However, it was said that the allied forces of the princes were in Hulao Pass, and after fighting for a month, Ma Tengcai and Han Sui completed the partition of Liangzhou.

However, the two of them have limited military strength and insufficient financial resources, and they can't occupy all the counties and counties in Liangzhou. It's just that they can't do it after they each occupy two counties.

It's not because they don't have enough troops, but because they can't afford more soldiers, and besides the two of them, there are several princes, big and small, in Liangzhou.

Although they are inferior to Ma Teng and Han Sui, they are not so easy to eliminate.

These little princes also knew that they were not the opponents of Ma Teng and Han Sui, and they also occupied some small counties without oil and water.

After Ma Teng dealt with the affairs of Liangzhou, he took [-] soldiers, who claimed to be a [-] army, and marched east to Beijing Zhaoyin.

As an allied army, after Ma Teng entered Youfufeng, he immediately sent someone to notify Liu Zhang.

When Liu Zhang learned of Ma Teng's arrival, he also made preparations.

When Ma Teng entered Jingzhaoyin, he sent his officials to meet them.

Ma Teng's soldiers and horses camped outside Chang'an City, and Ma Teng led some of them into Chang'an City.

Liu Zhang had been waiting at the gate of the prefect's mansion long ago. Ma Teng and a dozen others came to the prefect's mansion, and saw a young boy surrounded by the crowd.

Ma Teng did not know Liu Zhang, but the official who greeted Ma Teng did. He introduced Liu Zhang to Ma Teng, and the two exchanged polite greetings at the door for a while.

Liu Zhang led Ma Teng and his party into the prefect's mansion. The two discussed to send troops three days later, and held a banquet in the mansion to receive Ma Teng.

"Report, Tongguan urgent report!"

A soldier rushed to Chang'an City full of energy, and walked along the street to look at the prefect's mansion.

No one dared to stand in his way.

He traveled all the way, came to the prefect's mansion and was brought before Liu Zhang.

"Report, Tongguan urgent report, Dong Zhuo led the army to attack Tongguan."

"Submit it!" Liu Zhang ordered someone to bring the battle report, and then read it.

It is recorded on the bamboo slips that Dong Zhuo sent a large army to attack Tongguan, and the strength of the troops outside the pass wall was about [-].

The guard at Tongguan is Li Fang, the school lieutenant. He is directing the soldiers to resist, and there is no danger for the time being.

After a while, Ma Teng also came. Now Ma Teng is only a dozen years older than Liu Zhang, and his son Ma Chao is an adult. He brought [-] troops here this time, but he was not with him.

"Liu Taishou, I heard that there is an urgent report from Tongguan, what is the news?" Ma Teng came to Liu Zhang and asked eagerly.

"General Ma, let's have a look!" Liu Zhang handed over the bamboo slips in his hand.

After a quick review, Ma Teng said, "Prefect Liu, the speed of your troops is so valuable, why don't we set off for Tongguan today!"

"Alright." Liu Zhang thought for a while and agreed.

From Chang'an to Tongguan, everything is under his own rule. The army will go out first, and the food and supplies will be placed behind, so there is no danger.

Ma Teng immediately took his cronies back outside the city and agreed, and ordered the soldiers to set off from the camp. Liu Zhang also went to the military camp in the city to mobilize troops and horses.

Now he has 1 soldiers and horses under his command, of which You Fufeng and Zuo Fengyi each have [-] soldiers and horses, and Chang'an City only has [-] soldiers and horses.

Thinking that there were still 5000 people in Tongguan, he set off with 7000 people, joined Ma Teng's army, and headed for Tongguan along the official road.

This crusade against Dong Zhuo is very important to Liu Zhang.

At the same time, he also intended to show his military strength in front of Ma Teng, so he set off with [-] Iron Wall Shield Guards and [-] Tiger Riflemen.

These are his two strongest armies. When Ma Teng saw these two armies during the march, he was envious to death.

What he envied was not how powerful Liu Zhang's soldiers were, but the equipment on the soldiers.

