Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0291 Don't forget the original intention, move on

It was evening when Zhu Yunxi led the army into the desert.

It was getting late, and the heat in the desert had gradually subsided.

Suddenly, news came from a hundred households behind: a large number of barbarians appeared at the Yumen Gate!
Everyone was surprised!
Why did the Hu people suddenly appear at Yumen Pass?

Zhu Yunxi took Xu Huaijin and Ping'an generals back to the edge of the desert.

Picking up the binoculars, sure enough, there are barbarians at the Yumen Gate!


Xu Huaijin let out a soft cry.

Everyone saw clearly through the binoculars that it was Muzha'er standing on the city.

"We all guessed the Hu people's intentions wrong!" Zhu Yunxi smiled wryly and said, "I still underestimated the Hu people and Muzha'er."

Xu Huaijin said: "It turns out that they went up the mountain in two ways, one south and one north. It's an illusion. It's not an article about water sources. They are just for ambush!"

As expected of a military adviser, Xu Huaijin only took one look, put down the binoculars, and figured out the Hu people's intentions.

It turned out that the Hu people wanted to carry out a strategic encirclement of our army.

They were splitting into two groups, but one of them passed through the desert first, and their route must be Unasari, and they waited at the other exit of the desert.

From the picture, combined with the introduction of the Hu messengers, merchants and Hu people captives, the Kumtag Desert is long from east to west and short from north to south.

From the south, there is the tall and perennial snow-covered Altun Mountains, and after turning over the Altun Mountains, it is the Qaidam Basin.

The Qaidasan Basin is a typical plateau desert. After entering it, it is tantamount to entering a dead zone.

Then, only go out from the north.

From the north, there is only one Heifengchuan. Only by walking out from here can we enter the Hami Basin, and only then can we find the oasis.

Marching in the Western Regions can only follow the oasis, otherwise there will be death.

Therefore, at this time, the Ming army either continued to move forward, entered Heifengchuan, and found the Hami Basin.

Either go back the same way.

However, it is no longer possible to go back the same way.

Because the Hu people firmly occupied Yumen Pass.

Want to attack at this time?

There are a lot of problems, there is no siege equipment, and there are not enough arrows.

The excavator lost power and was thrown in Guazhou City.

The firearms battalion can still cause damage to the barbarian, but the barbarian is on the wall, unable to hide, wasting ammunition in vain!

Today, I found Cynomorium and solved the problem of food and grass. The joy brought by it was washed away by this unexpected situation.

Zhu Yuanzhang who followed also frowned, this situation is very tricky!
Xu Huaijin said: "The current plan is to move forward. At this time, with a telescope, we can see the barbarian. The barbarian can't see us."

"After going forward for a while, taking advantage of the cover of the night, the army returned and attacked Yumen Pass by surprise."

Pingan said: "Mr. Xu's plan is feasible!"

Zhu Yuanzhang feels that Xu Huaijin's strategy is the most feasible at present.

At present, the barbarians don't know that we have spotted them, and they will relax their vigilance in the middle of the night.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is very possible to take Yumen Pass and kill the Hu people.

After all, at this time, there will not be too many barbarians defending Yumen Pass.

Wu Bozong said: "Xiao Jin, what a good plan! We will follow the plan. With the worries of the future relieved, our army will continue to go deep into the desert and sweep the barbarians."

Zhu Yunxi said: "You still underestimate Mu Zha'er. From now on, you can't underestimate Mu Zha'er anymore."

"Don't think that Muzar didn't realize that we have discovered them!"

Wu Bozong said: "King Wu, the arrangement of the Hu people is really unexpected, but we can't be afraid of them because of this, or even overestimate them."

"Overestimated?" Zhu Yunxi sneered: "We set off from Guazhou City, did we find wolf smoke along the way?"

"We are at Yumen Pass, and even with binoculars we haven't found any barbarians!"

"Why did the barbarians appear and stand on the wall as soon as we entered the desert?"

"Why do the barbarians know our whereabouts so accurately?"

Zhu Yunxi asked several questions in a row, making everyone think.

Ping An suddenly snorted coldly: "It's not surprising that our whereabouts are known by the barbarians. Because some of us deliberately left clues for the barbarians and reported to the barbarians at any time."

Wu Bozong sensed Ping An's piercing gaze, and did not show any weakness: "General Ping, why are you so eccentric? You can just call me a spy of the barbarians! Come on, arrest me!"

"Wu Jianjun, did I tell you? You jumped out so quickly?" Ping An was also tit-for-tat.

"General Ping, don't stick your tongue out when you speak! You must talk about evidence, where is the evidence?"

Pingan said angrily: "If there is evidence, I would have chopped you up!"

Chang Sheng held peace: "General Ping, harmony is the most important thing, and harmony is the most important thing."

Ping An didn't say a word, because he was just guessing and had no real evidence.

It is simply impossible for Wu Bozong to leave any clues and report letters.

Because Wu Bozong was always with Wu Wang, Xu Huaijin and others.

If Wu Bozong made any small moves, Xu Huaijin would definitely notice.

Xu Huaijin also began to think about it, yes, these barbarians seem to have mastered the actions of our army!

Especially when we just entered the desert, they occupied the pass wall, how could the timing be so accurate?
If this is the case, wouldn't it be the Hu people's plan to attack Yumen at night?

To be able to set up such a big picture and trap the Ming army in the desert, the IQ and level of the Hu people are really not covered!

Xu Huaijin said: "King Wu, can you take a hot air balloon up at this time and have a look at the situation at Yumen Pass?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, yes, King Wu has a hot air balloon!
With a hot air balloon, you can see from the sky how many barbarians there are, where the defense is the weakest, whether an ambush has been set up, whether kerosene has been brought in, and so on.

If you know this, wouldn't the battle be easier to fight?
Zhu Yunxi said: "Rising the hot air balloon at this time, isn't it the same as letting the barbarians know that we have discovered them?"

"This will make the Hu people more vigilant, and it may be difficult for us to attack at night!"

"For these barbarians, ignore them!"

"What I want to tell you is, don't forget your original intention and keep going!"

"What is our original intention?"

"It is to capture Wuna Shili alive, occupy and control the Western Regions."

"Before that, I didn't plan to come back! To come back is to escape!"

"If I thought about retreating, I wouldn't enter the desert!"

"So, regardless of whether there are Hu people in Yumenguan or not, I will enter the desert!"

"Now, it is a good thing for us to see barbarians appearing at the Yumen Gate!"

"Because there are Hu people and Muzha'er in Yumen Pass, it means that when we go out of the desert, we will meet Hu people who have been divided into soldiers, and only Wu Nashili will be encountered!"

"It's easier to fight in a Wunashili, or is it easier to fight in a Wunashili with Muzha'er?"

After Zhu Yunxi said this, everyone's brows relaxed.

Being intercepted from the rear is a taboo for military strategists!

But after Wu Wang's analysis, it's no big deal!
Zhu Yuanzhang was still a little ashamed, just now, we might as well be as calm as the third grandson!

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