In Yingtian City, on the busiest street in front of the imperial palace, a gambling house opened.

This matter has aroused widespread concern from officials and the people.

In the Hongwu Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang strictly prohibited public gambling.

After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang was very annoyed when he found that there were many idlers in the capital who had become accustomed to gambling.

After all, at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a lot of waste waiting to be rejuvenated, but these people did not do their jobs properly. In the long run, they will be both disorganized and have a very bad influence.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang decided to order a ban on gambling, and his method was very strange.

He first delivered a decree and ordered people to build a building, named "Xiaoyao Building".

Zhu Yuanzhang then issued an order to arrest all gamblers and imprison them in the "Xiaoyao Building", where they were asked to gamble happily, but they were not given food.

Until the gamblers are starving, then tell them that they gamble all day long and have nothing to do with their livelihood, so they can only starve to death.

Many people have actually quit their gambling addiction.

In order to completely ban gambling, Zhu Yuanzhang reintroduced "gambling heads", that is, people who set up gambling games. Not only did they have no family property, but their adult descendants had to be sent to the army.

Officials who participate in gambling are more guilty.

Of course, if you do not open a gambling house, bet on something in private parties, drinking and other occasions, it is not included in the crackdown.

Zhu Yuanzhang's prohibition on gambling is very detailed. Anyone who does not have gambling tools such as chip swaps, dice, and gambling tables is not considered a gambling house.

Because it is the nature of the Han people to gamble.

When many things are ambiguous and cannot be judged, if they are settled by gambling, they will not cause disputes.

If you are willing to bet and admit defeat, no one has anything to say. This is a habit that has been formed for thousands of years.

When in Hangzhou, Qiu Zhanke, Wang Qingxuan and others organized a four-person gambling game to deceive King Wu. Zhu Yuanzhang thought he hadn't seen or heard about it at the time.

But now, in the prime location closest to the palace, a gambling house appeared in a grand manner.

It depends on Zhu Yunqi's attitude towards the gambling house!
After Jin Yiwei reported to Zhu Yunqi, Zhu Yunqi unexpectedly ordered not to interfere with the normal business of the gambling house.

This means that Zhu Yunqi can't help but gamble!
Combined with Zhu Yunqi's announcement of the abolition of the former emperor's regulations in the hall, the officials were confused. Did Zhu Yunqi follow the former emperor's rules, or did he do the opposite?
However, this gambling house is called the gambling house, but it is completely different from the previous gambling house.

Not even the most basic gambling equipment.

The core content of their first bet was about the imperial examination.

The gambling game is divided into two price tags from small to large: the imperial court wants to reform the imperial examination; the imperial court wants to use Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bi Tan" as the content of the exam.

Just bet around these two things.

The bet starts at least five taels of gold.

As soon as the game came out, the capital was in an uproar.

Is the imperial court going to reform the imperial examination?
How can this be?

The biggest crisis facing the court now is King Yan's rebellion!Rather than the selection of talents!

Now is not the time for internal affairs!
It's time for civil unrest!
Does the owner of the casino have too much money and nowhere to spend it?

It is impossible for the imperial court to reform the imperial examination, and it is even more impossible to use Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bi Tan" as the content of the examination!

Because the content of the imperial examination is determined by the first emperor!

No one dares to change!
What's more, so many officials have been selected in this way for so many years.

Many students have been reading these books since they were young, and now that new content has been added suddenly, wouldn't it increase the burden on the students?
What's more, Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bi Tan" is just a poor miscellaneous book!
How could such miscellaneous books be included in the imperial examination?
Who is the boss of this casino.

This aroused the great interest of officials and common people.

Finally, I got the exact news from Jin Yiwei: the person who opened the gambling shop was Sun Zhonglian, the treasurer of Daming Industrial Group.

Speaking of Sun Zhonglian, he is very famous!
The shopkeeper of Daming Industrial Group is a strong supporter of Daming Institute of Science and Technology.

Daming Institute of Science and Technology itself does not make money, it only spends money, and all the money is earned by Daming Industrial Group.

The Daming Salt Industry, Daming Newspaper, etc. under the Daming Industrial Group are all enviable industries.

Even the court is salivating.

The Household Department took Daming Salt Industry and Daming Newspaper Industry into the imperial court. Later, the new emperor Zhu Yunwen was furious, reprimanded the Minister of Household Department Fan Min and gave Daming Industrial Group double compensation.

