When Fusu and Li Chengqian came to Longmen Inn for class.

Both of them were obviously a little absent-minded, obviously they had learned the news of the foreign race going south.

I am worrying in my heart.

The alien races in the prairie have long been prepared to organize an army of millions and march southward. How can they resist these alien races.

The two of them have been thinking about this matter worriedly, but they didn't listen to what Bai Su said.

Seeing this, Bai Su sighed and put down the Analects in his hand.

"You two, are you worried about a war with other races?"

Seeing that Bai Su saw through their concerns, the two of them stopped covering up and nodded worriedly.

"Sir, I heard from my father that this time the grassland has snowed very early and suffered from winter disasters."

"In order to survive, they will definitely go south and attack the countries in the Central Plains frantically."

"This battle must be extremely difficult and dangerous. I am very worried."

"If you can't keep it, then the common people will fall under the iron hoof of the alien race and suffer."

"I don't know sir, is there any countermeasure?"

Li Chengqian finished speaking.

Bai Su nodded, "You're right."

"The reason why the foreign races in the grassland went south is because of the winter disaster in the grassland, the death and injury of cattle and sheep, and the lack of food."

"Besides, the grassland is to the north, and the temperature is even colder, which can freeze people to death."

"In order to survive, in order not to be frozen to death, not to be starved to death, they will go south to invade the Central Plains Dynasty."

Fusu was silent.

The Confucian education he received since he was a child told him to have the world in mind, be lenient and love the people, and treat everyone in the world equally.

He naturally wanted to do that too.

But now, a living example is right in front of him.

If he followed what Chunyu Yue taught him, he would definitely say that he should try his best to help the grassland people.

The life of the grassland people is also their life, and they are also people in the world, so they should be treated leniently.

But the consequence of this is that the people of Daqin will starve to death.

And those alien races who are full will even wield butcher knives and slash at the people of the Central Plains.

Fusu, who realized this, couldn't help but sweat a little on his forehead.

He knew that with his previous personality, he would definitely listen to Chunyu Yue.

But fortunately, the father found Mr. Bai Su for him.

Mr. Bai Su is by no means as pedantic as those pedantic scholars.

He said, the alien race in the grassland is not my people in the Central Plains, so what does it have to do with me?
Even if they starved to death, so what?

The alien races in the grassland will always be unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, treating them well will only lead to backlash!
Only by conquering and domesticating them with blood and fire can they become docile dogs.

No matter how many people die in the grassland, it is not a pity!
When Fu Su first heard this sentence, he was shocked and angry, and even thought that Bai Su was a tyrannical person.

But when the relationship between him and Bai Su is far away, the better, and he understands more and more.

He finally understood what Bai Su meant.

The people of the world are talking about the people of the Great Qin Dynasty, and they are talking about the people of the Central Plains.

What does it have to do with those alien races on the grassland?
The blood flowing in the body is different, why should we be lenient to them.

Be lenient to them, they will only think you are weak and bully you even more recklessly!
The current him is gradually approaching Bai Su.

Grassland aliens?

It's not a pity to die!

What to do with him!

This is thanks to Bai Su's earnest teaching during this period of time.

It was only at the beginning that Fusu changed his stubborn and pedantic thinking.

However, if you want to change completely, you may need to experience more things.

"The foreign army alliance is going south, the momentum is indeed mighty, and it is enough to bluff people."

"But, let's be honest, in fact, they are not impossible to deal with."

Hearing this, both Fusu and Li Chengqian's eyes brightened.

"Dare to ask, sir, what is the countermeasure?"

"Since they want food, it's over if we don't give them."


Li Chengqian and Fusu opened their mouths wide at the same time.

This is not something that the common people can refuse to give if they say no.

"Dig tunnels, find caves, hide."

"It's already late autumn, and the grain that should be harvested in the fields has already been harvested."

"Transport all the food to the tunnels and caves, and not leave a grain of food to the Huns!"

"If you can't take it with you, just burn it up."

"All in all, nothing is left for them."

"A grain of grain cannot be left outside."

"In this way, after long-distance raids, the alien races who have gone through the war are exhausted, but they can't find food."

"The impact on them can be imagined."

"Soldiers are powerless to fight, and generals are powerless to command."

"Morale has plummeted, how can there be spare power to attack the people again."

"Without food, more than half of their abacus going south this time has been lost."

"In order to find food, they had to drag their tired and hungry bodies and continue to fight south."

"At this time, the Central Plains soldiers are waiting for work at leisure, so they can naturally fight against them and gain the upper hand."

"This is the strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the wilderness, waiting for labor with ease."

Fusu and Li Chengqian nodded again and again, as if listening to fairy music, their eyes shone brightly!

They grew up in the palace since they were young, so they naturally learned about power and strategy.

When Bai Su exported this strategy, they had already realized that this strategy is feasible!

Moreover, there is a lot to do!

The reason why the foreign races went south was not to burn, kill and loot, to rob gold, silver, treasures and food.

But if all the people are moved away and all the food is hidden, the foreign race can't find it.

The idea of ​​alien plundering naturally fell through.

In this way, not only will food supplies not be obtained, but a lot of manpower will be wasted.

Under the rush to fight, the cost is already huge, and there is no food supply and support.

The combat power of the alien race will be greatly weakened!
In this way, the alien threat,
It will be reduced by half.

At that time, deploy the army again, wait for work at leisure, and meet the alien race.

In this way, the foreign race must be defeated!
The strategy of alien races going south will be thwarted, and they will even put themselves in it!

Li Chengqian and Fusu were full of joy, they got up together and bowed to each other.

"Thank you sir!"

After finishing speaking, the two hurriedly got up and said goodbye and left.

"These two brats."

Bai Su helplessly shook his head and smiled wryly.

If the strategy of strengthening the wall and clearing the wild is used to deal with alien races, it will definitely have a miraculous effect.

This can be regarded as his little effort for the people of the world.

I only hope that this alien invasion to the south can be successfully blocked.

How can the people of the Central Plains be trampled by the horseshoes of foreign races.

Fusu and Li Chengqian, who left Longmen Inn, went to find their father respectively.

Such a good strategy must be told to father as soon as possible!

Mr. Bai Su's astonishing strategy will definitely be able to successfully resist the alien invasion.

Fusu couldn't wait to walk into Xianyang Palace, all the way to the inner hall study.

In the study, sure enough, Ying Zheng was discussing matters with Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi, Li Si, Feng Quji, Feng Jie and others.

"My son helps Su, please see my father!"

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