Daqin storyteller, starting with an inventory of the top ten emperors

Chapter 113 With this strategy, the alien race will surely be defeated

"Fusu is here?"

Ying Zheng raised his eyes and looked outside the study.

"Since you're here, come in."

He was also a little curious as to why Fusu came over suddenly.

As soon as Fusu entered the study, he directly saluted and fell to the ground.

"My son helps Su, and pays homage to Father Emperor."

Ying Zheng nodded and looked at Fu Su: "At this time, you are not studying with Mr. Bai Su."

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

Fu Su said in a loud voice: "My son is with Mr. Bai Su, and I got a good plan, which may solve my difficulties in the Great Qin."

"Therefore, I came here specially to inform my father."

A little interest suddenly appeared in Ying Zheng's eyes.

"You mean, it's Mr. Bai Su's good plan?"

Fu Su nodded, "Exactly."

"Mr. Bai Su's strategy is highly respected by my son."

"If this strategy is successful, it will definitely be able to effectively attack the alien race."

"Let them return in defeat!"

Hearing this, a dash of eagerness suddenly appeared on Ying Zheng's face.

You know, he summoned these important imperial officials to discuss with them the strategy of retreating the enemy.

But so far, they have not been able to come up with a strategy to retreat from the enemy.

With the current national strength of Daqin, if the cavalry of the prairie coalition forces invaded.

I really can't stop it!

If it can't be stopped, the people of Qin State will suffer.

Therefore, Ying Zheng is now worrying about how to retreat from the enemy.

Although already got the three-piece harness.

But it will take some time to make these things.

In order to equip the army with a three-piece harness.

Moreover, although the three-piece set of horse gear can effectively enhance the combat power of cavalry.

However, there are millions of aliens who committed crimes in the South this time.

If there are as many as 20 aliens attacking Qin, they will need 30 cavalry to meet the enemy.

There is still a certain strength gap between Qin's iron cavalry and foreign cavalry.

This cannot be completely remedied in a short period of time.

To defeat the Huns, it will take a lot of hard work.

Yingzheng and the important ministers of the empire have been discussing for a long time, but they still haven't been able to come up with a reasonable strategy.

Now is the time to be sad.

Fu Su suddenly said such a sentence, and it was Mr. Bai Su's strategy.

Naturally, Ying Zheng was overjoyed.

"Quickly tell me, what Mr. Bai Su said is He Liangce?"

Li Si and Meng Tian, ​​who had met Bai Su before, were naturally accustomed to Ying Zheng's eager look.

But Feng's father and son, as well as Meng Yi, who had never met Bai Su, frowned in confusion.

That Mr. Bai Su, what kind of magical power does he have that can make His Majesty trust him so much.

Fu Su got Ying Zheng's approval, and without hesitation, he said, "Mr. Bai Su's strategy is called "Strengthening the Wall and Clearing the Field."

"This policy, the most important thing is to hide!"



Fusu nodded.

"According to what Mr. Bai Su said, we must first dig a tunnel or find a cave."

"Let the people hide in tunnels and caves."

"Also, hide the grain that has been harvested in advance in the cave."

"In this way, even if a foreign race breaks down the city and wants to burn, kill and plunder, there is nothing they can snatch."

"Long-distance raids and fighting will inevitably consume a lot of physical strength."

"For them, the most important thing is to find food."

"And if they can't find food, they won't have enough logistical supplies, and they will be hungry and tired, so naturally they won't be able to exert their full strength."

"But even so, they still have to drag their tired bodies and continue going south."

"Because, only in this way can they be able to find food and obtain supplies."

"In this way, it becomes a vicious circle."

"The more tired and hungry the foreign race is, the more they need to find food."

"The more food you can't find, the more tired and hungry you will be."

"For such a period of time, the strength of the foreign race will definitely be greatly attenuated, and the morale will also be greatly affected."

"At this time, the Great Qin warriors who have already recharged their energy can be sent out to fight."

"Under leisure and waiting for work, it is natural to easily defeat the aliens, behead them, or drive them out of Qin."

After hearing Fusu's words, almost everyone, including Yingzheng, opened their mouths.


What a genius idea this strategy is!
This strategy, the strategy of exhaustion, is almost used to the extreme!

Alien races can only continue in this vicious circle.

The food they could not find forced them to go south, and they had to be exhausted.

And wait until they really can't hold on and are on the verge of collapse.

At this time, you can let the army attack and wipe out all the alien races in one fell swoop!
This strategy completely avoided the sharp edge of the Huns.

Instead, it dragged the Huns into their own rhythm.

Use your own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses!

Ying Zheng's face was full of excitement.

"As expected of Mr. Bai Su, this strategy, although unconstrained, is absolutely effective!"

The people in this study, more or less, all know Wu Tao.

This is due to the ethos of Daqin.

The Great Qin Dynasty favored martial arts, so even civil servants are familiar with the art of war and strategy.

They naturally saw the feasibility of this strategy at a glance.

This strategy is promising!
After laughing, Ying Zheng sat back on the throne and looked at Meng Tian.

"Meng Tian, ​​you personally lead the army to Jiuyuan to resist the aliens."

"You don't need to block too much, ten days is enough!"

"You have to fight for ten days for the people of Jiuyuan!"

"Ten days is enough for the common people to dig tunnels to hide and store food."

"After that, you will lead the army, retreat into the mountains and forests, observe the alien race, and wait for work at leisure."

"Wait until they are exhausted and on the verge of collapse, and then send out a large-scale army to wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

"Sir, obey the order!"

Meng Tian did not hesitate at all.

For Ying Zheng, no matter how difficult it is, he will do his best.

Then, Ying Zheng looked at everyone in the study.

The imperial court will send people to supervise the construction of tunnels and transport food.

For this candidate, who should I choose?

Meng Yi is in charge of the Black Ice Platform, which is related to the world, so he has to keep it by his side.

Without Meng Yi, he would become blind and deaf.

As for Feng Quji, he is an old minister and too old, so he can't make trouble anymore.

Li Si is his right-hand man.

Meng Tian had already left, and Li Si wanted to take charge of the overall situation for him in the court.

From this point of view, it seems that Feng Jie is the only one left.

Feng Quji's son, Feng Jie, the imperial historian.

Born in a famous family, loyal to Daqin, available!
Then, Ying Zheng spoke slowly.

"Today, one person is still needed to transport potatoes, sweet potatoes and other grains."

"There are also necessary things such as a stove and briquettes."

"In addition to this, we also need to supervise the fortifications in Jiuyuan."

"This trip, just..."

Before Ying Zheng could speak, Fu Su suddenly spoke.

"Father, my son is willing to go through this."


This really surprised Ying Zheng.

Then, he nodded in relief.

It seems that it is still useful to send Fusu to Mr. Baisu to study.

At the very least, once he changed his previous cowardice, he dared to volunteer to go to the front line of Jiuyuan.

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