Now that Sun Zhonglian opened such a gambling house, setting up a game that would undoubtedly lose, it was obvious that he was giving money to everyone!
Sun Zhonglian's background is the Daming Institute of Science and Technology.

Tao Chengdao has the final say on Daming Academy of Science and Technology.

Is Tao Chengdao a boy who spreads money?
Another breaking news came: the gamblers participating in the game must be civil servants.

Such a strange rule!

Only civil servants can participate!
The military attache is not qualified!

Tao Chengdao and Sun Zhonglian wanted to send money to civil servants!

They all figured it out, now it's Jianwen Dynasty!

In the Jianwen Dynasty, of course, the civil servants were in power and the military officials rested.

Tao Chengdao is succumbing to Zhu Yunqi and the civil official group!

Such a good thing, how can you not participate?
This is an excellent opportunity for all civil servants to make a fortune from Tao Chengdao and Sun Zhonglian.

Not to be missed!
The court officials were all eager to move, as if they had been spayed with chicken blood, they all went back to clean up the soft things at the same time.

Some took out their wives' dowries, while others borrowed money everywhere.

What's more, individual civil servants can't borrow money, so they ask military officials to borrow money.

For a while, the civil servants in Beijing forgot about King Yan's rebellion.

In fact, Zhu Yunxi told Mu Yao that this gambling house was opened by Sun Zhonglian.


Zhu Yuanzhang, who was on vacation at Sailimu Lake, could not help feeling a little depressed when he learned about the situation in the capital from Mu Yao's letter.

Because Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Yunxi also made a bet.

Zhu Yuanzhang believed that civil servants had already suffered a big loss because of the bet, and it was impossible to participate in similar bets again.

At that time, almost all civil servants were cheated by the third grandson and owed money.

Later, Sansun forgiven their debts, but had to participate in the construction of Daming Academy of Science and Technology.

Officials do the work of inferior people, they really lose face.

But if you owe money, face is nothing.

Among them, Qiu Zhanke owed the most, owed 500 taels of gold.

Finally, Qiu Zhanke went crazy.

Unexpectedly, these civil servants forgot all these lessons, and actually collected money to participate in the gambling game!

"Grandpa, don't overestimate human nature! Don't look at some people who are full of benevolence and morality, but when it comes to things, they are all exposed."

"How many people are there who are of such high morals and agree with each other?"

"Human nature often can't stand the test. Don't look at them who keep saying that they are for the court. When they are really needed, they slip away faster than one."

"Before Li Zicheng captured the capital, Chongzhen, the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, made his last effort to save the country."

"Emperor Chongzhen put down his emperor's honor and begged his ministers and relatives to donate money to pay the soldiers defending the capital."

"Emperor Chongzhen himself lived frugally, cut down on food and clothing, and did not dare to expand his recruitment when there were not enough court ladies. He even pawned off the gold and silver vessels in the palace and the copper pots in the main hall, and used them as military pay."

"However, the royal relatives and relatives are not worth a hair, and the Manchu language is armed like crazy."

"Chongzhen clearly knows that these people are corrupt and suffer Hui, and they have plenty of money. He has repeatedly used the righteousness of the country to explain them to them, but the dignitaries just don't want bloodletting. Although he is the emperor, he has nothing to do with it."

"After the city was broken, those "iron roosters" who cried poor in front of Emperor Chongzhen handed over amazing wealth before being tortured by Li Zicheng's army."

"The patriarch Zhou Kui, who was a miser who was only willing to pay 1 taels of silver, couldn't help being tortured and tortured. Li Zicheng copied countless rare treasures and pulled dozens of carts. The cash alone was a full 53 As many as ten thousand taels."

"After brutal torture, Li Zicheng's army obtained a total of more than 7000 million taels of silver, all of which were remelted into huge square silver plates with holes in the middle, which were later shipped to Chang'an."

Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely angry: "Such a minister, what's the use of it, he should be killed!"

"Grandpa, I don't want to kill them. I just let the greedy people bleed a little more, which is tantamount to supporting the construction of Daming Academy of Science and Technology."

"Grandpa, anyone who participates in the gambling game and bets more is not worthy of sympathy, but it will not be decapitated."

"Also, Grandpa, you must cooperate well. You can't go back on the decision you have made."

"I used your decision to set up this gamble, and I just hit the rabbit with grass."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Do you still need to say it? Let's tilt our head to do it when we go back! Let these ministers have a long memory!"

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