Wang Shouzheng was beaten, and the guys inside came out to stop him, which aroused everyone's anger even more.

They still refuse to admit it!
To say that they bought the copyright of Luo Guanzhong's novels is purely deceiving!
Luo Qingping is already the editor of "Ming Pao", how could he sell his grandfather's works to your "Da Ming Pao"?
If so, can he be an editor at Ming Pao?

How can "Ming Pao" tolerate selling novels to competitors?
You know, how many people dream of being able to work in Daming Industrial Group!

"Ming Pao" is run by Daming Newspaper, and Daming Newspaper is a part of Daming Industrial Group!

Therefore, the fact that Luo Qingping is the editor of "Ming Pao" has proved that Wang Shouzheng of "Da Ming Pao" is lying!

Not to mention smashing the stools outside, many people rushed inside and destroyed the contents inside.

Wang Shouzheng was beaten until his hair was disheveled, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, so he got up and told his staff to report to the government office immediately.

Sitting upstairs, Wang Qingxuan and Yan Yunzhi were officials, but they dared not go down.

Being beaten up with such an identity, wouldn't it become a joke if it was revealed?
Wang Shouzheng's shout made everyone calm down immediately.

A lot of things were broken, and when the yamen guards came and caught them, they couldn't tell.

If the money is not refunded, you will have to pay a large sum of money by then.

After a while, the besieged and onlookers left completely.

Wang Shouzheng sat on the ground, staring blankly at the messy inside and outside of the house, unable to figure out what to do.

"Master Wang, Lord Wang of the Ministry of Rites and Yan Siye invite you to go up."

The man came up to Wang Shouzheng carefully.

Wang Shouzheng was still a student of the Guozijian, and the Guozijian was the place where Ming officials were trained, so the staff usually called Wang Shouzheng Master Wang.

Wang Shouzheng thought it was inappropriate at first, but he yelled a lot, so he let it go, and finally got used to it.

Anyway, with the care of the Minister of Rites, finding an official position is always not a problem.

Of course, the premise is that Da Ming Pao should be run well!
Not to mention surpassing "Ming Pao", but also not being left too far behind, at least not losing money!
Because the Minister of Rites is the main investor, if he loses money, it will be Wang Qingxuan's money.

Although Wang Qingxuan's family is very rich, his money did not come from the wind.

How to explain now?
Wang Shouzheng wiped the blood off his face, straightened his torn robes, and then slowly walked up to the third floor.

Seeing Wang Shouzheng's appearance, Yan Yunzhi was a little annoyed.

Wang Shouzheng is the most flexible mind among the students of the Imperial College!I usually have a lot of good ideas for him.

When "Da Ming Pao" was founded, Wang Shouzheng was full of confidence and vowed, saying that he must surpass "Ming Pao" and that "Ming Pao" would not make money for 20 years.

This is too much, too crazy.

Looking at it now, "Da Ming Pao" not only has no one buying it, but also encountered a crisis of returning goods and refunding money.

Whether the "Da Ming Pao" can continue to run has become an unknown.

Although Wang Qingxuan was very annoyed, he couldn't fault Wang Shouzheng much.

Judging from the entire operation process, Wang Shouzheng has done a good job.

There are also some tricks that are very innovative.

Wang Qingxuan's anger has dissipated, and it doesn't help to get angry too quickly.

Da Ming Pao must now be run.

After all, Wang Qingxuan once declared that with the "Da Ming Pao", "Ming Pao" will not make money for 20 years.

As long as it goes on, there is hope.

If it is suspended at this point, the saying that "Ming Pao" will not make money for 20 years will become a joke, and it will be circulated for many years.

Even if you lose money, you can't be the protagonist of the joke!
Money is not the most important thing to Wang Qingxuan, fame is!

"Shouzheng, the past is the past. The most important thing now is how to run "Da Ming Pao" well!"

Wang Qingxuan blew away the floating tea leaves and said, "First of all, we must restore our reputation! The first three issues that were sold must be refunded."

"Secondly, if we want to keep up with Ming Pao, we must learn from their practices."

"Yunzhi, Shouzheng, find a few more supervisors and choose one of Luo Guanzhong's remaining works."

"Then we borrowed the practice of "Ming Pao" to call for answers with prizes, and came up with an opening speech with prizes."

