Everyone was silently mourning for Song Li.

In particular, some officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs are mourning in silence, while many are gloating.

Although Song Li's official position is not high, his heart is quite high.

Some people advised him to change his name, or call him by words.

Song Li didn't agree, and said that my name is Song Li, so I gave it a gift?

Can't it be said that I talk about etiquette and respect the law of etiquette?

Officials all felt that the reason why Song Li was so unique was just grandstanding.

The purpose is to attract the attention of the superiors and seek greater official positions and power.

This time, he finally caught His Majesty's attention.

However, the hard-earned official position was lost.

Who knew that Song Li not only did not beg for mercy, but instead said: "Your Majesty, I am not convinced. If I want to change my name, I must either have my father's consent, or the emperor will give me the name. I ask your Majesty to give me a name!"

Oh my god, this Song Li is too courageous!

This guy is putting all his eggs in one basket!
If His Majesty really bestows the name, Song Li will turn around immediately!
Your Majesty has already given the name, won't Song Li have to walk sideways in the court in the future?
Zhu Yuanzhang stood up and said with a sneer, "Song Li, you are so courageous!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was about to ask someone to find out if Song Li had ever given a gift, but Zhu Yunxie's voice came into his mind: "Song Li? So this person is here!"

"Song Li was intelligent and enlightened since he was a child, eager to learn and ambitious, and he was proficient in the study of water conservancy in rivers and canals."

"It's just that Song Li didn't know how to be an official. The "History of the Ming Dynasty" records: "The etiquette is strong, and the subordinates are strict and urgent, so it is easy to gather things, so they are not loved by others. On the day of death, the family has no money."

Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback, but he didn't expect this guy named Song Li to be a good and honest official!
Proficient in river and canal water conservancy, when he died, the family had no extra money!
Such an official would indeed not be an official!
However, what we want is not someone who can be an official, what we want is someone who can do things!
What we want is not someone who can do things, what we want is someone who can do things!

If the whole court is full of treacherous and cunning old men, how can we be the emperor?
Fortunately, the third grandson is here!

Otherwise, we really wronged a good official!

However, we didn't let Song Li do it just now, how can we change our words?
"Cough, cough, Yunxi, where is King Wu, is King Wu here?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

The ministers in the palace were waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang to deal with Song Li, but he didn't expect him to ask Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi suddenly.

Zhu Yunxi did not come!
Suddenly, Zhu Yunxi appeared at the door.

It turned out that Zhu Yunxi had come and never wanted to enter the palace.

Standing outside the hall, you can stand however you want!
"Yunxi, come here, come here, stand in front." Zhu Yuanzhang greeted.

Zhu Yunxi walked forward under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Complicated gazes of suspicion, shock, and admiration were projected at the same time.

Wang Qingxuan looked at Zhu Yunxi and felt very uncomfortable.

Zhu Yunxi's luck was not so good. He went to Jianli and really blocked the breach.

But Wang Qingxuan believes that Li Jinglong's description is definitely exaggerated and exaggerated!

The breach is definitely not as wide as Li Jinglong described!

The flood is by no means as big as Li Jinglong described!
It must be that the people of Jianli County are all on it!

Then, under His Majesty's instruction, Li Jinglong put gold on King Wu's face and moved it out of heaven!

His Majesty described here that the Western Regions did not give enough gold to the King of Wu, so Li Jinglong asked Li Jinglong to post it, layer after layer!
As for that?
Many officials watched Zhu Yunxi approaching, and felt that he hadn't changed much, god?Can the gods match him?

Li Jinglong is so shameless that his integrity is smashed!

"Yunxi, Song Li, have you heard of him?" Zhu Yuanzhang decided to let Zhu Yunxi handle this matter.

As long as the third grandson says that Song Li is a good person, we will have a step down.

"Song Li? I've heard of it." Zhu Yunxi replied.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked: "What do you think of Song Li, do you understand river affairs?"

"Song Li, I heard that he has studied river affairs for many years and has a lot of experience." Zhu Yunxi replied.

"Why did Lao Zhu ask me?"

"Oh, it must be Li Jinglong!"

