Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0471 The first year of space in Ming Dynasty

Outside Wusun City, Zhu Yunxi and Xu Huaijin were galloping on the grassland.

The grassland undulates with a very gentle slope, like the beautiful carcass of a young girl.

From time to time, there are some small lakes dotted in it, like water drops that a girl has not wiped off after she got out of the bath.

Coupled with the colorful flowers blooming everywhere, people are intoxicated.

Zhu Yunxi and Xu Huaijin dismounted.

The horses are wagging their tails and grazing leisurely.

Zhu Yunxi spread out a picnic mat, put it on a slope, and lay down comfortably.

"Xu Huaijin, as the saying goes, sitting is worse than standing, lying down is worse than sitting, come here, come and lie down for a while!"

Xu Huaijin really has nothing to do with Zhu Yunxie's scoundrel.

Because of the entire [-] Ming army, she was the only woman.

If you don't get in touch with Zhu Yunxi, who will you get in touch with?
Wouldn't it drive people crazy if they didn't get in touch with them?
"What's so embarrassing? It's not like you haven't been lying down before!"

Xu Huaijin immediately remembered the scene in the desert, she was buried by the sand, and she was lying beside him when she woke up.

"Lie down and lie down, who is afraid of whom?!"

Xu Huaijin walked over and imitated Zhu Yunxi's posture and lay down.

After lying down like this, Xu Huaijin let go instead, not feeling so embarrassed anymore.

Xu Huaijin said: "King Wu, there are some questions that I have always wanted to ask. But when I ask them, I feel very stupid."

Zhu Yunxi said: "Then don't ask."

Xu Huaijin didn't expect that Zhu Yunxi would not answer!This person is really boring.

"King Wu, no, I have to ask. If I don't ask, I won't be able to sleep every day."

"Well, for your sleep, ask."

Xu Huaijin straightened his thoughts and said, "King Wu, please tell me: who are you? Where did you come from and where are you going?"

Zhu Yunxi said: "I've read too much "Journey to the West", and I'm stuck in it, can't I extricate myself?"

"You're stuck in it, you can't extricate yourself!"

"If that's the case, you pull it out for me!"

Xu Huaijin looked at Zhu Yuanzhang suspiciously, analyzing his words, always feeling something was wrong.

"Okay, satisfy your curiosity!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said, "I am a monk of the Tang Dynasty, and my Dharma name is Sanzang. I came from the Tang Dynasty in the east and went to the west to learn scriptures."

Xu Huaijin sighed: "King Wu, I really don't know which of your words is true and which is false."

"The fake is true when it is fake, and there is nothing to do. There is no truth in life, and so is the world." Zhu Yunxi said.

"King Wu, you say you are a god, is this true or false?"

"What you think is true is true, and what you think is false is false."

Zhu Yunxi said: "You think I can use a drone to send you thousands of miles away. You are silent, black and white, uh, and send you to Yingtian in an instant, so you think I am a god?"

"Isn't this amazing?" Xu Huaijin asked back.

"Our eyes are our prisons, and wherever we look are the prison walls."

Zhu Yunxi's words made Xu Huaijin feel that King Wu was becoming more and more unpredictable.

"Xu Huaijin, do you believe in God?"

Xu Huaijin said: "I believe it."

"I also believe that there are gods in this world. This god is a civilization far superior to ours! They can manipulate our life and death at will." Zhu Yunxi said.

Xu Huaijin's eyes widened, no way, King Wu is already so powerful, how can anyone be more powerful than King Wu? !
"Let me tell you a story that may help you deepen your understanding of God."

"There's a sharpshooter, someone who's really good with the gun. He's punching holes in a target every inch."

"There is a colony of ants living on this target, and they never dare to climb to the edge, because they will fall."

"There is one of the most intelligent ant, who can be called the wise man among ants. After observing his own world, he discovered a great law: every inch, there must be a hole."

"So, the ants decided that there must be a hole every inch, which is an undeniable truth in the world."

Xu Huaijin smiled: "Haha, it's ridiculous, the ants are too ridiculous! This is just a whim of the sharpshooters, and they regard it as the law and the truth."

After laughing, Xu Huaijin said: "The truth that the ants think is very ridiculous to the sharpshooter."

"Is it ridiculous?" Zhu Yunxi sat up and looked at Xu Huaijin.

"In the eyes of ants, a sharpshooter is a god!?" Xu Huaijin asked.

"In the eyes of the ants, there is no god at all, because they can't see a god at all!" Zhu Yunxi said: "The ants may have a god in their hearts, but I'm not sure if it really exists."

Xu Huaijin was shocked: "King Wu, what you said makes me feel cold!"

"Xu Huaijin, what I want to tell you is that maybe we are all ants!"

Zhu Yunxi pointed to the sky: "Perhaps, God is watching from the sky."

"There is a sky beyond the sky, where is the sky beyond the sky, and how big is it?" Xu Huaijin was fascinated by the deep sky.

Many years later, this "shooter theory" born in the Yili River Valley has entered the textbooks of government schools at all levels.

It was the "Shooting Theory" written down by Xu Huaijin at that time that opened up the minds of the Ming people, and gave the scholars a magnificent and grand imagination like Mozi and other ancestors.

It is the "Shooter Theory" that makes some people start to shift from the concept of "under heaven" to the thinking of "outside the sky".

These people stood on the ground, raised their heads to observe and think about the vast starry sky.

This year is called the first space year of Ming Dynasty by the world.


Palace, Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Yi sat and chatted in the room.

Zhu Yuanzhang is a little annoyed, he has been in the Hall of Mental Cultivation for four days!

Every day when eating, the second grandson who tilted his head brought the food in himself.

Since there is still Mao Yi, I am afraid that the amount of food will cause everyone's suspicion, so Zhu Yuanzhang simply asked Mao Yi to change into the casual clothes that Zhu Yunqi used to wear.

Then let Mao Yi wear a blue scarf, and bring in the food with Zhu Yunxuan.

Mao Yi's identity aroused suspicion inside and outside the palace.

But no one dared to ask.

Because, the new emperor must cultivate his own power.

Whether this person is Jin Yiwei or an eunuch, no one can tell.

But fortunately, there was only one masked person, and everyone in the palace felt that Zhu Yunqi should have chosen Anbu to carry out special missions.

Every time Zhu Yunqi finished the court and dealt with government affairs, he immediately rushed to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to report on the handling of various government affairs at that time.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't say a word for the first two days.

In the next two days, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but point out Zhu Yunwen's handling of some government affairs, which made Zhu Yunwen overjoyed.

Zhu Yunqi felt that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to train himself again!

Moreover, Grandpa Huang didn't say anything about Xie Jin and Qiu Zhanke's treatment, which meant that he did the right thing!

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that it was really boring to face the second grandson and Mao Yi every day!
What happened to the third grandson Zhu Yunxi, don't you miss us?
It's been four days, and the third grandson still hasn't sent us back to the Western Regions!
However, Zhu Yuanzhang remembered that he was eager to respond to the sky at that time, and did not explain to his third grandson that he would be allowed to return to the Western Regions!

Since the third grandson can send people to the designated place in an instant, he can send us to him at any time.

Walking around the Western Regions, I always feel that Yingtian is too small, the imperial palace is too small, and I can't stay in the Hall of Mental Cultivation!

But, how to tell the third grandson that we want to go back to the Western Regions?

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