao Yan was a little surprised: "What's your name?"

The man said: "Returning to the young master, the younger one is called He Dazhuang."

Xiao Yan praised: "He Dazhuang, I am very pleased that you know how to be grateful, but since you have followed me, Xiao Yan, then I can't treat you badly, you must take all the money."

He Dazhuang: "But..."

Xiao Yan waved his hand: "No, but good armor is to do our best to protect your lives, because we have to conquer all kinds of monsters and monsters together, and good weapons are to kill enemies and make meritorious service to earn money. This big battle Everyone has merit in winning, so everyone is rewarded with ten taels of silver, and you don't have to feel guilty, as long as you are loyal to me, Xiao Yan."

After saying this, He Dazhuang and others all knelt down on the ground, "We are willing to swear allegiance to the young master to the death. If there is even the slightest disobedience, we will abandon it as human beings and gods."

Xiao Yan was very satisfied: "Very good, from now on we will work together to create brilliance together!"

After distributing the silver taels, Xiao Yan exchanged the points for some steaks, milk powder, and instant noodles, and distributed them to his subordinates.

As for the armor and crossbow bolts, everyone agreed that they were seized from a pirate ship, and Xiao Yan didn't care if others doubted it or not.

It is useless to doubt it. After all, the ironware and weapons of your Daning Dynasty are controlled by the court. Even if they are not controlled, no one has the technology to create such high-quality armor weapons, right?

Therefore, it is very appropriate to plant the pot on the Eastern Japanese pirates. As for where the pirates got it, you have to ask the dead Eastern Japanese pirates.

After working hard for most of the night and getting enough sleep, it was already noon the next day.

After eating something casually, Xiao Yan left the cabin.

"Wow, these two boats are actually three-story boats, it's crazy."

It was too dark last night to see the whole picture of the ship clearly, but it was so spectacular when I saw it again during the day.

The two ends of the building ship are slightly upturned, and there are guard plates half the height of a person on both sides of the ship, which are presumably used to resist arrows and flying stones in the event of a battle.

It's a pity that there is no gunpowder in this era, and of course there is no artillery. Therefore, there are only trebuchets and a large crossbow as attack weapons on this ship.

Although it is not satisfactory, it is still two big ships, each of which can carry more than [-] people, which is not a small gain.

After getting off the boat, we soon came to the place where we fought yesterday.

The battlefield has been cleaned up, only the dark red color of some bloody land, and traces of battle can still be seen.

Liu Bing, the two hundreds of household officials, and a group of officers and soldiers stood there without saying a word, obviously angry that they could not participate in the battle last night.

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Old Liu, you got up so early today?"

Liu Bing murmured, "How could the young master not keep his word? We agreed to encircle together, but in the end you were lucky, everything was resolved, and none of them were left to us."

Xiao Yan: "Haha, this was purely accidental, haha ​​accidental. Do you know who those people were last night?"

Liu Bing was puzzled and said, "Isn't it the Lake Bandits of the Nanhua faction?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, "Follow me!"

Liu Bing followed him to the shade of a tree, where there was a cart full of things and covered with a black cloth.

Xiao Yan said: "Look at what those are?"

Liu Bing walked to the side of the cart, and when he lifted the black cloth with his right hand, his whole body became a little stiff. His face turned pale, and he quickly put down the black cloth and said, "Human head?"

Although he has been on the battlefield several times, but he has never seen such a scene, it is no wonder that he behaved once.

Xiao Yan: "Look at the weirdness of these heads again?"

Liu Bing had no choice but to hold back the nausea in his heart, and lifted the black cloth again, and this time he was mentally prepared, so he didn't have the sudden shock just now, so he also looked carefully: "Aren't these people from our Daning? It looks like a legendary Eastern Wa countryman."

Xiao Yan nodded and said: "You have some knowledge, yes, these are the real pirates of the Eastern Japanese Kingdom. After liquidation, there are 320 and 260 people in total, 63 and [-] people were beheaded on the spot, and there were [-] captives."

Liu Bing doesn't believe it. He still believes in the Taihu Lake bandits, but these are actually more than 300 pirates from the Eastern Japan Kingdom. These people are all desperate and fearless, and their weapons are sharp. A scene of Eastern Japanese pirates chasing and killing hundreds of Daning officers and soldiers.

But Xiao Yan said that he wiped out the entire pirate gang, how could he believe it?

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