"After confirming the opening words, we will find Daru again and let him take the lead to organize a poetry tasting."

"The reason why this novel fails is not because the novel is poorly written, but because the opening words have no momentum, and there is no great Confucianist to start and suppress!"

When Yan Yunzhi heard this, he clapped his palms and smiled: "My lord Wang's words are absolutely right, he hits the nail on the head, and hits the nail on the head! In this way, there is hope for my "Da Ming Pao" to turn around!"

Wang Shouzheng lowered his head in shame: "A few words from Mr. Wang are like clearing the clouds to see the sun. I am a student! Why didn't I think of it?"

Wang Qingxuan said: "Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. Don't be discouraged when you stay in power. Keep your spirits up. We will fight "Ming Pao" to the end!"

Yan Yunzhi and Wang Shouzheng were greatly moved by Wang Qingxuan's words.

Originally thinking that Wang Qingxuan was about to throw a fit, who knew that the words were full of encouragement and encouragement.

Wang Qingxuan not only encouraged, but also saw the reason for the failure.

Yes, from the very beginning we were not as good as others.

Look at other people's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". As soon as it was published, Fang Xiaoru, the chief assistant of the cabinet, was invited to recite and analyze the opening speech of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" for everyone on the spot!

Mr. Wang said that he would change to another novel and start over from the beginning!

Needless to say, Mr. Wang will naturally consider who to invite at the beginning.

Because his position is placed there.

Yan Yunzhi and Wang Shouzheng's official positions are not as high as Lord Wang's, and they don't have the network resources of Lord Wang.

Wang Qingxuan said: "You also have to seriously reflect on where we are falling short and how to improve. Mr. Liu has asked me out, so I will take a step first."

At this point, the troublemakers had already left.

Yan Yunzhi and Wang Shouzheng sent Wang Qingxuan downstairs.

After Wang Qingxuan got into the sedan chair, the two returned to the third floor.

"Shouzheng, Mr. Wang said so, it is because he is magnanimous, we can no longer tolerate mistakes."

"The things Mr. Wang explained must be carried out. Anyone who asks for a refund must return it as soon as possible. Even if their newspaper has been torn, it must be returned to them."

Just as Wang Shouzheng was about to give orders to be implemented, Yan Yunzhi said, "Shouzheng, don't worry. Mr. Wang said that we must seriously reflect on ourselves. This shows that there is still a gap between us, and we must find out."

Wang Shouzheng sat down again.

A buddy came up to remove Wang Qingxuan's teacup, replaced the tea leaves, and prepared to brew.

Yan Yunzhi is ready to have a long talk.

The two of them were drinking tea and pinching the tea and food, and their thoughts were wide open.

Wang Shouzheng said: "My lord, the gap that Mr. Wang said is actually a difference. If you want to find the gap, first find out what is different between us and "Ming Pao". After you find out, you can analyze it carefully."

"For example, "Da Ming Pao" uses simplified characters, but we use orthodox traditional characters."

Yan Yunzhi said: "You are right! With simplified characters, some people with low education can understand them, and more people will buy newspapers."

"That's right. Ming Pao has published two novels in series. Simplified Chinese characters have become a habit of readers."

"So, when they suddenly saw our Da Ming Pao, they were very uncomfortable."

"It makes sense. If they read "Shangshu", they may not be used to simplified characters. But they read novels for entertainment. Simplified characters are simple and effortless, but using traditional characters makes them very uncomfortable."

Wang Shouzheng was excited, took a big sip of tea, wiped his mouth and said: "Also, their "Ming Pao" is a horizontal version, and our "Da Ming Pao" is a vertical version!"

"It seems to me that the horizontal version is easier to read, but in the past I didn't dare to say it."

Yan Yunzhi said: "It's because we're not brave enough, so it's settled, we also use the horizontal version!"

"Be conservative, don't act too hastily. We are in a weak position now, we must first catch up and then surpass."


Wang Qingxuan went to another teahouse.

"Master Liu, now there is an excellent opportunity for impeachment. If you grasp it, you will definitely leave a great mark in history."

"Oh, Mr. Wang, please speak, and the next official will listen attentively."

"Do you know who runs Ming Pao?"

"Master Wang, anyone with a discerning eye knows that King Wu is behind Ming Pao."

"Then impeach King Wu!"

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