Daning Dynasty god-level sign-in system

Chapter 175 Advanced Intermediate System

After finally sending away all the people who came to congratulate him, the two servants who announced the good news also returned to the capital to return to their orders after finishing their meals.

Xiao Yan wanted to hide in the room immediately to check the situation of the system, but Zhu Tong gathered all the people in the village and asked him to speak.

Xiao Yan thought for a while: Now is the time to strengthen everyone's cohesion, and the opportunity is once in a lifetime, so let's wait for the system to see it later!

"Okay, let's just say a few words!"

Zhu Tongxi said: "Brothers, I think you all know that our young master won the first place in the township examination and got Jieyuan. Do you know how difficult it is?"

Everyone knows that the middle lift is difficult, but there really is no benchmark for how difficult it is.

Zhu Tong went on to say: "I know you don't understand, let me tell you, just now I inquired with the two messengers who announced the good news, this time there are a total of [-] scholars who participated in the provincial examination, and Liu, who is known as the number one talent in Daning Zong Ming also participated, but he was still killed by our young master."

A young man was so excited when he heard it, he shouted: "Young master is mighty!"

Others also shouted: "Young master is mighty!"

Seeing that Zhu Tong mobilized everyone's emotions, he retreated behind Xiao Yan in good time.

Xiao Yan is very satisfied with this Zhu Tong, he is a man with a sense of advancement and retreat, no wonder the Nanhua faction asked him to come to Zhaojiaji to preside over this Zhuangzi, although he was domineering and arrogant in the past and oppressed the people, but after a good reform, he will be a good helper.

He took a few steps forward, and the voices below became even more excited.

Xiao Yan waited for a while, and then raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, "Everyone, Xiao's success in the Jieyuan exam today actually shows one thing, as long as you work hard, there will be good rewards. So I hope you don't care No matter where you are, if you persist in doing your own thing well, you will gain.”

Zhang Xiaojia took the lead in applauding: "Young master is well said! I will continue to study kung fu with Mr. Su in the future, and maybe one day I will be able to come back with a martial arts champion!"

Everyone suddenly burst into laughter.

Zhang Xiaojia: "What are you laughing at?"

Xiao Yan suppressed a smile: "Xiao Jia, it's good to be ambitious, come on!"

Zhang Xiaojia was overjoyed and said, "The young master has a good eye!"

Xiao Yan: "Today is a day worth celebrating. After a while, each person will be given two taels of silver. In addition, I will kill a few pigs and sheep to comfort everyone, but there is one thing, don't drink for a few days. If you resist, then don't drink." Blame Xiao for being ruthless."

There is money to take and a large piece of meat to eat, even if you can't drink, what is there to be dissatisfied with?

The rest was arranged by Zhu Tong himself, Xiao Yan found an opportunity to sneak back to his room.

Once the door was closed, Xiao Yan asked impatiently: "Wang Cai Wang Cai, the system can be advanced!"

The voice of Wangcai came out in my mind: "Congratulations, I finally passed the exam and got No.1. The condition of [-] contribution points, that is, [-] points, is also met. The primary state is advanced to the intermediate state."

Xiao Yan waited for a long time, thinking that there should be some extraordinary changes when the system is advanced, in order not to be noticed by others, so he secretly hid in his room and closed the door to upgrade, who knew that he didn't feel anything after waiting for a long time , so he asked, "Wangcai, is this advanced?"

Wangcai lazily said: "Yes, it is already an intermediate system."

Xiao Yan: "Then why don't I feel anything? Are you trying to fool me?"

Wangcai: "I don't have that energy, you think too much."

Xiao Yan did not give up: "Isn't there a slight change?"

Wangcai: "Feel it carefully, can you feel a store with some primary and intermediate items in it?"

Xiao Yan concentrated on feeling it with his heart, and he was able to perceive the store that Wangcai mentioned. There was nothing real in it, just pictures and corresponding prices.

There are all kinds of rice, noodles, watermelon, shampoo, etc. that I checked in before. There are several different brands of each item, and the prices are slightly different.

Click on the middle-level item column, and there are pictures of various rare seeds, fertilizers, farm tools, and daily tools.

"Huh? There are actually a lot of weapons and equipment in the mid-level items? Fuck, spears, bows and arrows, double-shot crossbow arrows, broadswords, swords, leather armor, chain mail, iron armor..."

Wangcai: "These are elementary equipment, so don't be so excited!"

Xiao Yan: "Why can't this advanced button be clicked?"

Wangcai: "Nonsense, you still have advanced, how can you click on it?"

Xiao Yan: "Didn't you say that you can buy advanced items after advanced?"

Wangcai: "I didn't say no, it's just that you can't see it now, but you can buy it for you through me."

Only then did Xiao Yan nod in satisfaction: "Hahaha, now that you've made a fortune, in addition to dealing in daily necessities, you can also enjoy being a big arms dealer."

As soon as he finished speaking, a basin of cold water poured down over his face.

Wangcai: "What are you thinking? Do you know what conditions are needed for the next step of system advancement?"

Xiao Yan shook his head blankly, spread his hands together and said, "I don't know!"

Wangcai: "You really have a big heart, hey!"

Xiao Yan: "Uh, are the conditions even more stringent?"

Wangcai: "That's right, the number of conditions is still two, but..."

When Xiao Yan heard this but, his heart suddenly panicked for no reason: "Wangcai, don't be foolish, can you finish it in one breath?"

Wangcai: "The first condition is to continue to participate in next year's Chunwei, and you must pass the Jinshi exam."

Xiao Yan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: "What? I still have to take the imperial examination? Didn't I just finish the exam? I don't want to continue the exam. Who can bear to stay in that place for nine days!"

Wangcai: "Don't you want to advance?"

Xiao Yan stretched his waist: "I think the intermediate level is enough for me, let's just muddle along! I need equipment and equipment, food and food, so why bother to suffer!"

Wangcai: "I think your life is not long!"

Xiao Yan: "Wangcai, have you changed your career to become a Taoist priest? I am young, how come I will die soon?"

Wangcai: "If the system cannot be advanced to a high level within three years, what awaits you will be the self-destruction of the system!"

Xiao Yan was dumbfounded: "Self-explosion? What the hell is this god-level sign-in system, and it's forcing me to take the scientific examination. I really think it's good now. Why should I go to the scientific examination?"

Wangcai: "No way, it's set like this. Once you start to advance, you must advance all the way up to the highest special level, otherwise the system will explode, and then we will be wiped out together!"

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