"Li Jinglong came to report the situation in Jianli County, which made Lao Zhu mistakenly think that I understand river affairs."

"Of course Song Li understands river affairs."

"After Yongle proclaimed himself emperor, he successively served as the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and the crown prince and Taibao."

"At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the Huitong River was silted up by the silt flooded by the Yellow River's breach, and the canal was interrupted. If we want to restore this route, it must be dredged."

"How to transform the Grand Canal and ensure smooth water transportation has become an urgent problem for Zhu Di to solve."

"In the end, it took nine years for Song Li to solve the navigation problem of the Grand Canal."

"When the rivers and rivers are connected, the canals are connected, and the lakes and lakes are connected to each other, they converge into a huge water system."

"Since then, the Grand Canal connecting the north and the south has been unimpeded, and the water transportation capacity has been greatly improved. Every year, millions of shi of grain and rice are transported from the southeast to Beiping."

"The Grand Canal has truly become the main artery of transportation between the north and the south, and has played a huge role in the economic and cultural exchanges between the north and the south, as well as the development of inland waterway shipping."

"Therefore, Song Li has been commended by the emperors of various dynasties many times."

"During the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty, Song Li was honored as the god of the river. To commemorate Song Li's achievements in water control, shrines and temples were built in Wenshang and Nanwang, and statues of gods were erected for future generations to worship every year."

"In the first year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, he was named "Kaihe Yuanxun Prince Taibao" and posthumously named "Kang Hui Gong".

"Song Li's achievements in governance and fortune have also been praised by later generations. The emperors of the Kangxi and Qianlong dynasties in the Qing Dynasty granted Song Li posthumous titles and gave special care to his descendants."

"During the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, it was granted the title of "Ningcao Gong"."

"During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, the imperial court's inscription in memory of Song Li was: Song Shangshu's sage and divine merits are not inferior to Yu's, and he was granted the title of King Xianying."

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but get excited. Unexpectedly, Song Li is a talent!
And it was conferred by so many emperors and built by the common people!
We almost missed such a river management talent!
"Okay, let's do it like this! Ling, Song Li, transferred to the Ministry of Industry, and served as the doctor of the Dushuiqing official department."

The impatient Zhu Yuanzhang immediately announced the appointment of Song Li.

Ah, everyone didn't expect Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude towards Song Li to take a sharp turn!
Don't you want to take off Song Li's official hat?

How did this get promoted immediately?
Gongbu Langzhong, this is the fifth grade!

Head of the household department, this is the sixth grade!

Is this too childish?

"Song Li, the king of Wu said that you know a lot about river affairs, that's great!" Zhu Yuanzhang said, "Just now, your quarrel made us upset! We hate it when we hear the word Song Li."

"We are worrying about river governance. Since King Wu has recommended you, then you should be in charge of river governance."

"Song Li, there is no need to change this name. You can use the results of river control to present a big gift to the imperial court! Send generous gifts to the people!"

After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang breathed a sigh of relief.

I was impulsive just now, so I shouldn't announce Song Li's appointment immediately.

It should be locked in first, and then find a chance to release him, and then transfer him to the Ministry of Industry, let him help us control the river.

Fortunately, we rounded up the words today.

Oh my god, Song Li is out of luck.

It is because of a sentence that Wu Wang Zhu Yunxie came in, saying that Song Li had studied river affairs for many years and had a lot of experience.

This is still said!
So His Majesty immediately changed his will based on what King Wu said, not only did not kill him, but promoted him instead!
Song Li looked at King Wu with burning eyes at this moment, deeply shocked in his heart.

Song Li's hometown is in Luoning County, Henan Province, not far from the confluence of Heluo.

At the confluence of Heluo and Luohe, the water of Luohe River is clear and the water of Yellow River is turbid.

From ancient times to the present, people here have built canals and dams, making good use of the Yellow River and Luohe River.

It was in such an environment that Song Li developed a keen interest in water conservancy and river affairs.

While learning from a hundred schools of thought, I was looking for relevant information about water control by my predecessors.

He studied and researched these things, but few people knew about them. Unexpectedly, the king of Wu knew about them!

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