"Your Majesty, please forgive me!" Xie Jin shouted with snot and tears.

Huang Zicheng's heart skipped a beat!
Zhu Yunqi's personality has changed!

He's going to kill Xie Jin!
Xie Jin is a typical idiot, accustomed to stepping on others to gain the favor of the new emperor.

Although Xie Jin's character is not good, he will never die.

The reason why the new emperor is like this is to eliminate those who have had anything to do with King Wu.

"Xie Jin, did I say I was going to kill you?" Zhu Yunwen said, "King Wu is my third younger brother, and his departure makes me extremely sad!"

Zhu Yunwen knew that the emperor's grandpa Mao was in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so he must have his channel to know what happened outside.

Every word I say now, including every look in my eyes, probably cannot escape the eyes of Grandpa Huang.

The more I show respect and nostalgia for King Wu Zhu Yunxie, the more I can arouse the empathy of Grandpa Huang, and the more I can redeem the lost points in Grandpa Huang's mind.

Ah, all the ministers were amazed.

Why did Zhu Yunqi suddenly treat King Wu so well?

Did Zhu Yunqi forget that King Wu has been stealing his limelight for the past two years?

Did Zhu Yunqi forget that King Wu Zhu Yunxi almost robbed him of his heir apparent?

Some civil servants nodded secretly, Zhu Yunqi did so, Gao!

Anyway, King Wu is dead, and there is no threat to Zhu Yunqi.

Zhu Yunwen's grief for King Wu is also a signal of friendship to the Mu family, the Lan family, and the Daming Academy of Science and Technology.

At the same time, set an example of brotherhood and respect to the world.

Xie Jin patted his chest, he was so scared to death just now!
"Xie Jin, from now on you will be responsible for taking care of Wu Wangfu! No one is allowed to enter!" Zhu Yunwen added: "Of course, when Princess Anning comes back, she can come and go as she pleases. This is her home."

Xie Jin was stunned, I, my majestic cabinet minister, a fourth-rank official, actually became a gatekeeper of Wu Wangfu!

I, known as the number one young talent in the Ming Dynasty, have now become a mere servant!
King Wu is dead, and there are no bones left, his mansion is equivalent to a mausoleum!
From a famous person in the dynasty, he suddenly became a grave keeper!

This gap was really hard for Xie Jin to accept.

"Why, Xie Cai, why don't you accept the decree to thank you?" Liu Hong shouted.

Xie Jin immediately knelt down: "Chen, thank you!"

"Jiang Yu!" Zhu Yunqi shouted suddenly.

"The minister is here!" Jiang Yu flashed out from a corner of the hall.

"Release Jin with the stick, and execute him immediately!"

Everyone was surprised again, Zhu Yunwen was playing for real!
Zhu Yunwen frowned and said coldly: "I just announced the new regulations, and some people disobeyed them?!"

Zhu Yunqi announced two new rules today: ministers are not allowed to bow down to him, and they are not allowed to shout long live to him.

Daringly, Zhu Yunqi is not just putting on a pose!
Xie Jin hit the tip of the gun today!

Zhu Yunqi is going to use Xie Jin to stand up today!

Xie Jin was completely dumbfounded, and couldn't figure it out, did the new emperor take the wrong medicine?

Jiang Yu beckoned, and two Jinyi guards came, and took off Xie Jin's pants in the hall.

Slapping the minister's ass in court is what Zhu Yuanzhang likes to do.

Today, Zhu Yuanzhang's grandson Zhu Yunqi has inherited Zhu Yuanzhang's hobby.

This puzzled all the ministers, Zhu Yunqi changed Hongwu to Jianwen, didn't he just want to rule the world with the civil servants?

Why didn't everything go as expected?

To be in charge of the royal staff, for Jin Yiwei, he is familiar with the road!
Rod duty forty!

Crack clack clack clack clack clack clack!
At first, Xie Jin could hold back.

After playing more than a dozen boards, Xie Jin couldn't take it anymore, and started yelling, crying for his father and mother.

However, the strength of Jin Yiwei's attacks has not diminished in the slightest.

Finally, the execution is over.

Xie Jin lay there unable to get up.

"Let the imperial physician show Xie Jin a look, and then go to Wu Wangfu as an errand!" Zhu Yunqi said.

Jiang Yu winked, and several Jinyi guards dragged Xie Jin out like a dead dog.

The ministers didn't dare to say a word. Unexpectedly, Xie Dacai, from a cabinet minister, became a watchdog of the Wu Palace!

The new emperor's temper suddenly changed, and he was a little uncertain, so it was better to talk less and read more.

At this time, the hall was very quiet, only the sound of everyone's breathing was left.

