Daning Dynasty god-level sign-in system

Chapter 174 Advanced Intermediate System

The two guards asked about the way, and continued to drive on their horses.

Soon, the news of Xiao Yan Zhongjie Yuan swept across the entire Zhao family collection like a gust of wind.

"What? Did you really see the person with the good news coming to our town?"

"Then it can be false. The two superiors have said that Mr. Xiao knows Yuan."

"Jie Yuan? Impossible! Did you hear the name wrong?"

"Xiao Yan seemed to be at the bottom of the college exam last time, but this time the rural exam was attended by scholars from the entire Zhili area. Can he pass the exam?"

"That's right. You must have heard it wrong. It's not bad for Xiao Yan to win the Juren. I think it's impossible to win the Jieyuan."

"What I said is true, it is impossible to hear wrong!"

"You see that you are beginning to disbelieve yourself, don't you? The tone of your speech is a little unconfident."

"Uh, did I really hear wrong?"

"Let's not say what you heard right, let's go to Xiao Yan's Zhuangzi to see, won't we know the truth?"

"Come on, let's go and see what happened."

A group of people headed for Zhuangzi mightily.

Scenes like this happen from time to time, and many people firmly do not believe that Xiao Yan can solve Yuan.

In the end, everyone unanimously moved towards Zhuangzi where Xiao Yan lived.

But Xiao Yan got up early this morning and gave Li Tieniu and other sixty people a thought lesson.

"I went to Beijing to rush for the exam during this period. Zhu Tong is in charge of everything in Zhuangzi. Overall, I am satisfied. First of all, I am very pleased that everyone did not mess up the corn matter. You have done a good job. I will reward you. We will release the matter in a few days."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yan paused slightly, "Secondly, our team has also expanded. I don't care what you all did before. When you come to me, you must abide by my rules. Through the observations of the past few days, we It is found that some people are not active enough in training, and it can even be said that they are a little lazy."

Li Tieniu lowered his head slightly at this moment.

Xiao Yan: "Of course we can't blame Li Tieniu entirely, I also have some responsibility."

Li Tieniu became anxious: "Master, it's because I'm not strict enough, it has nothing to do with you."

Xiao Yan: "Tie Niu, I forgot to tell you to hold regular conferences, so I should also take some responsibility. I decided that starting today, everyone will hold this conference regularly. What do you think?"

"Master, what's the use of the thought conference?"

Xiao Yan: "To put it simply, we should always keep one thing in mind: sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in wartime."

"Sweat more in normal times and bleed less in war?"

"I understand, young master."

Xiao Yan: "Alright, come and tell them how you understand it."

"I feel that we should go all out during training and complete the goal without compromise. In the event of a war, there can be less bloodshed."

Xiao Yan praised: "Very good, that's almost what it means. We should sweat more during training. If one day we can save our lives, there are still great days ahead for us!"

Suddenly, Butler Liu ran in in a panic, and he didn't care about the lectures here, and shouted directly: "Young Master, Young Master, the good news... the good news is here."

Xiao Yan didn't recover for a while, he looked at Butler Liu's breezy face and asked, "Happy news? What happy news?"

Butler Liu: "Master, you have won the prize."

Only then did Xiao Yan suddenly realize: "Jie Yuan? Is this a hit?"

Liu Bing was the first to react, and he said loudly: "Congratulations to Mr. Xiao for winning the first place in the provincial examination, and happy to win the first place, Xie Yuan."

"Ah? Our young master won the prize! That's great hahaha!"

"The young master has won the prize, we didn't follow the wrong person!"

Xiao Yan: "Let's stop here today, Su Yu, during this period of time you help Tieniu to practice for them well, maybe you will be able to use it in two days, Steward Liu, take me to see the person who announces the good news. "

At this time, Zhu Tong took a package and handed it to Xiao Yan, "Young master, this is happy money, don't forget to give the difference after a while."

Xiao Yan took the package and said: "I really don't have any scattered silver on me, so I won't be polite to you, let's go and have a look together!"

The front of Zhuangzi was already full of excitement, and people rushing from all directions had surrounded the gate of the Zhuangzi tightly.

The two messengers who announced the good news were crowded at the front.

Xiao Yan went forward to meet him: "The two guard brothers have worked hard, Xiao Yan, a little money for tea is not a respect."

The guard took the silver, and the hand was slightly heavy, about 20 taels. Originally, the two thought it would be a hard job to announce the good news this time.

According to the usual practice, Xie Yuan's happy money is no more than two taels at most, and it will take about ten days to go to and from Zhaojiaji without much rest.

Two taels of silver can only be regarded as a little hard work.

So the moment the two of them took the money, they were shocked, a total of 20 taels! What is the concept of 20 taels?Enough for two people to live without food or drink for two years.

The exhaustion of traveling all the way has disappeared at this time, and a warm smile is on his face, "Thank you Xiao Jieyuan for the reward!"

After saying this, the smiles on the faces of the two put away, and they sang seriously: "Congratulations to Suzhou Fu Zhaojiaji Xiaoyan High School Yongxi 42 Zhili Township Examination Xie Yuan!"

Xiao Yan accepted the good news from the guard, "It's a fluke, how about the two of you go in for some tea and light meals?"

The guard naturally agreed, and Steward Liu immediately arranged for someone to lead the two of them in for dinner.

"Xiao Jieyuan, you are really bringing glory to our Zhao Family Collection!"

"Think about it, this is the first time someone in our Zhaojiaji has won Jie Yuan!"

"Congratulations Xiao Jieyuan!"

Xiao Yan clasped his fists in gratitude and said: "Thank you, folks, folks, today Xiao was lucky enough to get a Jieyuan, which is considered a happy event, and everyone who comes here to congratulate today will have ten copper coins as happy money."

Originally, everyone just came to watch the fun, but when they heard that there was ten cents of Xiqian available, they immediately started to get crowded, for fear that they would not have their share in the end.

"Don't be crowded, okay?"

"Huh? Didn't you just say that Mr. Xiao couldn't win the prize? How dare you wait here to receive the happy money now?"

"It's impossible for me to say such a thing, okay? Mr. Xiao is handsome and handsome, with a jade tree facing the wind, and he has learned from ancient and modern times. It is not a trivial matter to test a Jie Yuan."

"You... shameless enough..."

Xiao Yan: "Everyone, don't crowd, everyone has a share, yes, keep in formation..."

Because there were too many people who came, the whole process of distributing happy money lasted for almost an hour, and the copper coins consumed ranged from [-] to [-] to [-].

Those who got the happy money all praised Xiao Yan and Xiao Jieyuan not only for his good knowledge, but also for being a good person, and the most important thing is that he is very proud. He spent [-] yuan to send out happy money, etc.

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