Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0419 The shock caused by the novel update

Mrs. Lu was stunned, like five thunderbolts, and she didn't recover for a long time.

The old eunuch Liu Hongruan fell to the ground.

The maids and eunuchs in the distance were whispering, what happened to Liu Hong?
Liu Hong is now the most favored by the new emperor and the Lu family. He has become a palm seal eunuch, and his power is growing.

What happened now? Liu Hong's face was ashen, and his whole body was as soft as noodles.

What happened?

Or did Liu Hong commit something?

Lu Shiqiang made up his mind and said: "King Wu? Zhu Yunxi is alive? Where is he?"

Liu Hong took out "Ming Pao" from his pocket: "My lady, "Ming Pao" has been published again, and the serialized novel "Legend of the Condor Heroes" written by Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi has started to be updated again!"

Mrs. Lu grabbed "Ming Pao" and read it from the beginning.

"How long has "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" stopped, and when will it be serialized again?"

"The serialization started the day before yesterday."

Lu stood up from the chair: "Has anyone seen King Wu?"

"No one has ever seen King Wu, but according to experts' judgment, this was written by King Wu, and others cannot write in this style."

Only now did Liu Hong calm down a little.

Fortunately, it was only a novel by King Wu. If it was the first emperor, oh my god, it would be terrible!

"Could it be the manuscript that Zhu Yunxi had saved before he set off from Yingtian? Someone discovered it later, and it was only published to Ming Pao now?" Lu asked.

Liu Hongdao: "Madam, I specifically asked Master Fang. When King Wu was writing the novel in Yingtian, he dictated it, and Master Fang was in charge of copying it. Master Fang is very sure that Zhu Yunxi did not save the manuscript before he left."

Mrs. Lu was surprised. Fang Xiaoru was very pedantic, but he never told lies.

"Check, check from "Ming Pao" and the bookseller! Follow the clues and find out who is writing it!" Lu said: "This matter must not be publicized! Don't let the emperor know."

Liu Hong took the order and left.


Dabancheng, at night.

Zhu Yunxi was idle in the room, and after writing a letter to Mu Yao, he became interested again.

Then continue to write "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and let Mu Yao be published in "Ming Pao" in Yingtian.

According to Mu Yao, Yingtian's readers and booksellers from all over the world have been urging Sun Zhonglian to serialize "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" as soon as possible.

The booksellers felt that King Wu must have kept manuscripts.

After Mu Yao sent out his new chapters, the whole Yingtian went crazy.

"Ming Pao" is selling like crazy, even if the price is increased, the supply is still in short supply.

Take a look, if you cut updates appropriately and whet readers' appetites, Ming Pao will sell better.

This is called hunger marketing.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Yunxi's voice again: "The Daming Academy of Science and Technology needs to make grenades and landmines, and buy a lot of food and grass. The money must be spent like water."

"So, "Ming Pao" cannot be stopped, and the serialization of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" cannot be stopped."

Ah, Zhu Yuanzhang's brain at this time was like being blasted by a grenade in his ears.

Sansun said that the Daming Academy of Science and Technology produced grenades and landmines, and bought a lot of food! ! !
In this way, the grenades and landmines that Sansun used along the way were all produced by Daming Institute of Science and Technology!

Oh my god, also, Tao Chengdao bought a lot of food and grass!
At present, there is only one army of Ming Dynasty fighting abroad, which is the [-] Ming army we are in now!

Then, the food and grass for the [-] Ming army was also provided by Tao Chengdao of the Daming Academy of Science and Technology!

Could it be that Sansun asked Daming Institute of Science and Technology to invent some new equipment that can transport materials to designated locations in an instant?
How can it be? !
"Ming Pao can make money, Zhu Yunqi may not realize it yet."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought to himself, "Ming Pao" can make money, how much can a newspaper sell?

Maybe Sansun used Ming Pao to make money from other sources.

"Zhu Yunqi may be jealous of the speed at which Daming Salt Industry makes money, and maybe he will take it away from the Daming Institute of Science and Technology, and then return it to the court."

"Therefore, Ming Pao must be allowed to expand its influence, on the one hand to make money, and on the other hand to control public opinion."

Zhu Yuanzhang was angry, the second grandson dared to take away Daming Salt Industry?

