After Mao Yi laughed, he immediately covered his mouth.

God, I, I didn't hold back!
How dare I laugh at the emperor!
With His Majesty's character and temper, it's common for him to be hacked.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was angry and funny in his heart, and his face was very exciting.

"Commander Mao, is there something wrong with the Firearms Battalion?" Zhu Yuanzhang quickly changed the subject.

Just now, Mao Yi's expression was abnormal, don't let the third grandson see anything.

"Bi Baihu," Mao Yi saw Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes stare, and immediately turned to Zhu Yunxi: "King Wu, yesterday captured three thousand barbarians, what should we do?"

Zhu Yunxi said: "Call the five generals and Master Xu over after the meal, let's have a discussion."

Junshi Xu and Zhu Yunxi lived in the same courtyard and got up early.

Watching Zhu Yunxi teach Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Yi how to play Tai Chi for a long time.

Hearing what Zhu Yunxi teased Bi Baihu, he hurriedly turned and went back to the house.

This King Wu is really not a good person!
Wu Jianjun is right, I am from the Xu family, and my aunt is Princess Yan!
Ping'an, Chang Sheng, Chang Sen, Lan Shou, Gu Qina and Wu Bozong all came to the courtyard where Zhu Yunxi was.

After last night's binge drinking, everyone's excitement has not passed.

Only Wu Bozong looked embarrassed and secretly glanced at Bi Baihu.

"Generals, we captured [-] barbarians yesterday. How should we deal with them? Let's discuss it."

When Zhu Yunxi spoke, he actually had the aura of a superior.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that the reason why the third grandson was like this was mainly because he thought we were not there.

After more than half a year of observation, it was found that the more senior officials were present, the harder the third grandson would be, and the more he would pretend.

Especially in front of us, the third grandson is always careful, for fear of showing his feet.

It seems that we were right to pretend to be a hundred households in the firearms camp!
As long as people let go once, there will be a second time!

It's not easy to get it back.

Lan Shou said: "These three thousand captives are troublesome, and it is too far to send them back, so they should be killed! Just set up a watch outside the city!" Chang Sen said: "This is not good, if we really kill the captives, pass If we go out, the next step will be difficult for us.”

Chang Sheng nodded: "It's a pleasure to kill these three thousand captives. But the next step, the Hu people must resist desperately and refuse to surrender. Anyway, it's death, and resistance sounds good in the end."

"We went this way, not to kill how many people from each other."

"Our purpose in coming to the Western Regions is mainly to occupy territory!"

"We want to fully demonstrate the strength of our Ming Dynasty to the countries of the Western Regions!"

"After we control the Western Regions, all tribes will be afraid of the strength of Ming Dynasty, so they will give up rebellion and resistance."

"And we are killing so much now that we will inevitably plant the seeds of hatred."

"Our name now is to capture Wuna Shili and the leaders of various tribes who invaded our Ming Dynasty."

"We killed the generals all the way, mainly to show and show off our force, to deter them!"

"Killing prisoners is only applicable when you are fighting Wo Guo and Wo Kou!"

Zhu Yuanzhang thought that the third grandson would agree with Lan Shou's opinion.

Because in Hangzhou and Dongji Island, we asked Li Jinglong to kill all the Kou nests and built a Jingguan.

The third grandson agreed very much in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the third grandson did not intend to kill all the tribes in the Western Regions.

That's right, the third grandson sees the problem from a distance.

Zhu Yuanzhang once analyzed the failure of the Yuan Dynasty with Liu Bowen, Li Shanchang and others.

In particular, the Yuan Dynasty repeatedly invaded countries such as Wo, Annan, Myanmar, Champa, and Java, all of which failed and caused serious consequences.

The main reason is that the people of Yuan Dynasty killed without limit, not to mention killing captives, even ordinary people were not spared.

Guqina said: "The lower officials thought that the captives must be killed! If we don't kill the captives, we will have no way out!"

Guqina analyzed the common practice of the Mongols during their western expedition: massacre of cities.

The Mongols fought westward from their base camp on the grasslands to Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The distance between their victory site and the base camp was very long.

They understand the common sense that they can't arrange aliens behind their own attack route, because once these people suddenly launch a surprise attack after the army leaves, it is likely to cut off all their back routes. Although they have a fierce folk style, they don't want to die in vain .

It is difficult to determine the position of the captives. People like them have a high probability of betrayal, but if they are brought along on the road, it will affect the speed of the entire army.

If sent back to the base camp, not only would the captives be useless, but they would also consume countless food reserves for nothing.

"Although Guzina is affiliated with the army, he can deal with their fellow clansmen!"

"Earlier, Guqina risked his life and hacked Muzar."

"Now, Guchina actually suggested killing all three thousand Hu captives."

"It's kind of confusing that Guzina is like this."

Zhu Yuanzhang also became a little worried when he heard this.

If the third grandson continues to fight like this, he must be getting farther and farther away from Jiayuguan.

In the end, they must have returned. If these captives were not handled well, wouldn’t it be a long journey back and many crises?
There is also a possibility that it will never come back.

After all, Sansun only brought 6 people.

Scattering 6 people to the Western Regions is like spreading sand to the desert.

Hu people can withstand consumption, but we can't.

Wu Bozong looked around, stood up and said, "I don't think what General Gu said is appropriate."

Everyone was stunned, Wu Bozong and Guqina came from Beiping together, why do they have different opinions?

"I, Ming Dynasty, have always been gentle and far-sighted, convincing people with virtue, adding swords, that is a last resort. As for the Hu captives, how can we kill them all at once?"

What Wu Bozong said about "convincing people with virtue" made Lan Shou extremely unhappy.

"Wu Jianjun, don't bring out your benevolence and morality! On the battlefield, there is no benevolence and justice!"

Lan Shou said: "Wu Jianjun, you won't say, release these three thousand captives?"

Wu Bozong said: "General Lan was joking. If the three thousand prisoners are released, wouldn't it be a pity to King Wu, Bi Baihu and Xu Junshi?"

"Then tell me, how do you deal with it? Don't be a jerk."

Wu Bozong said: "The lower officials think that three thousand captives should be escorted back. Guazhou is only five hundred miles away from Jiayuguan, and it can be reached in three days at most."

"King Wu, Commander Xu, please give me 200 people. I will be responsible for bringing the captives back to King Qing."

It turned out that Wu Bozong's suggestion was not to release the captives, but to send them to Jiayuguan.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that Wu Bozong's approach was safe.

Chang Sheng rarely supported Wu Bozong's suggestion.

Zhu Yunxi said, "No way."

"Give you 200 men, and I will lose 200 men! Three thousand barbarian cavalry, wouldn't it be nice to stay and help us fight?"

Wu Bozong said: "These captives, they are already fine if they don't hold us back, and you still expect them to fight?"

Zhu Yunxi pointed at Gu Qina and said, "Wu Jianjun, General Gu can bring the attached army to see death as if he were home! King Yan's formation of the attached army has already provided us with an excellent sample!"

Wu Bozong said: "It took two years for the king of Yan to form the subordinate army. King Wu, now we are going deep alone, and everything is uncertain. It may not be a day's work to get three thousand captives to surrender!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said, "It's very simple to want them to submit."

Xu Huaijin said: "King Wu, what do you want to do?"

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said: "Wu Jianjun can do a day's work. If you belong to him for a long time, you still have to shoot!"

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