A scream resounded through the courtyard.

Liu Hong fell to the sky.

Three people entered the courtyard.

One of the young men was tall and burly, with a hulking back and a hunchback, and he yelled at Liu Hong with his hips akimbo: "Isn't it Liu Hong, you bastard, how dare you come to Wu Wang's mansion to show your prestige! I've seen you earlier!" It's not pleasing to the eye!"

Liu Hong got up, his eyes were covered with black circles, and his nose was bleeding.

Liu Hong covered his nose with one hand, pointed at the man with the other, and said, "Where did the bastard come from, it turned against you?!"

Look at the two Jin Yiwei who brought them here, they don't know where they are going.

The mighty young man said: "Liu Hong, I'm the most powerful son of King Yan, what's wrong with beating you? Is it wrong to beat you?"

Liu Hong was surprised. It turned out that he was the son of King Yan.

Hadn't King Yan's three sons been let go?

At that time, Wei Guogong Xu Zuhui suggested to the new emperor to take the three sons of King Yan as hostages in the capital.

Because these three people are all great talents, they cannot let the tiger go back to the mountain.

But Huang Zicheng made the opposite suggestion, saying that they should not scare the snakes and let King Yan find out, so he let them go.

Looking at the other two, one is short and fat, and the other is a little immature.

Judging from the appearance, the three people, one fat, one strong, and one thin, are definitely the three sons of Yanzi: Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Gaoxu, and Zhu Gaosui.

How did they come back?
Aren't you afraid of being detained by the new emperor again?

Needless to say, the one who beat someone was Zhu Gaoxu, that bastard son of King Yan!
Zhu Gaoxu wanted to punch again, but was stopped by his elder brother Zhu Gaochi: "Second brother, don't be impulsive."

Zhu Gaoxu said: "See, my elder brother has spoken, I have to listen. You are lucky, why don't you get out of here?!"

Liu Honghe has been so angry before, but in front of such a bastard and unreasonable person, what can he do?
"You, you wait!" Liu Hong hurriedly left the Wu Palace.

Zhu Gaochi knew that these Jinyiwei belonged to his father, so he didn't help Liu Hong today.

Father had already started to operate in the capital, and bought off the unpopular eunuchs around Zhu Yunqi.

Zhu Yunqi had always disliked eunuchs, but Liu Hong was an exception.

Because Liu Hong was entrusted by the late emperor to keep the secret decree of the late emperor, and took it out at a critical time.

Therefore, Liu Hong is the most favored by Zhu Yunwen.

Today, the second brother Zhu Gaoxu went up and beat Liu Hong, but Zhu Gaochi didn't stop him.

Beating Liu Hong gave the other unhappy eunuchs hope.

Liu Hong must not be able to win over.

By beating Liu Hong, this vented anger for the other bullied eunuchs.

Of course, one punch is enough, and a second punch is a little too much.

Mu Yao didn't expect the three sons of King Yan to visit at the same time, she was a little strange, and immediately ordered Mei Er and Lan Er to serve tea.

"Princess, the three of us have been in the capital for many days, but we have never paid a visit to Marquis Xiping, nor have we come to Prince Wu's mansion. It is really rude."

Zhu Gaochi apologized first when he sat down.

Mu Yao was a little puzzled, why did they come here.

Zhu Gaoxu said: "Princess, we really admire you when we come here. Look, King Wu is dead, and you are still guarding here. I really admire you."

Zhu Gaochi tugged at Zhu Gaoxu's sleeve, motioning him to stop talking.

This second brother, who looks big and thick, has no one to control his mouth, and dares to say anything.

"Brother, what are you pulling me for? Admiration is admiration! By the way, we are mainly here to pay homage to King Wu."

Zhu Gaoxu looked around and said, "Where's the tablet, why didn't I see the tablet?"

Mu Yao said: "I don't have a memorial tablet for King Wu here, because in my heart, King Wu will live forever."

"Then, King Wu's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been updated, is it really written by the princess?" Zhu Gaochi asked.

Mu Yao sighed quietly: "I have nothing to do, so I will continue writing."


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty must decide for the little one."

Liu Hong knelt in front of Zhu Yunwen, weeping loudly.

Looking at Liu Hong's dark circles, bloody nose, and white cloth wrapped around his head, Zhu Yunwen was furious: "King Yan, you are deceiving people too much!"

Liu Hongdao: "Your Majesty, please issue an order to detain the third son of King Yan for questioning."

