Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0582 heaven and earth, can you change your name

"Let the Daming Institute of Science and Technology not make money for 20 years?" Wang Qingxuan felt that the two were bragging.

Wang Shouzheng said: "The most attractive part of "Ming Pao" is the serialized novels of King Wu. But the biggest flaw of "Ming Pao" is that there is only one King Wu."

"How do you say that?" Wang Qingxuan asked hastily with great interest.

Wang Shouzheng immediately explained: "Originally, it is no small miracle that Wu Wang can update the novel every day."

"Now, the king of Wu is involved in river affairs again! Where will he have time to write novels in the future?"

"Ming Pao's "Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been completed, but the new novel has not been released. What does this mean?"

"This shows that Miaobi also has a flowering day, and Jiang Lang has a time when his talents are exhausted!"

"The ink in King Wu's stomach has long been used up, and the stories he knows have long been written."

"Without the support of novels like "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Ming Pao" is nothing!"

"The lower official once inquired through fellow villagers that there seems to be a problem with the printing of "Ming Pao."

What Wang Qingxuan most wanted to hear was that there was a problem with the Daming Institute of Science and Technology, or that there was a problem with Wu Wang Zhu Yunxie, and he immediately asked: "What's the problem?"

Wang Shouzheng took a piece of fish stick and ate it, and then said: "Master Wang, they said they want to change the font so that ordinary people can understand it."

"Changing the font, this has to be vigorously promoted by the court. Just rely on "Ming Pao" to change the font so that ordinary people can understand it?"

"It's no wonder ordinary people can understand it! This shows that the internal management of "Ming Pao" has a big problem."

Wang Qingxuan was very satisfied. "Ming Pao" had no new novels to publish, and there were differences in management.

This is the best time to set up Da Ming Pao!
The success of "Ming Pao" in the past two years shows that the general public, including literati and court officials, are very fond of vernacular books and novels written in common Chinese.

This is an extremely broad market space.

Wang Qingxuan was born in a wealthy family in eastern Zhejiang. His father's generation expanded his business to the entire south of the Yangtze River. He has a certain business acumen and market vision.

"Ming Pao" has declined, but the market still exists!
At this time, Wang Qingxuan felt that today is really the right time!

A few days ago, Yan Yunzhi, Secretary of the Imperial College, asked to see him, but Wang Qingxuan ignored him.

Because Yan Yunzhi is only the Secretary of the Imperial College, the sixth grade.

And Wang Qingxuan is a doctor of the Ministry of Rites, a third-rank doctor, and his rank is much higher than him.

What's more, these literati came to themselves, either to help them get promoted, or to borrow money.

Who made Wang Qingxuan rich?

Later, Yan Yunzhi came to look for him again, hinting that this matter had something to do with the Daming Institute of Science and Technology and the King of Wu.

For this reason, Wang Qingxuan agreed to meet him.

Unexpectedly, Yan Yunzhi and Wang Shouzheng sent such a great deed!

As long as you invest in the establishment of "Da Ming Pao" by yourself, it is tantamount to taking over the market expanded by Da Ming Newspaper!

Now there is no need to worry about whether there is a market for "Da Ming Pao", what needs to be considered now is whether "Da Ming Pao" has good content!

"This, Yunzhi, keep the government, how much money does it cost to start the "Da Ming Pao", I voted for it!"

Wang Qingxuan gave Yan Yunzhi and Wang Shouzheng a reassurance first.

"Ah, that's great! Thank you Mr. Wang for your support!"

"My lord Wang, you are so discerning and courageous, I admire you!"

Wang Qingxuan waved his hand and said, "The next big question is, what does "Da Ming Pao" write about?"

Yan Yunzhi said: "We are going to divide the content into two parts. One part is to publish poems. Scholars can contribute and choose the best ones to publish in "Da Ming Pao". This will attract a large number of scholars."

"The second content is story books and novels. In fact, we have already spread the news through the supervising students of the Imperial College, recruiting people who can write similar "Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "Journey to the West", and give high rewards."

Wang Shouzheng said: "Guozijian's supervisors come from all over the country, and there are many prefectures and counties. Now there are quite a few people here, and some people are imitating "The Legend of the Condor Heroes."

"The supervising students of Guozijian are also a great resource of "Da Ming Pao". After studying, they can pick up a pen, write poems, prose, or create novels, which is unmatched by Da Ming Pao."

Yan Yunzhi closed the fans one by one: "My lord, based on this, we dare to say that "Ming Pao" will not make money for 20 years."

Wang Qingxuan was overjoyed to hear this, and invested in the establishment of "Da Ming Pao", a good thing, a great thing!

If you can fight against Wu Wang Zhu Yunxie and make money along the way, why not do it?

Zhu Yunxi made bets several times, which caused many civil servants to lose money.

In fact, in the end, it was Wang Qingxuan who paid for it badly.

Because the civil servants borrowed money from Wang Qingxuan!
Counting the salaries of civil servants for the next few decades, it is not enough to pay back!
Fortunately, Wang Qingxuan's family background is solid, otherwise he would have hit a wall.

Wang Qingxuan said: "If you don't do it, it's done, and if you do it, you can do it well! "Da Ming Bao" you can do it boldly, and the money problem will be solved by this official."

"In short, as you said, let Ming Pao not make money for 20 years!"


Jiming Mountain, which is next to Daming Institute of Science and Technology, and Zijin Mountain, the highest in Jinling City, were assigned to Daming Institute of Science and Technology by Zhu Yuanzhang.

According to Zhu Yunxi's request, the Daming Institute of Science and Technology has leveled out a large site in the best viewing belt halfway up Zijin Mountain.

Zhu Yunxi took Zhu Yuanzhang to Zijin Mountain.

"Grandpa, I'm going to build two yards here. When I have nothing to do, I will live here and relax."

Zhu Yuanzhang's interest immediately increased: "Okay, okay, is it that kind of starry sky bubble house?"

"No, the starry sky bubble house is just an embellishment. It's fun to live in at night, but the space is still a bit small."

"Yunxi, what do you mean, the conditions are better than that of Starry Sky Bubble House?"

Zhu Yuanzhang lived in the starry sky bubble house in the Western Regions. There are lamps that do not use soybean oil or candles, 24-hour hot water, and snow-white soft beds. It is a fairy day.

It's just that we've always been used to suffering, and Daming is not rich, so we can't do such extravagant things in the palace.

But sometimes I really want to live for a while.

Unexpectedly, the third grandson could get better conditions!
Really want to see and see.

Zhu Yunxi exchanged a whole set of homestays from the system space.

The whole homestay is a prefabricated green building, modern inside and simple outside.

All are automatically powered by solar panels, and all the furniture inside is made of the most comfortable materials.

There are oversized bedrooms, cozy book bar, tea bar, restaurant, gym, entertainment room, movie and projection room.

It is completely the standard of high-end homestay that can be built by a small-scale executive team in later generations.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Yi were not too shocked when the homestay suddenly appeared in front of them.

Because of this situation, they have already seen it in the Western Regions.

The difference is that the yard and buildings appear much larger.

After going in for a visit, an experience, and listening to the introduction of Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi, Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Yi were still shocked.

In the past, the third grandson said in his heart that what we ate was pig food!

Now look at this courtyard, look at the facilities in the room, our palace is not called a palace, it is called a kennel!

"This yard, this house, is really nice," Mao Yi sighed sincerely, "It's like heaven and earth."

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up: "Heaven and earth, it's appropriate. Yunxi, let's name this place: Heaven and earth."

"Grandpa, heaven and earth? Well, can you change your name?"

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