Ma Teng had just occupied two counties and became a prince. He didn't have much money, so how could he get good equipment for the soldiers.

The army marched for five days before arriving at Tongguan.

As soon as Liu Zhang came, he immediately took over Tongguan.

"My lord, General Ma." Tongguan guard Li Fang gave a brief introduction to Tongguan's current situation.

At present, the leading general outside the pass is Fan Chou. He has been attacking for several days, but he has not broken through the first pass wall.

Tongguan was originally built to defend against the direction of Shandong. The first pass wall was six feet high, and ordinary long ladders could not reach it at all.

Listening to Li Fang's introduction, Liu Zhang suddenly heard the voice of the system.

"Mission 5000: Defend according to the pass, block Fan Chou's army to the east of Tongguan, and reward [-] million yuan."

"Mission [-]: Go out and fight, defeat Fan Chou's army, and reward the big man with three thousand Gale Wind Shield Guards."

Don't you need to think about it, Liu Zhang controls the three counties in Guanzhong, and he is not short of money now, but he is an elite soldier.

Iron wall shield guards are used for defense, and tiger riflemen are suitable for field operations, but there are no elite sword and shield players for attacking fortifications, and now they just make up for it.

After Liu Zhang learned of the attributes of the Dahan Gale Shield Guard, he immediately made a choice.

"I choose task two."

"The task selection is successful, please complete the task as soon as possible."

The system no longer beeps.

Dahan Galewind Shield Guard
Weapon: Standard War Knife
Description: Made of fine iron, the blade is three feet long, the handle is eight inches long, and weighs [-] catties. It is suitable for short-distance melee combat!
Weapon: Pattern Blade
Description: Short knife, weighing four catties, with high attack frequency, suitable for close combat!

Armor: Cowhide Buckler

Description: A wooden round shield, covered with cowhide, with medium defense.

Armor: standard armor

Description: The overall structure is leather armor, and the vital parts are reinforced with iron armor. It has strong defense and medium weight!

From the perspective of defense, the defensive power of the blast shield guard is far inferior to that of the iron wall shield guard, but its attack ability is higher than that of the iron wall shield guard.

As long as Fan Chou's army outside the pass is defeated, there will be [-] such elite soldiers.

"My lord, General Ma, as long as we guard against death, even if there are [-] troops outside the pass, we will not be able to break through the pass."

After Li Fang finished speaking, Ma Teng frowned.

Now he is middle-aged, the age of forging ahead, and he is a little uncomfortable when he wants him to defend but not attack.

Without waiting for Ma Teng to speak, Liu Zhang said, "I joined the alliance of princes to destroy the Dong bandits and protect the Han Dynasty. Now that the army of Dong bandits is outside the pass, why do you let me guard the pass?"

Ma Teng was very excited when he saw Liu Zhang's impassioned.

"As a clan member of the Han Dynasty, I, Liu Zhang, are incompatible with the traitor Dong Zhuo. If there is him, there is no me, and if there is me, there is no other. The princes of Shandong are attacking Hulao Pass and Sishui Pass. Now Tongguan finally has an enemy army. It is me. Wait until the time of meritorious deeds."

Liu Zhang looked back at Ma Teng and asked tentatively, "General Ma, I don't care what you do, anyway, I want to defeat Fan Chou outside the pass, then enter Luoyang, and cut off Dong Zhuo's head with my own hands."

"Okay!" Ma Teng yelled, "Sure enough, a hero is born in a young age. Liu Taishou is so young, but he has such courage. I am willing to work with Liu Taishou to destroy Fan Chou, invade Luoyang, and kill Dong Zhuo."

Ma Teng was originally loyal to the Han Dynasty, and seeing Liu Zhang being such a hero, he was not far behind.

It's just that the army has been on the road for days, and the soldiers are exhausted. Although it is not yet noon, everyone knows that it is inconvenient to go to battle today.

After Liu Zhang and Ma Teng made up their minds, they ordered people to go to Fan Chou's camp outside the pass to send the letter of war.

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