Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0492 Reform of the Imperial Examination System

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Yunwen came in again with a food box.

In the current imperial palace, two places have become forbidden areas.

One is Anxi Palace, and the other is Yangxin Palace.

Zhu Yunqi made strict regulations on the above two places: no one is allowed within twenty feet.

"Tilt your head, don't blame us. Sometimes you have some crooked thoughts, isn't it all taught by the Lu family?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "At that time, if we execute your mother together with Liu Hong and Jiang Yu, how will you deal with yourself? How will you face the people of the world?"

Zhu Yunqi had actually calmed down.

As the most outstanding of the emperor's grandsons, Zhu Yunqi certainly has a deep understanding of the royal family.

No matter from history or reality, he felt the cruelty, indifference and ruthlessness within the royal family.

From Zhu Yunwen's point of view, the Lu family is an absolutely competent mother who loves and protects him.

But in the eyes of the emperor, the Lu family was a sinner who interfered in political affairs and disrupted the harem.

In particular, in order to allow Zhu Yunqi to ascend the throne more smoothly and make his son's throne more legitimate, the Lu family cooperated with Liu Hong and Jiang Yu to forge His Majesty's secret decree.

For His Majesty, the Lu family is unforgivable and must die.

Although Zhu Yunwen's heart ached like a knife, he was helpless and dared not complain to his grandfather at all.

Zhu Yunqi felt that he must be more careful in the future, and he must not disobey the emperor's grandfather in the slightest.

Otherwise, mother's death is worthless.

What Zhu Yuanzhang said just now gave Zhu Yunqi a glimmer of hope.

Grandpa Huang is actually worried that I will not be able to deal with myself!Can't face the world!

That's why Grandpa Huang asked Mao Yi to do it quietly, without saying anything to the outside world.

If this matter is publicized to the outside world, he will never have the chance to ascend to the highest position.

If he is just an idle prince in the future, or if he is imprisoned on the high wall of Fengyang, he will not be able to face the world.

Grandpa Huang secretly executed his mother, clearly leaving a way out for himself in the future!
The grief in Zhu Yunwen's heart was greatly relieved at this time.

"Tilt your head, these few days, Mao Yi and I will go to the Western Regions, and we will come back in three days." Zhu Yuanzhang confessed: "You stay here and see how we and Mao Yi went to the Western Regions."

Zhu Yuanzhang estimated the time, took the rope and tied it around his waist.

Mao Yi was also tied up.

Zhu Yunqi was very puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask, why did he tie a rope around his waist when he went to the Western Regions?
Suddenly, Zhu Yunwen felt a blur in front of his eyes, Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Yi were gone!
Although Zhu Yuanzhang had explained in advance, Zhu Yunqi was still shocked and sat down on the ground.

Zhu Yunqi quickly got up, ran out of the hall, and circled around.

No trace was found.

Then enter the hall and look at the top of the head, there is not even a seam on the top!
Zhu Yunwen bit his hand, it hurts, it hurts!
This is real!

Grandpa Huang can really disappear at any time and go to the Western Regions!
God, I didn't expect Grandpa Huang to be so powerful!
I never knew it in the past!
By the way, Grandpa Huang said that he has something that is faster than a hot air balloon. Is it the rope they wrap around their waists?

When I came to deliver food boxes yesterday, I saw two ropes on the table.

At that time, I felt that the rope was not thick, but it was very delicate, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

It should be these two ropes, which are more miraculous transportation devices than hot air balloons!
Next time, when Grandpa and Mao Yi come back, do you want to borrow this rope for a try?
Zhu Yunwen entered the two side halls of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Both Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Yi slept in two side halls.

Suddenly, Zhu Yunwen saw a very strange dress beside Zhu Yuanzhang's bed.

It should be a coat, it looks thick, and it seems to be stuffed with cotton, it should be a winter coat.

It's summer and I can't wear it anymore.

Zhu Yunwen squeezed and weighed it, and found that it was very light, much lighter than ordinary cotton robes.

Looking at the material of the clothes again, it is silkier than silk!

This should be a new style of clothing purchased or manufactured by the Shangfu Bureau.


Sailimu Lake.

Zhu Yunxi and Xu Huaijin were still playing here and did not go anywhere else.

The time has come, and according to the previous agreement between Zhu Yunxi and Zhu Yuanzhang, it is time to take over Zhu Yuanzhang from Yingtian.

Retract the rope.

Let out the rope!

Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Yi appeared.

Xu Huaijin hurriedly came over to greet Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Grandpa, I have been playing here for three days without moving. I just want you to see Sailimu Lake."

Zhu Yuanzhang asked: "Yunxi, let us see this lake specifically. What's so special about this lake?"

"Lake Sailimu, this is the last place where the warm and humid Atlantic air flows, so it is called: the last tear of the Atlantic Ocean."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Yunxi, what's there to see in this lake, it's unlucky to shed one last tear. You have to leave quickly and get to Yingtian as soon as possible."