Qi Tai looked at Liu Hong with snot and tears, feeling disgusted in his heart.

Before Zhu Yunxuan could make up his mind, Qi Tai said: "Your Majesty, the matter of King Yan must not be made public. Since you promised to let the third son of King Yan go, you shouldn't go back on your word."

Liu Hong was dissatisfied with Qitai, and thought to himself, if Zhu Gaoxu beat you up, what would you say?
"Your Majesty, it's not me that the third son of King Yan hits, but you, Your Majesty," Liu Hong burst into tears, "As the saying goes, if you beat a master, you'll see the dog, er, no, if you beat a dog, you'll see the master, I'm a dog, I'm a dog. "

Qi Tai almost laughed out loud, but held it back abruptly.

Qi Tai took a step forward: "Your Majesty, if you can't bear it, you can mess up big plans. Let's put aside the matter of King Yan for now. I think that there is a truth that needs to be clarified right now: whether King Wu is dead or alive."

Zhu Yunqi slapped his head, yes, he almost forgot about it!
This is the big deal!
If King Wu wants to live, doesn't it mean that the news that the queen mother received is false?

The rumors that are currently circulating in Ying Tianfu are true!

This Liu Hong didn't talk about business when he came up, let him decide first!
"That's right, Liu Hong, what happened to the matter I asked you to investigate?"

Liu Hongdao: "Your Majesty, I have found out. "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was not written by King Wu, and King Wu did not save the manuscript before he set off from Yingtian."

"The reason why "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is serialized again is because Mu Ying's daughter, Mu Yao, is a widow in Wu Wang's mansion. She is really bored, so she thinks over and over again what Wu Wang wrote in the past, and continues to write according to Wu Wang's novel style. .”

Zhu Yunwen was satisfied and happy, and put his heart into his stomach.

Qi Tai said: "Your Majesty, I am deeply saddened to hear this news. I thought King Wu was still alive, but who knew, alas, it was a lie."

Huang Zicheng despised Qi Tai in his heart.

A few days ago, Qi Tai heard that King Wu had updated the novel again. He thought that King Wu was alive, so he was probably very anxious.

Now that I heard that the novel was written by Mu Yao, and that King Wu is not alive, why would Qi Tai feel deeply sad?
King Wu confirmed that he was dead, Qi Tai was probably completely relieved and extremely happy!
Qi Tai doesn't mean what he says, what a hypocrite!
When Qi Tai said that, Zhu Yunqi immediately felt that his behavior just now seemed inappropriate, and his joy was exposed, which was seen by everyone!
Qi Tai is reminding me!

"Yes, how I wish this novel was written by King Wu, how I wish my third brother and grandpa are still alive."

Zhu Yunqi lowered his head and squeezed tears while talking.

Qi Tai hurriedly said: "Your Majesty's love and admiration for the former emperor and the deep affection for the King of Wu are truly moving! However, at this time, I thought of another thing."

Zhu Yunxi raised his head and said, "Shangli, whatever you want, just tell me."

"Why did the third son of King Yan suddenly leave and come back? He had already left Yingtian, why did he return at this time? He suddenly went to the Wu Palace to worship?"

After Qi Tai asked the question, he answered again: "The king of Yan sent his three sons to worship the king of Wu. I'm afraid it has ulterior motives. I speculated that the king of Yan is befriending Pingxi Marquis Muying!"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Yunwen started to pace up and down in the hall.

Yes, what Qi Tai said made a lot of sense!
The purpose of King Yan's friendship with Mu Ying is already obvious, he is wooing Mu Ying.

Mu Ying is guarding Yunnan, and has many soldiers and generals. If Mu Ying raises an incident in the southwest, it will greatly restrain the energy of the court, and will not care about King Yan.

And King Yan's sending troops at this time will make the court care about one thing and lose another!

"Qi Tai, arrest Mu Ying immediately." Zhu Yunwen said.

"Your Majesty is wise!" Qi Tai said, "What about Mu Ang and Mu Yao?"

Zhu Yunwen said: "Catch them all and throw them into Dianzhao prison."

"Chen, arrange it immediately." Qi Tai said.

"No, let Li Jinglong go." Zhu Yunqi trusted Li Jinglong very much.

When he went to Kaifeng to capture the king of Zhou, Li Jinglong completed the task very well, not one person was missing, and all of them were brought back to Yingtian.

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