We still have shares in Daming Salt Industry!

As we said in Fengtian Temple last year, no one can take advantage of Daming Academy of Science and Technology!

Second grandson, I'm afraid I don't have the guts!


In Yingtian Mansion, all the major tea shops and restaurants spread a message: Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi is still alive, and the late emperor is also alive.

The most convincing evidence is: "Ming Pao" resumed the serialization of "Legend of the Condor Heroes"!

Needless to say, King Wu is definitely not dead!
If the king of Wu is not dead, then the former emperor must be alive.

In the early court, Zhu Yunqi found that all the officials were silent and did not play the book, and they all looked at him with strange eyes.

Finally, Xie Jin couldn't bear it anymore: "Your Majesty, there are rumors that King Wu and the first emperor are still alive."

Zhu Yunwen, who was originally standing, sat back on the dragon chair, and shouted: "What, what did you say?"

Xie Jin took out "Ming Pao" and said: "Your Majesty, King Wu used to serialize novels in "Ming Pao", but then it stopped for half a year. Recently, King Wu's novels have started to be serialized again."

Zhu Yunwen's face turned pale: "Check, check Daming Industry, check Daming Shuxiang Group!"



Wu Wangfu.

Mu Yao was in the courtyard, and she could hear the commotion outside, many people said they wanted to see King Wu.

"Meier, ignore them."

As soon as Mu Yao finished giving her orders, a voice sounded outside the door: "People inside, open the door, if you don't open it again, don't blame us for being rude."

Mu Yao could tell that it was the voice of the old eunuch Liu Hong.

She gestured to Meier and opened the door.

As soon as Liu Hong came, he brought several Jinyi guards with him, and the crowd scattered.

"Miss Mu, let's come here and ask something. You have to answer carefully without hiding anything."

Liu Hong put on an arrogant look and said.

Mu Yao suppressed her anger and said, "Tell me, what's the matter."

Liu Hongdao: "What's the matter with that broken novel serialized by King Wu? Does he have a manuscript?"

Mu Yao said: "Wu Wang didn't save the manuscript."

Liu Hong was startled, Mu Yao and Fang Xiaoru said exactly the same.

Wu Wang's novel has not been saved, and now it is serialized again!

Doesn't this mean that King Wu is still alive?

"Where is King Wu now?" Liu Hong asked.

Mu Yao turned her eyes and said: "Didn't you say that King Wu and the first emperor were trapped in the desert together? How do I know where he is now?"

Liu Hongdao: "Then, how do you explain the serialization of the novel?"

"Do I need to explain it to you?" Mu Yao said, "I wrote it, and I wrote it following King Wu's train of thought!"

Liu Hong's nervous face finally relaxed, he laughed, and then said seriously: "Miss Mu, King Wu is dead, why should you be a widow for him? It's not worth it at all."

Liu Hong thought to himself that Mu Yao was conferred the title of Anning County Lord by the previous emperor. This was only what the Mu family said, and no one else knew about it.

The reason why the Mu family made such rumors was only to protect the safety of the Mu family, and hoped that the new emperor would not deprive the Mu family of military power.

Cutting the vassals, this is the strategy that the new emperor has set, and it is impossible to change it.

Don't look at the fact that the Mu family is guarding Yunnan, and Mu Ying is still taking her daughter to recuperate in the capital. When the new emperor finishes cleaning up King Yan and other King Sai, it will be Mu Ying's turn in no time.

It is really rare for a widowed woman like Mu Yao to look like a juicy girl, so suitable!

Last time, after Tie Xuan resigned from office, he was locked up for censorship. In order to curry favor, Sun Liuke offered to persuade Tie Xuan's wife Yang to marry Liu Hong.

At that time, although Liu Hong had a house in Yingtian, his power was not great.

But now, his power can be compared with Qi Tai, Huang Zicheng and others.

If Mu Yao is willing to live with her, it would be a beautiful thing.

Looking at Mu Yao, Liu Hong's long-sleeping heart actually started beating.

"Mu Yao, follow us from now on. We will never treat you badly. With us here, your Mu family—"

"Shut up!" Mu Yao scolded.

"You old dog, what's your idea?"

With a roar outside the door, a person rushed over and punched Liu Hong in the face.

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