Zhu Yuanzhang was denied by Zhu Yunxi, and he didn't care at all.

Being denied by the third grandson has become a habit.

"Grandpa, you don't need to choose a name, just live here."

"Our courtyard is not open to the public, let alone used for business, so there is no need to have a name."

"Grandpa, you can come and live in this place anytime. Mu Yao and I are here. When the time comes, call my father-in-law, my uncle, and uncle!"

"Men here drink tea, drink, and talk about things, while women make tea, refill wine, and cook, and children run around here. This is the bliss in the world!"

"I can come here to relax two days out of every seven days."

"I don't think about anything these two days, just relax."

"Grandpa, man, it's like a spring, it can't be stretched all the time, if it's stretched all the time, it won't spring."

"People are always nervous, don't know how to relax, and die early!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, although he was yearning for it, he still felt a little inappropriate.

"Yunxi, as an emperor, he cares about the world, how dare he relax for a moment?"

"Since ancient times, the change of dynasties has mostly been due to the laziness of the emperor and the neglect of the government."

Zhu Yuanzhang was afraid that his third grandson, Xianyu, would lie flat all the time.

"Old Zhu's thinking needs to be reversed."

"Leisure and relaxation cannot be equated with laziness."

"Look at Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty."

"Leisure and relaxation and dealing with government affairs will not be delayed."

"Emperor Qianlong is the longest-lived emperor in history, living to be 89 years old."

"Qianlong reigned for 60 years, and continued to practice politics after the Zen throne. He actually exercised the highest power for more than 63 years. He is the emperor who actually held the highest power of the country for the longest time in history."

"Because he has been in office for a long time, many policies can be implemented consistently, which can have very good results."

"So, Emperor Qianlong accomplished many incredible feats."

"For example, pacify San Francisco!"

"For example, to occupy and manage the Western Regions!"

"If he had died long ago, it would be impossible to have such a feat!"

Zhu Yuanzhang had heard his third grandson mention Qianlong many times, and he had subconsciously compared himself with Qianlong.

As soon as he heard the third grandson talk about Qianlong, he was very concerned.

"The reason why Qianlong lived so long was because of his good health."

"The Qing Dynasty is a foreign race, and they will soon conquer the world, so the requirements for the prince are very strict."

"Princes need to be good at martial arts, at least in horseback riding and archery."

"Qianlong began to exercise since he was a child, and he himself knew how to lead troops to fight. Naturally, he dared not waste his martial arts."

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately made a comparison. Our physical foundation is also good. I am afraid that we are much better than Qianlong when we lead troops to fight.

"Qianlong paid great attention to scientific health preservation, and was not superstitious about any elixir of life. He usually lived a regular life and insisted on waking up early and exercising every day."

"Actually, Lao Zhu has exceeded his lifespan this year, and it seems that he is still in good health."

"It should be the result of Lao Zhu's regular exercise. During at least two years in the Western Regions, Lao Zhu practiced Taijiquan and Baduanjin whenever he was free."

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help being shocked, the third grandson actually said that I had exceeded the life limit! !

Could it be that, according to history, we have already returned to heaven? ! !
What caused us to break through the life limit?
Sansun is right!
That is Taijiquan and Baduanjin for health preservation!

Two years ago, the third grandson began to teach us health-preserving kung fu!

Although the third grandson is very lazy, he is very active in supervising our practice of health preservation!

From time to time to see how we practice.

Indeed, after practicing for a long time, we actually gained a lot of experience and were able to combine body movements with breathing.

The tiredness of the past is gone, and my spirit is very good.

Thinking about the experience of the past two years, being able to break through the life limit may be related to being in a happy mood.

What a joy it is to be able to eavesdrop on the voice of the third grandson!
In addition, we heard the solutions to many difficult problems from the voice of the third grandson!

As long as there are three grandchildren, there will be no problems that cannot be solved!
Naturally, our troubles will be much less.

Stay with your grandchildren, eat well, live well, and feel good!
This is the fundamental reason why we broke through the life limit.

"There is another most important reason for Qianlong's longevity: he liked to travel around."

"Four southern tours, three trips to Wutai Mountain, three trips to Taishan Mountain, seven trips to the south of the Yangtze River, and all the places of interest, famous mountains and rivers in China."

"Visiting great rivers and mountains is also a way to exercise, relax, and broaden your horizons."

"Multiple tours, not only understand the conditions of the people and the country, so that the policies formulated will not be divorced from the real situation, but also pleasant to the body and mind."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he thought of going to Hangzhou, to the sea, and then to the Western Regions with his third grandson. Isn't this a kind of parade?
If we didn't go on a parade with the third grandson, how would we know that the world is so big?
If we hadn't gone to the Western Regions, how would we know that there are so many ethnic groups and countries?How do you know what else is about to start the Great Age of Discovery?How do you know there are other Western powers?
How much territory an emperor can occupy and how long he can sit in the country, the main thing is to see knowledge!

Knowledge, first of all, see!
See more to know more!

"Since ancient times, the ministers and the emperor's close ministers do not want the emperor to go out!"

"Especially civil servants, the last thing you want is for the emperor to go out frequently and visit in private!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his eyes lit up, yes, the third grandson was right!
Every time we want to go out for a walk, especially want to take a look at the countryside, see how the crops are growing, and see how the farmers' life is.

But both the prime minister and the internal officials dissuaded him for various reasons.

In addition, there are too many papers piled up on the case!

By the time the review is completed, it will be midnight, and I can't get out.

By the way, those civil servants' memorials were really stinky and long, and they didn't get to the point for a long time.

Is their purpose to waste our time?

Use memorials to hold us back and not let us go out?
But what good are they doing?
"Generally, those who don't want the emperor to go out, most likely because they did bad things outside."

"The emperor's micro-service made many private visits, and if he knew what they did, he would not be as good as them."

"There are deviations in the policy formulated by some ministers, and I don't want the emperor to know!"

"Even if the private sector has different business, it cannot be handed over to the minister."

"The emperor's close ministers will pre-process these documents, and withhold any news that is unfavorable to them."

"Suppress those who complain!"

"The more the emperor doesn't go out, the more he doesn't know the truth, the more ignorant he is! The more stupid he is."

"This is what civil servants and courtiers would like to see."

"Many people were loyal to the imperial court at the beginning, but when they had more power and more interests, they forgot their original intentions and even competed with the emperor for power and profit."

"From this point of view, it is absolutely correct for Lao Zhu to kill Hu Weiyong."

"The history of China's feudal society is the history of the struggle between the imperial power and the bureaucratic elite group, and it can also be understood as the history of the struggle between public power and private power."

"When the imperial power can control the elite group of bureaucrats and aristocrats, social and economic development will be healthier."

"Once the bureaucratic and aristocratic elite group empties the imperial power and transfers taxes to the people at the bottom, a social crisis begins."

"Therefore, the bureaucratic elite often used various methods to deceive the emperor."

"They hope to put the emperor in an "information cocoon" and block all information that is not good for them."

"Let the emperor become a puppet of the bureaucratic elite and a tool for their profit."

So it turned out that Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly realized!

In the past, we never thought of this!
The voice of the third grandson made us suddenly enlightened!

No wonder, no wonder, then the emperor claimed to be a loner!
It's not just the emperor standing at the top!

It is also because our information was blocked by the bureaucratic group, and we were put into an "information cocoon room" by them.

Think about Hu Weiyong, how many things he has kept from us!

He just wants to seal us into cocoons like silkworms!

In the future, if we want to go out of the palace, whoever wants to dissuade us, let's see how we deal with him!

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