Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0660 1 big profit, 1 blood loss

More and more people gathered, and most of them didn't come to buy a new issue of the newspaper, but came to ask the teacher angrily.

Many people clamored for a refund.

How could Wang Shouzheng be willing to refund the money after finally selling three installments?
If the money is refunded, wouldn't it be confirmed that "Da Ming Pao" is fake?
In any case, there must be no refund.

Wang Shouzheng stood on a table of the Eight Immortals and said loudly: "Everyone, please calm down. This novel is absolutely true and written by Luo Guanzhong. Luo Guanzhong's grandson Luo Qingping can testify."

Someone shouted that Luo Qingping should come out and testify.

Wang Shouzheng immediately sent his men to find Luo Qingping.

Many people took out the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" serialized in "Ming Pao", and compared it, they found that the novels in "Da Ming Pao" were simply unreadable.

The fonts in the novels of "Da Ming Pao" are all in traditional Chinese characters. Why do they look so awkward?
The typesetting of "Da Ming Pao" is all vertical, which makes people tired of reading!
On the other hand, "Ming Pao" has simplified characters, concise and clear!
Novels, unlike classics and history books, should use simplified characters!

Look at the horizontal version of "Ming Pao" with simple fonts, how wonderful!
Read "Da Ming Pao" densely packed!
Reading "Ming Pao" is refreshing!

Comparing the two, I feel that the novels published in "Da Ming Pao" are more and more unreadable.

Anyone who came here to buy the "Da Ming Pao" basically had a certain level of cultural background. Although they were angry, they were not foolish.

But many of these people are unsatisfactory literati, or scholars who are studying, and they are prone to extremes.

In addition, I am not rich financially, so I came here and wanted to return the goods and get the money back.

Seeing that "Da Ming Pao" sent someone to find Luo Qingping to prove it, everyone stopped for a while.

At this time, everyone began to read the new fourth issue of the series.

With this look, the fire that had just been extinguished in my heart was ignited again.

"Disappointed, so disappointed!"

"The writing is neither fish nor fowl, needless to say, it must be fake!"

"Written in shit!"

There was a lot of discussion among everyone, the new issue was put out, and everyone took a look at it, but no one paid for it!

They are all derogatory voices!

After stopping for half an hour, the man sent out came back and said that Luo Qingping was not coming.

"Why?" Wang Shouzheng asked.

"Luo Qingping said that what is clear is clear, and what is turbid is turbid. The public's eyes are sharp, and they can tell whether it is his grandfather's work."

Ah, Luo Qingping's words are so obvious.

As soon as you hear this, it means that "Daming Pao" is dirty!

People's eyes are sharp!This is so clear!

We all think that the novel of Da Ming Pao is a fake, so it is a fake!

Wang Shouzheng was furious at what the guy said, Luo Qingping, you didn't cooperate at all after taking 2000 taels of gold!

"Luo Qingping is already the editor of "Ming Pao". He said that he has nothing to do with "Da Ming Pao" after that."

Wang Shouzheng was simply dizzy!
No wonder Luo Qingping said so, it turned out that he has become a member of "Ming Pao"!
How can you speak for your competitors? !

Now, people who have been waiting for a return and refund, fry the pan!

Sure enough!

"Da Ming Pao" is indeed a fake!
Sure enough, they sent someone to impersonate Luo Guanzhong!

It's so shameless!

Everyone was furious and wanted to ask for an explanation, but Wang Shouzheng just refused to admit that it was false!
Money back is even impossible.

Some of the more irritable ones went up and gave Wang Shouzheng an old punch, which hit Wang Shouzheng's nose, causing blood to flow.

Wang Shouzheng got angry and pushed the attacker.

Wang Shouzheng's push was like stabbing a hornet's nest.

Everyone rushed down, kicked and beat Wang Shouzheng, and beat them hard!
The others were also angry, and tore up the "Da Ming Pao" in their hands, and tore up the newly displayed "Da Ming Pao" too!
The tables that were set out were overturned.

Someone picked up a bench and threw it at the table!
There was chaos!
Sitting on the third floor, Wang Qingxuan and Yan Yunzhi couldn't figure out how it could have evolved into this state!
They are also works of Luo Guanzhong, why is this novel so disgusted by everyone!
Is it possible that this step is not to everyone's appetite?

Should I replace it with another serial?
Wang Qingxuan felt that this time it should be an accident!
After the situation subsides, I will make a good summary to see if I chose the wrong novel, or what is going on.

Sitting on the third floor opposite is Sun Zhonglian, the general manager of Daming Industrial Group.

Seeing the chaos on the opposite side, I was already happy.

Everything is as Wu Wang expected!
When King Wu bought the copyright of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" with 1000 taels of gold, Sun Zhonglian was skeptical.

Sun Zhonglian has no confidence in whether "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" can earn back 1000 taels of gold.

But King Wu said, it's worth buying "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" with a thousand pieces of gold!
It doesn’t matter if you can’t earn 1000 taels of gold for a while, this is a tribute to the author Luo Guanzhong.

At the same time, King Wu said very firmly that "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" will be passed down through the ages!
Later, the popularity of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" made Sun Zhonglian feel that King Wu's vision was really different.

Sun Zhonglian made a suggestion to King Wu to take advantage of the popularity of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and buy Luo Guanzhong's other novels in advance.

Unexpectedly, Wu Wang shook his head and said that Luo Guanzhong's other works were far behind "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

The other works are Luo Guanzhong's pen practice, laying the writing foundation for "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"!

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is Luo Guanzhong's pinnacle work!

Do people want to watch other works after watching "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"?

It's like drinking Maotai, what kind of Dongyang wine and Magu wine do you want to drink?

Sun Zhonglian tasted Wu Wang's Maotai, and then felt that other wines had no taste.

King Wu once confessed that "Da Ming Pao" would definitely send someone to find Luo Qingping, and they would buy Luo Guanzhong's other novels.

Make sure to explain to Luo Qingping, first bite a book worth 1000 taels of gold!

Definitely going through several rounds of haggling!
In the end, these books were sold for 500 taels of gold, and a total of 2000 taels was earned.

Luo Qingping knew that if it wasn't for "Da Ming Pao", if it wasn't for King Wu, it would be difficult for him to publish it, not to mention making money.

The serialization of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has fulfilled Grandpa's last wish.

What's more, Luo Qingping has already obtained a thousand pieces of gold, which is enough for him to squander for generations!
Therefore, for the newly earned 2000 taels of gold, Luo Qingping resolutely refused.

Finally, after asking King Wu for instructions, King Wu said to give Luo Qingping 100 taels, and hired Luo Qingping as the editor of "Da Ming Pao", responsible for daily editing and proofreading.

Leaving aside the benefits of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Da Ming Pao" got 2000 taels of gold!

Sun Zhonglian thinks he is a good money maker, but he is nothing in front of King Wu!

After earning so much money, he also made his competitor "Da Ming Pao" feel ashamed!

Wu Wang's "Ming Pao" made a lot of money!Wang Qingxuan's "Da Ming Pao" suffered a blood loss!
And King Wu also confessed that in the future, novels can be sold to "Da Ming Pao" through various channels!

Let them earn some money too!
Where there is competition, there is development!
Just like there is only one restaurant on a street, the business must be deserted.

But when restaurants get together, business will improve.

Of course, Sun Zhonglian thought this was the case.But Wu Wang's approach may not be so simple.

The hard days of Da Ming Pao are yet to come.

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