"Your plan looks perfect. In fact, what you did this time is much more complicated than what Liuhe County did."

Lin Zhenzhen felt that transporting coal from the northwest region was too far away and cost too much money, and he was not yet ready to charge for water.

If you add a little from other taxes.

That is, if it is passed on to the imperial court, many people will make a big fuss.

"What are you afraid of? Now that you have decided to do this, no matter what you do, you have to grit your teeth and finish this matter. I, Zhang Song, either don't decide to do it. Or I decide to do it and do it to the end."

Regarding the transportation of coal, Zhang Xiong didn't care at all, because he had a steam turbine in hand.

If it is used once, it can be almost twenty times the size of the current wooden boat.

Such a huge transportation capacity is simply beyond the imagination of people of their time.

The pottery pipes needed for the entire county are only 20 meters.

For Zhang Song, 20 meters needs two ships of coal to be fired.

It takes fifteen days for the two ships of coal to be delivered.

In the Han Dynasty, coal was used to fire iron and pottery.

Therefore, Zhang Song did not use ironware as iron pipes because ironware was banned in the Ming Dynasty.

The imperial court was very sensitive to ironware, just like Zhang Song was sensitive to guns.

The large-scale use of iron by the common people will make it difficult for the ruler to sleep at night.

Zhang Song's plan continued in an orderly manner.For this huge project, the labor and materials he used cost 20 taels of silver.

Many officials in the court couldn't understand why Zhang Song did this?
They are officials just to live a good life for themselves. As for the life and death of the people, just talk about it. Why take it seriously, it will cost a lot.

After all, what Zhang Song did was not only sacrificing his own interests, but also the interests of many interest groups.

In doing so, he is essentially different from those traditional bureaucrats, making these traditional bureaucrats have no market.

Therefore, this part of the officials hated Zhang Song and wished that he would die sooner.

"It would be great if the wharf in Shihe County can be repaired, so that the ship can be directly driven here to greatly reduce the distance and time..."

Lin Zhenzhen said suddenly.

"That would cost a lot of money, at least fifty thousand silver!"

The 20 taels of silver embezzled by Zhang Song from Liuhe County needs to be taken back to Liuhe County in the future, which is equivalent to a loan from Liuhe County.

Then calculate according to the interest of [-]/[-].

The interest rate after this round is very scary.

Only people with the guts of Zhang Song would dare to do this. If it were a wimp who came to serve as the county magistrate of Shihe County, he would never do such a project.

Again, Zhang Song did not do this to gain a good name for himself.

But for the goal in his heart.

Zhang Song personally took people to the northwest region to transport coal back.

As for Shihe County, he found a county magistrate to manage it.

That is, the plum wood he brought back from the Liaodong campaign.

"Master, I don't have any fame, how can I be an official!" Li Zimu was very worried that this was not in line with Hu Daming's rules.

"I say yes. You can serve as the county magistrate first, and then I will hand over a memorial to the emperor for his approval. I believe that the emperor will agree to the talents I recommend."

Zhang Song looked confident.

"Oh, you are really amazing! It's as if the emperor obeys your orders, and you are the only one who obeys you!"

"Don't say that, be careful that walls have ears, you are hurting me!"

Zhang Song glared at Lin Zhenzhen and said.

This girl really dares to say anything.

"Don't worry, I did some investigation, so far I haven't found that Jin Yiwei is following you."

Before that, Zhu Yuanzhang did not send Jin Yiwei to follow Zhang Song.

Mainly because I don't trust him.

But after a period of running-in, Zhu Yuanzhang gradually dispelled his doubts about Zhang Song.

After hearing Zhu Biao's appreciation for him, he felt that Zhu Biao wanted to train Zhang Song to be his right-hand man.

As for his son's thoughts, it's not good for him as an old man to take care of everything.

After all, knowing a son is like a father.

If one day he dies, and his son becomes emperor, there are not many capable ministers and generals who can assist him, how can he be able to sit firmly in the country?

People who are emperors certainly have long-term plans for their children and grandchildren.

Zhu Yuanzhang is not worried that Zhu Biao has unruly intentions.

Because Zhu Biao is a very benevolent and moral person, everything he does is the same.

Just like when he named his son, he had a standard standard.

This word has two meanings.

One is Bing Bing Tian Xia.

The other is the standard mark of a moral model.

Under his training, Zhu Biao gradually became his ideal successor.

So there are not too many constraints on him.

Many ordinary government affairs, Zhu Yuanzhang entrusted Zhu Biao to deal with those difficult things, and then he personally handled them.

It is said that Zhang Song personally brought the people to the northwest, and they arrived at their destination after a seven-day journey.

This time it is Datong County in Shanxi.

Datong is the capital of Shanxi.

unusually prosperous.

Of course, it is far behind the elves.


For this place where coal is very rich.It is also considered the wealthiest county in the Northwest.

Moreover, Shanxi also produces a kind of merchants, called Shanxi merchants.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Shanxi merchants were very prosperous.

It mainly does business with the grasslands and the Western Regions, transporting tea and various porcelains produced in the Ming Dynasty to countries north of the northwest for sale.

In particular, they do the most business with Big Bear Country.

Blue and white porcelain produced in the Ming Dynasty is one of the most popular porcelains in the world.

And there are many transfer stations in Datong.

They transported the blue and white porcelain here from Jingdezhen, and then collectively formed a caravan to go to foreign countries, mainly in the northwest desert, where there were often bandits, so these merchants organized groups and hired many mercenaries to protect their financial security.

The merchants who hire a lot of mercenaries are large merchants, and those who are small can only hire bodyguards from bodyguards.

"Master, this place is really different, especially the Roujiamo is so delicious."

While following behind Zhang Song, Yu Chan, who was wearing Roujiamo, said with a mouth full of oil.

As long as this girl sees something delicious, she will stop and can't pull her away.

This girl is good at eating, but she just didn't gain weight. Zhang Song wondered where did this guy go after eating so much?Could it be that he is a smuggler who misses it when he eats it.

Zhang Song thought about it and felt that it was a bit inappropriate for children.

Immediately interrupted his evil thoughts.

Seeing Lixia's threatening smile on Zhang Songyuan's face, although it passed away in a flash, she was still captured by her.

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