Although the remaining Eastern Japanese pirates were brave, the head of the leader was beheaded by the even braver Xiao Yan. Without a leader, there is no opponent for Zhang Xiaojia and others.

But all the work of a cup of tea has been solved.

Zhang Xiaojia directed the crowd to clean up the battlefield, "Let's see if there are any fish that slip through the net, and tie up all the living ones, and wait for the young master to deal with them."

Everything here is going on in an orderly manner.

But when Xiao Yan came to the lake, he happened to see two pirate ships pulling anchor and preparing to set sail.

A familiar figure stood at the bow of one of the pirate ships, it was Li Bin.

Xiao Yan was fully armed, so Li Bin naturally couldn't recognize him. Seeing someone chasing him, he hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and sail! They are chasing you."

Xiao Yan shouted: "Su Yu, get on the boat quickly, don't let them escape!"

Before the two ships had time to set sail, Xiao Yan's heart fell to the ground.Originally thought to be the Lake Bandits of the Nanhua faction, when they planned to kill half of them, they would divide some people to seize the ship, but they turned out to be the Eastern Japanese pirates.

Fortunately, after eliminating the pirate leader Rokuro Sato, he finally had time to seize the ship.

Su Yu jumped onto a boat with a run-up. The sailors on the boat had just anchored, and before they had time to take up their weapons to meet the enemy, Su Yu kicked him off the Taihu Lake.

Su Yu dropped the anchor and jumped to another boat. The sailors on that boat were not as lucky as the previous one, and they were directly punished by Su Yu.

Xiao Yan got on the boat from the gangway that Su Yu put down, "Tie Niu, take someone to look around and catch all the fish that slipped through the net."

Li Tieniu said: "Yes, young master!"

Su Yu moved a chair at some point, "Master, please sit down and rest!"

Xiao Yan was indeed tired. He sat on a chair and looked at Li Bin who was trembling not far away.

Li Bin was so frightened that he fell to his knees with a "plop", kowtowed like pounding garlic, and begged for mercy: "This good man, I am not with them, please forgive me!"

Xiao Yan just sat like this, still not saying a word.

Li Bin continued to beg for mercy: "Hero, these Eastern Japanese pirates were invited by our leader Qin Kui to kill a man named Xiao Yan, but I don't know why they fought with you. We really don't want to make things difficult for you .”

Li Tieniu came over at this time: "Master, there are four people on the two ships, all of them have been resolved."

Xiao Yan nodded: "Well done! Don't forget the one in the lake!"

Li Tieniu: "The one in the lake is also resolved."

Su Yu: "Master, it's cold outside, do you want to go into the cabin?"

Xiao Yan: "Alright!"

Li Bin heard the voice somewhat familiar, but couldn't remember who it was.

Li Tieniu: "What is the dog doing in a daze, why don't you follow along?"

Li Bin didn't dare to refute, so he had to follow behind into the cabin.

Candles were already lit in the cabin, illuminating the inside brightly.This cabin is very spacious, at least a few feet square, with luxurious furnishings, tables, chairs and cabinets.

There are stairs behind the screen, obviously this ship building has more than one floor.

Xiao Yan took off his helmet, found a chair and sat down, watched Li Bin come in and asked, "Li Bin, do you still recognize me?"

Li Bin took a closer look, pointed at Xiao Yan and said, "Xiao Yan, it's could it be you?"

Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Why not me?"

Li Bin: "Aren't you with the officers and soldiers? The officers and soldiers of Daning are greedy for life and afraid of death. They are definitely not the opponents of the pirates. Let alone dozens of you, even the officers and soldiers ten times the size of the pirates are just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

Xiao Yan: "That's right, none of my subordinates are officers and soldiers."

Li Bin: "You have raised so many elites. Not only do you have strong armor, but you also have sharp three-shot crossbow arrows. Are you planning to rebel?"

After finishing speaking, he regretted it, "No, that's not what I meant, it's not rebellion..."

Xiao Yan: "I don't care if you rebel or not, I just need some ability to protect myself."

Li Bin: "Xiao Yan, I didn't do it on purpose, can you walk around me this time?"

Xiao Yan: "It's too late. In my life, I hate you the traitor who betrayed the nation and colluded with the barbarians to slaughter the common people."

Li Bin: "These Eastern Japanese pirates were all brought here in collusion with Qin Kui from the Dongshan faction. I didn't know them at all before. What I said is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood."

Xiao Yan: "I only know that you brought them here to kill me, but don't worry, I will leave your whole body."

Li Bin knew that he would never escape this time, so he immediately revealed his true colors, and said through gritted teeth: "Xiao, do you think you can rest easy if you kill me? I'm not afraid to tell you that these Eastern Japanese pirates are only a small part. If Kui misses this time, he will definitely attract more Eastern Japanese pirates, and you are by no means their opponent with this little manpower."

Xiao Yan: "I won't bother you about these, Tieniu will send him on his way!"

Li Tieniu saw that Li Bin was unhappy, he said yes, and drew his sword to attack.

Xiao Yan hurriedly said: "Drag it out before killing, don't make the boat dirty, it will be our trophy from now on."

Li Bin looked at Xiao Yan with resentment in both eyes, and cursed: "You will die, and Mr. Zhao Xingyuan will not let you go..."

Li Tieniu raised his hand and slapped Li Bin dizzily, "It's really noisy!"

After removing the armor, Xiao Yan suddenly felt that his whole body was much more relaxed. There was a howl from outside, which stopped abruptly, and then Li Tieniu came back and replied: "Young Master, that guy has paid for it!"

Xiao Yan: "Understood, you go down and rest too!"

Li Tieniu stepped back.

Xiao Yan felt emotional: After traveling for less than half a year, he has become a decisive person. This world is so difficult, only by becoming such a person can he protect himself!
After a long time, there was a noise outside.

Su Yudao: "Master, it should be Xiao Jia and the others who are here."

Xiao Yan withdrew his thoughts, stood up and said, "Let them come in and talk."

Fortunately, the cabin is large enough to accommodate 60 people.

Everyone has already taken off their armor and stood neatly in the cabin, waiting for their young master to speak.

Xiao Yan: "Everyone performed very well in today's encounter, which completely exceeded my expectations. I think you also know that these people are not the Lake Bandits of the Nanhua School at all, but the out-and-out Eastern Japanese pirates."

Qiu Er excitedly said: "I said that we almost all know the lake bandits of the Nanhua faction, even if there are newcomers, there is no way we don't know each other, and they are dressed so weirdly, there must be something wrong!"

Zhang Xiaojia: "Qiu Er, I think you were a little timid at the time, weren't you?"

Qiu Er: "Although I, Qiu Er, can't be regarded as a warrior like the young master, I'm not timid to fight. I just don't know what to do."

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