Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0580 Haiyan Heqing, really can?

"Your Majesty, I must live up to my high expectations, and take river control as my life's special task, and I will never waver!"

Song Li immediately knelt down to thank him and express his opinion.

King Wu had already reached the front row, and it was not easy for Song Li to run over to express his thanks.

"Song Li, tell me, what is the method of treating Huang?"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't pay attention to Song Li's statement just now, so he asked again.

Song Li said: "Your Majesty, I think that when it should be blocked, it should be blocked, and when it should be dredged, some river sections should be blocked, and some river sections should be dredged."

"I have only inspected a part of the river, and that is in my hometown."

"How to do it will have to go through actual investigation."

"At least start the investigation from Hukou in Shanxi."

Wang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Song Langzhong, according to what you said, when will the river be ruled? You have been investigating from Shanxi to the downstream, and a year has passed!"

"The flood season of the Yellow River is coming soon, where can you go for inspection and sightseeing?"

Song Li didn't care about the color and grade of Wang Qingxuan's robe, and smiled coldly: "My lord, if you have a good way, I can let you be a virtuous man!"

Wang Qingxuan immediately shut up.

Since ancient times, river governance has been a thankless job!

Gong Gong didn't know how to control the water and neglected his duties, and was dismissed by Yao.

Although Gun worked very hard to control the water, he also caused disasters due to improper methods. He was exiled to Yushan at the beginning, and was finally killed by Emperor Shun.

Then there was Dayu, who spent 13 years in flood control outside, worked hard and thought hard, and went through the house three times without entering.

Later, Ximen Bao, Fan Zhongyan and others also treated the water, but they were questioned by many parties.

Because water control involves too many areas, and there is not enough prestige, how to order upstream and downstream?How to coordinate the left and right banks?

It is necessary to recruit civilian husbands from all over the country.

In the Yuan Dynasty, Jialu ruled the river, and one levy was 20!

Which county will be flooded and which county will not be flooded?

In which county is it blocked, and in which county is it sparse?
Involving the interests of all parties!

Since ancient times, anyone who governs the river will be sued in the end!

Leaving aside the management of large river basins, as far as Fan Zhongyan is concerned, just the water control in Suzhou has been questioned and opposed by officials from the imperial court to local gentry.

Fan Zhongyan went on for more than a year just to explain.

Because there is no explanation, the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry will not give support!
Where does money and food come from?How do civilian husbands recruit?

Therefore, Fan Zhongyan believes that this kind of atmosphere is very bad. As long as water conservancy construction is mentioned, there will be criticism and difficulties. If the imperial court does not personally preside over the construction, it will not be successful.

Wang Qingxuan is just a servant of the Ministry of Rites, going to control the river?
This is tantamount to catching up with his future future!
"Haha, Song Li, you really have a personality!"

"It's been like this since ancient times. Guys who specialize in a certain field have their own personality!"

"Those officials who know nothing about bragging, don't dare to have a personality!"

"People's energy is limited. People who concentrate on practical and practical things will not study people's psychology, nor will they act on the face of others."

"Song Li, you got it right! Wang Qingxuan, you should get it!"

"Youkanyouup! You can do it!"

"Chinese people have always been like this. Whether it is a unit or a group, there are always three thirds."

"One-third is doing, one-third is watching, and one-third is making trouble."

"Many people talk logically, but they act in a mess."

With Song Li's resentment, the other ministers also shut up.

I didn't expect Song Li to have such a personality!
In this hall, it's not worth it to be bullied by such a person.

What's more, King Wu said that Song Li understood river affairs quite well, so His Majesty immediately appointed him as the doctor of the household department's capital water clearing official, responsible for water control.

Then what Song Li said is correct!

If you question Song Li, you not only run the risk of being hated by Song Li, but also suspect of questioning His Majesty!

Song Li beat Wang Qingxuan before answering His Majesty's question: "Your Majesty, I believe that sand control is the most important thing in river control."

"The foundation of sand control lies in strengthening tree planting and water and soil conservation, and reducing the amount of sediment entering the river. This is a long-term strategy."

"The second is to transport sand, reduce the amount of sediment deposited, and control the rate of river bed elevation. This is the middle strategy."

"The third is to discharge the sediment from the Yellow River through engineering measures to reduce the height of the river bed. This is a short-term strategy."

"Song Li is amazing. He can divide three strategies in a short time."

"Have long-term plans, and emergency measures!"

"Especially the second one, which is exactly the same as the method of Pan Jixun, an expert in yellow control in the Ming Dynasty!"

"Pan Jixun hasn't been born yet. Could it be that Pan Jixun's method of "blasting water and attacking sand" was inspired by Song Li?"

"Strictly speaking, constricting water means blocking water. Attacking sand means dredging."

"Pan Jixun discovered during the field investigation that the most important cause of disasters caused by the Yellow River is sedimentation."

"Pan Jixun advocates not allowing the water to diverge, blocking the original breach of the Yellow River to form the main channel, and at the same time building a series of embankments to fix the main channel of the riverbed in the main channel, so as to speed up the flow of water, and use the velocity of water to wash away the silted sand. Go, so as to achieve the goal of sand control.”

"This theory will still apply 500 years later!"

"The Xiaolangdi water and sediment diversion project of later generations uses the momentum of water to flush out less mud from the Yellow River and reduce river siltation."

"The completion of Xiaolangdi has completely realized Haiyan and Heqing."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he couldn't help but get excited, Haiyan Heqing?
Can the Yellow River become clear?
There is a saying in "Tui Bei Tu" in the Tang Dynasty: "There are real dragons in the world, and the water of the Jiuqu Yellow River is not yellow"!
Sansun knows how to make the Yellow River clear!
How was this small wave bottom built?
Which section of the Yellow River is Xiaolangdi in?
Song Li continued: "Your Majesty, this is what I intend—"

Zhu Yuanzhang was listening to his third grandson, but was disturbed by Song Li, who quickly stopped Song Li: "Song Li, shut up first, don't talk, let's think about it."

"Pan Jixun's attacking sand with beams of water also has shortcomings."

"The main reason is the lack of quantitative analysis, and the management of the Yellow River has always been limited to the downstream."

"And it only focuses on removing sand to treat the symptoms, but doesn't know how to stop the sand and treat the root cause. What's more, it doesn't take into account how to deal with the sand after it has been washed away. Therefore, it has not fundamentally changed the trend of sediment deposition in the lower Yellow River."

"Of course, there are limitations in understanding, and there are also reasons for the backward engineering technology at that time."

"Theoretically speaking, Pan Jixun's attacking sand by beaming water is advanced."

"But in the Ming Dynasty, neither technology nor equipment could keep up with Pan Jixun's theory."

"Without such a high dam, it would be impossible to store so much water."

"Without that much water being let go all at once, it's impossible to have that high flow rate."

"Without such a high flow rate, it is impossible to complete the sand attack."

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately understood that the reason why Xiaolangdi and such a tall dam cannot be built now is mainly because our technology and equipment are too poor.

This is indeed a problem.

However, we have three grandchildren!
With three grandchildren around, no problem is a problem.

With the third grandson here, what more Song Li and Pan Jixun do we need?

"Haha, Song Li, what you said is very reasonable." Zhu Yuanzhang said: "From now on, you will follow King Wu and be responsible for river control."

"Ah, let Song Li follow me?"

"How does this work?"

"If Song Li can't cure it, it's all my responsibility!"

"Jiehe needs money and people!"

"The Daming Academy of Science and Technology is now mainly developing technology, and there is not enough money."

"Old Zhu doesn't bleed, I won't show up!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard it, the third grandson was going to put down the pick!

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