After many days of attacking without any results, Fan Chou and Li Meng were also very troubled.

The terrain of Tongguan is dangerous, easy to defend but difficult to attack.

In the past, Hangu Pass in the Qin Dynasty was held by one man and ten thousand men could not open it. Although Hantong Pass is not as dangerous as Hangu Pass today, the walls of the pass are more and higher, making it even more difficult to attack.

Inside the camp, Fan Chou and Li Meng gathered the generals and were discussing how to march.

Dong Zhuo's order to them was to block Liu Zhang in Hu County and to regain Tongguan if possible.

Now they have occupied Hu County for five days.

But both Fan Chou and Li Meng wanted to make achievements, so as to prove themselves in front of Dong Zhuo.

Fan Chou and Li Meng are both strong soldiers in the army, it is no problem to let them charge forward, but it is difficult for them to make suggestions.

What's more, Tongguan was originally built in a dangerous mountain stream. Although the surrounding area can be climbed, the army cannot use it.

Even if you climb the mountain, it is easy to be spotted by the defenders on the wall.

The two of them didn't know how to attack Tongguan, and the guards outside the tent could not come in.

"Report, we found a person outside Tongguan who claimed to be the defender of Tongguan and came here to deliver the letter of war."

"Bring people in!" Fan Chou glanced at Li Meng and said.

After a while, people brought in.

"My lord Liu Zhang, send me a letter of war for General Fan Chou to have a look at it!" When the visitor saw Fan Chou, he took out a scroll of bamboo slips from his pocket.

Fan Chou's confidant approached quickly, took the bamboo slips, checked them, and then sent them to Fan Chou.

Fan Chou read it quickly, and it turned out to be a letter of war. He made an appointment to close the battle tomorrow.

Fan Chou had been working on the pass for many days without success, but now the defenders were going out to fight, he couldn't wait for it.

He put the bamboo slips on the table in front of him, and said to Liu Zhang's messenger, "Go back and tell Liu Zhang, I will accept the letter of war."

"Farewell!" The messenger received an accurate reply, turned around and left Fan Chou's camp, and then went back to report.

"General Li, order the soldiers to rest early and recharge their batteries. After breakfast tomorrow, they will go to Guanxia."

"Here!" Li Meng and Fan Chou were both school lieutenants, but now Fan Chou was the chief general, so he had to accept his orders.

In Tongguan, after a night of rest, the exhaustion of traveling for days finally disappeared.

Liu Zhang ordered the National People's Congress to open and close the gate, and sent troops out of the gate to line up.

Originally, Liu Zhang wanted to lead people out of the pass to fight Fan Chou himself, but Ma Teng insisted on taking the initiative to fight, Liu Zhang couldn't hold back, so he had to let him fight.

Ma Teng led five thousand Xiliang troops out of the pass in a cautious and orderly manner, and lined up outside the wall of Tongguan Pass.

In the distance, Fan Chou left 1 people to guard the camp, and brought 2 people to Tongguan, stopped [-] steps outside the pass, and then adjusted his formation.

Among Fan Chou's soldiers and horses, there are only a thousand soldiers from Xiliang, why did the rest enter the old army.

When he, Li Meng and others saw Ma Teng's clothes, they knew they were from Xiliang.

Both were from Xiliang, Fan Chou and Li Meng followed Dong Zhuo and suppressed Ma Teng and Han Sui's rebels. How could they not know each other when they saw Ma Teng leading the army.

"Ma Teng is a rebel, dare to collude with Liu Zhang and rebel against the court, and he will be tied up before he dismounts." Fan Chou shouted loudly, letting himself take the righteousness.

"Hey, Fan Chou dog thief, now you are the rebels. I, Ma Teng, came here under the order to attack the national traitor Dong Zhuo. If you don't die, you will surrender quickly!" Ma Teng said angrily.

The two began to chatter.

After a while of talking, the two found that they were not flattering, so they began to fight.

Ma Teng's side and Fan Chou's side both sent generals to fight each other in front of the two armies.

But at the beginning, they were all unknown young generals, powerful generals, and they were still watching dramas in the army formation.

After an hour, the generals on both sides were killed and wounded. With a wave of Fan Chou's weapon, 5000 people immediately pressed down.

Ma Teng was not afraid at all, and commanded his 5000 people to meet the enemy.

Although Ma Teng had not been in the army for a long time, he had an excellent source of troops. The two armies fought against each other, but within half an hour, Fan Chou's 5000 men fell into a disadvantage.

In desperation, Fan Chou once again ordered 5000 people to join the battlefield.

After a while, the 5000 people like Ma Teng couldn't resist and couldn't stabilize the formation.

Liu Zhang watched the whole situation on the wall, and when he found that Ma Teng couldn't resist, he immediately asked Li Fang to lead 5000 people out of the pass to support Ma Teng.

In this way, the two sides fought evenly.

When Fan Chou saw the closed door open and the enemy sent reinforcements, he waved his hand and ordered the 1 people behind him to also join the battlefield.

Liu Zhang saw Fan Chou Zeng Bing, so he just sent a large army and continued to leave the pass.

The two sides fought under the wall of Tongguan Pass until the sky was dark and the sky was dark, and they did not withdraw their troops back to the camp until dark.

Liu Zhang ordered people to count the losses of each department. Ma Teng lost more than [-] people, and Liu Zhang lost more than [-] people.

Of these, only a few hundred suffered minor injuries.

The two sides cleaned up the battlefield and treated the wounded, no problem.

Fan Chou returned to the camp and counted the number of people. He found that out of the 2 people who left the camp, only 7000 were intact, and [-] people were lost.

The two armies fought outside the wall, relying solely on their ability. Ma Teng only invested 5000 people, but Liu Zhang invested more than 1 people.

On the second day, the two armies had a tacit understanding and did not go to war.

They each rested in the camp. In yesterday's battle, there were too many wounded in need of treatment. The military medical officer in the wounded battalion was too busy for a long time. Soldiers with a little medical knowledge were conscripted to bandage the wounded.

In the next few days, neither side fought again.

Tongguan fell into a brief peace.

But both parties know that this peace will not last long.

Inside Tongguan, Liu Zhang took several personal guards to inspect the wounded barracks.

He saw wounded soldiers resting in every barracks in the wounded soldiers' camp.

The injured parts of their bodies were different, and the positions of the white cloth bandages were also different.

Many wounded simply applied medicine to their wounds and then bandaged them.

These wounded, for the next time, can only lie on the couch to rest and recover, and cannot go to the battlefield in a short time.

In the barracks, the lightly wounded are not bad. Basically, as long as they rest properly, they can recover and go to the battlefield again.

The seriously wounded, because there was no painkiller, groaned in the barracks because of the unbearable pain.

The long-term pain and groaning caused their bodies to lose too much water. Fortunately, they were taken care of and replenished water in time.

When Liu Zhang came in, the soldiers saw Liu Zhang, endured the pain, and stopped moaning.

Seeing the painful expressions of the soldiers, Liu Zhang found that he could do nothing.

Half of these seriously wounded cannot be saved, and even if the other half are saved, it will be difficult to go to the battlefield again.

After patrolling the wounded barracks for an hour, Liu Zhang left.

Returning to his army tent, Liu Zhang recruited the Huotou Army to take charge, and ordered him to prepare more nutritious food, and then send it to the wounded soldiers' battalion, so that they could recover already.

That's all Liu Zhang can do now.

These days, it is a luxury to have enough food, and it is extremely difficult to eat meat.

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