Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0290 The Sea of ​​Death

To the north of Yumen Pass, at the foot of Mazong Mountain.

Muzha'er stands on a raised hill, and between the hill and Mazong Mountain is a river that has long since dried up.

Only gravel remained on the river bed, covered with a thick layer of white alkali.

Muzhaer's [-] elite riders camped on the river bed.

Muzhal is a descendant of the Eastern Chaga Khanate, and is of the same clan as Wuna Shili.

After the Eastern Chaga Khanate fell apart, Muzhaer left Yilie, the capital of the Chaga Khanate, with a few people in disappointment.

After several twists and turns, I came to Hami where Wunashili was located.

At that time, as a descendant of the Mongols, Wuna Shili was considered the most powerful one.

Moreover, Wu Nashili has long sleeves and is good at dancing, and he handles the relationship between the various tribes of the Western Regions and Ming Dynasty with ease.

Coupled with the large amount of silver in Wunashili's hands, Muzha'er saw the hope of Mongolia's resurgence.

After Daming sent Su Wang Zhu Lai, Mu Zha'er felt that Daming's strategy had changed.

Coupled with the tense relationship between Daming and Wo Guo, Mu Zha'er felt that the opportunity had come.

But he never expected that Daming would send a useless King Wu, so amazing!

People who can use hot air balloons to attack in the sky, and manipulate huge monsters to dig a hole in the city wall of Guazhou, are actually called trash by the people of Ming Dynasty.

Simply incredible.

I carefully designed a trap, and I don't know how he escaped in the end!

After the smoke cleared, the hot air balloon disappeared, but King Wu appeared in a machine.

After fleeing from Guazhou for hundreds of miles, Muzha'er and Wuna Shili finally regained their composure.

He did not advance to Yumen Pass, but waited for the arrival of the team behind him.

The last batch of people who escaped from Guazhou returned to the army, bringing a strange news: the Ming army did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

All the tribal leaders are here.

Wu Nashili and Muzal convened to discuss the next action plan.

The first is to analyze and judge the situation: Did the Ming army occupy Guazhou and stop advancing westward, or did they plan to move on?
The leaders believed that the Ming army's food and grass were not sustainable, and it was impossible to go deep alone.

However, Mu Zha'er believed that if it was an ordinary Ming army, it might not go west, but this Ming army was under the control of King Wu.

King Wu is not a brilliant commander. The reason why he won is because he will come up with unexpected new objects.

It was these novel objects that frightened everyone, made the troops panic, and led to a great defeat.

From the hot air balloon that can go up to the sky, to their firecracker wheel launch, and then to the excavator machine, they all brought a lot of shock to everyone.

As it turns out, these things, while intimidating, are actually quite limited.

In fact, everyone is no longer afraid of hot air balloons.

King Wu improved the tactics of the firearms battalion and adopted the method of firing five rows in turn, which achieved great results.

However, no matter how advanced the tactics are and no matter how powerful the firearms are, their ammunition is always limited.

Without the supply of ammunition, the firearms battalion is not as powerful as ordinary soldiers.

Muzhaer analyzed the excavator again for everyone.

You have seen excavators on the top of the city, and their speed is not fast, not to mention horses, and even no one can run fast.

The big shovel of the excavator can hit people to death, and it can crush people to death when it is run over, but it can be avoided!

It's not that scary!
It should be said that there may be only one excavator!
If there were many such things, Daming would have ruled the world long ago.

Therefore, as long as you deal with it properly, these things are not terrible.

Wars are fought by people.

After Muzhaer said this, the mood of the tribal leaders immediately relaxed.

Everyone couldn't help but feel ashamed, as warriors, we were actually intimidated by Daming's bravado!
Muzha'er further analyzed that King Wu should have some similar equipment, which is where King Wu's confidence and capital lies in his westward advance.

Now that King Wu has arrived in Guazhou, he will definitely catch up to Yumen as well!
Because Wu De obtained Guazhou City, it was too easy and relaxed, and basically did not pay any casualties.

This inflates his confidence even further.

Muzha'er came up with a plan to divide his troops into three groups, one to the south, one to the north and one to the west.

All the way to the south to ambush at the foot of Altun Mountain.

Go north all the way to ambush at the foot of Mamane Mountain.

The westward route was led by Wuna Shili, went up the Shule River, passed the Yumen Pass, entered the Kumtag Desert from the Gobi Desert, crossed the Heifeng River, and guarded the northern entrance of the Heifeng River.

When King Wu arrived at Yumen Pass, they would hesitate for a while.

Afterwards, the king of Wu will definitely lead his troops into the desert.

At this time, a total of [-] cavalry from the north and the south rushed to Yumen Pass to defend Yumen Pass.

At this time, if King Wu wanted to retreat, he had to attack Yumen Pass.

At this time, the king of Wu was attacking from west to east, which was very difficult!
In this way, the transition between the offensive and defensive sides is completed.

There is a desert in front of King Wu, and Yumen Pass in the back, he can't escape with his wings!
Even if he crossed the desert, he might have already been exhausted and had no food or water. What would appear in front of him at this time would be the [-] elite cavalry led by the Great Khan!
Wu Nashili and the leaders all applauded Muzhal's strategy.

Now, Muzha'er learned that King Wu brought all the horses to Yumen Pass.

Sure enough, King Wu stopped and hesitated.

It may be that King Wu did not hesitate, but his subordinates had different voices.

The reason may be that they don't know where the target has gone, or that they don't have enough food.

They stayed in Guazhou for many days, and the food stock may have been exhausted.

Muzha'er firmly believed that King Wu would definitely enter the desert.

Because, Wu Wang has a gambling nature.

King Wu brought a lot of horses and camels to Guazhou.

Even if they didn't find food in Yumen, it was really impossible for them to enter the desert. They would kill the pack horses to satisfy their thirst and hunger.

A few days passed, and the people in ambush on both sides of the two sides doubted Muzha'er's judgment.

One of Muzha'er's subordinates, Tubagan, a thousand households, came over: "General, why did the Ming army stop moving? Will they stop going into the desert?"

Mu Zha'er said: "Wait a little longer, don't worry."

Tubagan is Muzha'er's confidant brought out from Yilie. He is brave in battle, but has a short temper.

Suddenly, Tubagan said: "Ming army, start!"

Muzha'er looked at the sky: "Diao'er has been circling for the past few days, and finally flew west!"

"Diao'er will come back. When it disappears, King Wu's army should all enter the desert."

"At this time, our task is to guard Yumen Pass!"

"At that time, let's not rush to attack, no matter what tricks King Wu has, don't go out easily."

"Through the front and back blocking, coupled with the impermanence of the desert, King Wu and all the Ming troops were trapped here!"

"This sea of ​​death is the place where King Wu will be buried!"

Mu Zha'er turned around and raised his scimitar: "Battle camp and set up camp, aiming at Yumen!"

Two teams, one from the south and the other from the north, with [-] cavalry each, rushed towards Yumen Pass.

Ten thousand barbarians gathered on the continuous wall of Yumen Pass.

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