"Grandpa, people can't be too busy. People must learn to let themselves go. Many scientific achievements of human beings are born when they are extremely idle, unconstrained, or even cranky."

Zhu Yunxi poured Zhu Yuanzhang a glass of wine while talking.

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that Zhu Yunxie was always reasonable and could say one, two, three no matter what.

"Yunxi, you're the only one with a lot of fallacies!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed.

"Oh, when I say this, Lao Zhu doesn't understand at all."

"Newton sat under the apple tree, saw the apples fall, and wondered why, and thus the law of gravitation came into being."

"Some people say that Western scientific discoveries were useless at first."

"Western scientists are all out of curiosity about the world and the universe."

"Curiosity is the number one source of motivation for technological development."

"Chinese people do not actually lack curiosity, but curiosity has been stifled."

"China's ancient science and technology used to lead the world, but in modern times, our technological achievements have been eclipsed."

"Our civilization and Western civilization began to collide in modern times."

"In the face of the clash of civilizations, we in modern times have suffered a crushing defeat."

"The difference is that we lack curiosity, we lack the wings of imagination. We emphasize too much practicality."

"Ancient Chinese science and technology is empirical science and technology based on practicality, mainly including agriculture, medicine, astronomy, and arithmetic."

"Modern technology in the West is based on the formal logic of ancient Greece and Galileo's experimental science."

"Why didn't breakthrough technology appear in the Ming Dynasty? The main reason is that there were too many constraints and the people were too miserable."

"You haven't even solved your food and clothing, what are you going to search for, what rules are you looking for?"

"Those literati and officials who have to deal with food and clothing are all thinking of becoming an official, and they are all thinking about the emperor's mind. How can they have the energy to think about other things?"

"Therefore, if Daming Technology wants to progress and lay a foundation for future generations, two things must be done."

"One is: Let people loose; the second is: Make people rich."

"Old Zhu asked Zhu Yunqi to abolish some cumbersome rules. This is the beginning of loosening, not bad."

"For the goal of making people rich, Lao Zhu doesn't have the ability."

"As the founding emperor of the country, Lao Zhu is a beast in fighting the country, but he is just a rookie in the economy."

Zhu Yuanzhang was hit by the third grandson again!

However, I have to admit that in terms of making money, we are really not as good as our third grandson.

If the third grandson is willing, he will get a lot of money if he sells his belongings casually.

"The problem now is that although I have a lot of objects, Daming can't make them yet."

"Don't look at a small ballpoint pen, if you want to make it, you must have a complete technological system and industrial system."

"Therefore, it is necessary to plan in advance, popularize scientific knowledge, cultivate scientific spirit, and promote the development of science and technology."

"The development of science must start from the baby, it must start from the school."

"Exams are a baton!"

"Natural science must be allowed to enter schools, textbooks, and exams just like other content."

"I can compile a set of teaching materials, but I am afraid that people will not accept it."

"Then find a book that everyone knows and let everyone accept it first."

"Speak directly to Lao Zhu. If he doesn't agree, I won't be the heir apparent!"

The third grandson actually thought we disagreed!
After more than two years of eavesdropping, watching Sansun use new weapons to win again and again, how can we not know the great benefits of technology! ?

"Grandfather, I have a suggestion, I don't know if I should say it or not." Zhu Yunxie said.

Zhu Yuanzhang knew what Zhu Yunxi wanted to say, but he didn't know what book he was talking about.

"Yunxi, you don't have to be evasive when talking to grandpa, you have to go straight to the point."

Zhu Yunxi organized the language: "Grandpa, I suggest that Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bi Tan" in the Northern Song Dynasty be included in the education system as a compulsory content for children's examinations—country examinations—general examinations—and imperial examinations."

Zhu Yuanzhang asked, "Why?"

Zhu Yunxi said: ""Mengxi Bi Tan" is a wonderful book, covering almost everything, including astronomy, calendar, meteorology, geology, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, agriculture, water conservancy, architecture, medicine, history, literature, art, etc. , personnel, military—"

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately interrupted: "Yunxi, stop talking, it sounds like a headache. We agree, we agree, is it done?"

Zhu Yunxi was very happy.

"I didn't expect Lao Zhu to agree!"

"Maybe I thought I was too long-winded, so I agreed directly."

"The reform of the imperial examination system involves a wide range of areas, and it will definitely arouse strong repercussions! Even opposition!"

"Old Zhu didn't even think about it, but he agreed?!"

Zhu Yuanzhang thought to himself, the third grandson misunderstood, our current principle is: whatever the third grandson said is right, and whatever the third grandson said, we must do nothing wrong.

"Haha, write a letter to Mu Yao, the opportunity to make a fortune has come!"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't understand again, and the third grandson's thinking jumped again!

I was talking about the imperial examination just now, why did I suddenly think of making a fortune?

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