This time the ministers collectively opposed Zhu Yuanzhang's plan and failed.

Hu Weiyong and the others already felt cold in their hearts, that is, his position as prime minister was already in jeopardy.Do nothing, and it could very well lose it all.

After all, it is habitual to have power.

This right has brought him unlimited benefits, so he never wants to go down from this position.

If he stepped down from this position, Hu Wenyong would no longer be a passer-by, no one would take it seriously, no one would flatter him, and be obedient in front of him.

It was this vanity that he wanted.

Having already possessed unlimited power and wealth, of course one must have the honor of being a master.

Since ancient times, why people have wanted to climb to the pinnacle of power is tantamount to wanting to gain this sense of vanity.

When the power and wealth are satisfied, it is the feeling of seeing the common people as small as ants in front of you, and you can trample him to death with one foot.

Becoming a prime minister undoubtedly gained this supreme position of minister.

Zhu Yuanzhang has long seen the disadvantages of the prime minister who has posed a huge threat to the emperor since ancient times.So he decided to cut off the bad habits left over from the feudal dynasty for thousands of years.

Naturally, most people will oppose his opinion.

The reason why he was not in a hurry to act was entirely because he was waiting for an opportunity, and when the time was ripe, he would definitely ban the prime minister's position without hesitation.

Officials of the six ministries are directly responsible to him.

Hu Weiyong had already expected that Zhu Yuanzhang would do this, so he decided to betray Daming and collude with Japanese pirates.

Daming did not have a powerful navy, so the sea was a world full of pirate countries.

This Japanese pirate country is surrounded by the sea, so there are many fishing boats.

And as long as these fishing boats are organized, a powerful navy can be formed.

This is also the reason why Hu Wenyong wanted to seek refuge in Japan.

He felt that by taking refuge in the Wa Kingdom, he could lead these pirate ships to harass the Ming people along the coast.

Although it is said that it is impossible to attack the inland, the frequent harassment of these borders and seas makes Zhu Yuanzhang sick to death.

His movements are very secretive, even Jin Yiwei can't detect it.

What Jinyiwei investigates is nothing more than those things corrupted by ministers. They only investigate those ministers as long as Zhu Yuanzhang appoints them to investigate. If they don’t investigate, they don’t investigate so many officials across the country. Tracking, how much money will it cost the treasury.

So Zhu Yuanzhang is not so idle and has nothing to do, he insists on every minister.

He, Zhu Yuanzhang, thought that this person might need to be checked, so he sent Jin Yiwei to follow him.

The reason why Jin Yiwei was not sent to watch Hu Weiyong was because Hu Weiyong was allowed to develop in a bad direction.

If you want to die, you must make him crazy. This is Zhu Yuanzhang's strategy for Hu Wenyong.

Hu Wenyong is a more vigilant person than Li Shanchang, so if you send Jin Yiwei to keep an eye on him, he will be impeccable and not easy to make mistakes.

If you don't send people to follow him, then he will show his flaws soon, and then send Jin Yiwei to investigate him.

Zhu Yuanzhang already planned to attack Hu Wenyong today, so he sent Mu Shoucai to carry out this order.

Mao Xiang, the commander of Jinyiwei, has now been ignored by Zhu Yuanzhang, and he has not been assigned any important tasks.

Mainly because this guy is on the side of the princess.

He thought that he was the commander of the Jinyiwei, and no one would investigate his secrets, but he didn't know that he, the commander of the Jinyiwei, had already been bored by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang intends to dispose of the Hu Wenyong case after it is over, and let him go out to be the blame man.

The power of the emperor is as great as the sky.

Naturally, people in the world dare not point the finger at Zhu Yuanzhang.

He can only vent his anger on the dog next to him.

The emperor is always good, but he just listened to the words of treacherous ministers.

Since ancient times, this kind of words to fool the common people is very easy to fool the common people. People who understand like Zhang Song and the others simply believe in ghosts.

It is clear that all this is what Zhu Yuanzhang meant.In the end, it was the dogs around him who were responsible.

When Mao Xiang gained Zhu Yuanzhang's trust, he was as arrogant as he wanted. It can be said that the whole world belonged to Mao Xiang.

You all call him nine thousand years old secretly.

People are most likely to get carried away when they are arrogant, and he has been so carried away that he naively thought that Zhu Yuanzhang would not abandon him.

In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he was going to perish.

Speaking of which, Zhang Song didn't know that the people of Shihe County had come to the palace to speak for him. When he heard the news, he was very moved.

"The common people are actually very simple. They only need to have food to eat, and they won't complain about the country even if they drink corn porridge every once in a while. But some officials can't even afford them porridge."

Yuchan, who was standing beside Zhang Song, couldn't help but said with emotion.

"Drinking corn porridge is a serious dog official. An official like me will definitely let the common people afford to eat for nothing, with vegetables, meat and wine for every meal. In the future, every common man will be able to ride horses and mules when they go to the streets."

Lin Zhenzhen felt that Zhang Song was bragging.

"I said, Mr. Zhang, don't blow up the cowhide too much, be careful that your mouth is swollen."

"If you go to our Liuhe County, the common people have already eaten white rice, wine and meat every meal. It is not a building, but a real existence. If it continues to develop, every household has a mount for travel, and it is not Impossible. It’s called the future.”

"That's right, when we always have dreams, we go after them. As long as we dare to think and do things, we will never fail to realize them."

Yuchan absolutely believed Zhang Song's words.

It started when Zhang Song took over the impoverished and poor Liuhe County.First developed to the present No. [-] County, Zhang Song's efforts and sacrifices are huge, and she can see it.

"Okay, stop talking, let's get down to business. All the materials have been delivered, and the construction of the water plant will start immediately, but where does the coal for the pottery pipe come from?"

Lin Zhenzhen is also helping Zhang Song seriously.

"Of course, we can transport coal from wherever there is coal. Northwest China is a major coal production line. We will transport it from there, take the Yellow River, cross the canal, and then arrive at Jinling Wharf."

Zhang Song plans to build a pilot water plant in this county, and then recommend it nationwide.

If the common people drink clean water, then the sanitation conditions will of course be resolved in the future.The less common people get sick, the stronger the national power will be.

What Zhang Song did was something that Zhu Yuanzhang had thought about but dared not do.This old saying is too much money.A small county town costs [-] yuan, and there are so many taels of silver in the country, which is a huge hole. If it goes ahead, let each county town solve it by itself, and worry that those county officials will obey their will and collect taxes indiscriminately.

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