Qi Tai, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, took a step and broke the tranquility: "Your Majesty, after Qiu Zhanke moved out of the Wu Palace, his illness has been getting better and better—"

"Qi Tai, what do you want to say? Do you want him to return to court?" Zhu Yunwen said angrily, "A person like Qiu Zhanke still wants to be the crown prince and protector? Isn't this a joke?"

Qi Tai was taken aback, is this still Zhu Yunwen?
Could it be that he has become like this after being enthroned as emperor for a few months?It doesn't make sense at all.

Zhu Yunqi once said that the imperial physician should treat Qiu Zhanke, and the disease is almost cured, so let him be the prince and the Taibao.

The post of Minister of the Ministry of Officials is very important and cannot be left vacant for a long time, so Zhou Jishi, the right chief of the Qing Palace, was promoted to be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Qi Tai was very wronged, when did I say that Qiu Zhanke was the crown prince?Isn't that what you said, Your Majesty?
joke!Just kidding, Zhu Yunqi was also joking!

Could it be that Zhu Yunqi was feigning anger just now?
"Your Majesty, I have always been dull and can't make jokes." Qi Tai said.

Zhu Yunwen pointed at Qi Tai and said, "Qi Tai, am I kidding you? A joke!"

"As a scholar, Qiu Zhanke is greedy and greedy. He owes King Wu [-] gold and refuses to return it. He still wants King Wu's house!"

"Qiu Zhan can act like this, how is it different from a rascal in the market?"

"Qiu Zhan is really a scum of scholars!!"

Ah, all the ministers looked up at Zhu Yunqi.

The emperor is really confused!

Qiu Zhanke's character is really inferior, but you, Zhu Yunqi, didn't give King Wu's house to him?

Qiu Zhan wants a house, so you can give it!

This is called a slap in the face!

Qiu Zhanke is so greedy, and you, Zhu Yunwen, are also used to it.

Everyone thought so, but no one dared to say it.

Zhu Yunwen felt the weirdness in everyone's eyes, coughed and said: "Qiu Zhan wants King Wu's house, and I will give it to him right away! I want to see how Qiu Zhan has the face to want it, how to live in it !"

"Chou Zhanke's thick skin is beyond expectation, he actually moved in."

"The reason why I allowed him to be the Prince's Taibao after he recovers is because I'm afraid that he will gossip and gossip, and ruin the reputation of court officials!"

At this time, the officials began to whisper, it is true that His Majesty is investigating Qiu Zhanke!
It seems that Qiu Zhanke did not pass the inspection!

Zhu Yunwen said: "Chou Zhanke is greedy for money and pays it back. The most important thing is that he slandered the King of Wu! He made up all kinds of things about the King of Wu everywhere!"

"Even though King Wu is wrong in every possible way, it's not something that Qiu Zhanke can criticize!"

"Li Jinglong, arrest Qiu Zhanke immediately, lock him up, and keep him from talking nonsense."

Ah, why did Zhu Yunqi attack Qiu Zhanke again?

Qi Tai felt that what Zhu Yunwen said was making a big deal out of a molehill?
It makes sense to fix Xie Jin, because Xie Jin used to belong to King Wu!
But the whole enmity Zhanke is a bit too much, look at the officials in the hall, except for the military officer, don't all others owe King Wu gold?
It's just that everyone owes King Wu not as much as Qiu Zhanke.

Qiu Zhanke was the one who had always been at odds with Wu Wang Zhu Yunxie, and he was also the one who was loyal to Zhu Yunxie!
Now it has come to this end!
Li Jinglong was in pain again, why did he let himself arrest someone again?

First he caught King Zhou, then King Su, and then the Mu family, Lan family, Tie Xuan, and Tao Chengdao, which made him catch Qiu Zhanke again!
Why did all the work of offending people and wiping his ass fall on him? !

Amidst the doubts, Zhu Yunqi directly announced the disbandment of the dynasty.

Zhu Yunwen hurried to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and Zhu Yuanzhang had to report on today's court affairs.

Suddenly there was an argument ahead.

It turned out that it was the mother Lu's who quarreled with several Jin Yiwei.

"You bastards who don't have long eyes! You don't even let me in!"

"Your Majesty, your majesty has ordered that no one is allowed to enter this place."

"Okay, okay, okay, Your Majesty is still my son! Mother's eldest, or my son's eldest?"

"Your Majesty, your majesty has ordered that no one is allowed to enter this place."

Clap clap clap!

Mrs. Lu slapped Jin Yiwei several times!
"You are really useless dogs! You are blind dogs raised by the late emperor!"

"Open your dog eyes and look, it's Emperor Jianwen now! Even the "Hongwu Dadian" has stopped!"

God, Zhu Yunwen trembled with fear when he heard this!

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