"Old Bi, why are you so excited?" Zhu Yunxi said, "Old Bi, are you a Mongol?"

Zhu Yuanzhang is very angry, we have been bullied by Meng Yuan!

The Yuan Dynasty divided people into four classes, Mongolian, Semu, Han, and Southern.

This sorting is basically in the order of the Mongolian conquests. The earlier regions were conquered, the locals had a higher status.

The demise of Jin was relatively late, so the Jin people were also Han Chinese, and their status was relatively low.

The Southern Song Dynasty, which was conquered the latest, had a lower status, and the Southern Song people, that is, the Southerners, had the lowest status.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, we have reversed the entire class.

The third grandson actually suspects that we are Mongolians!

I drank a lot of wine last night, we finished a bottle of Maotai, and we haven't eaten yet when we got up in the morning.

Hearing the third grandson scold us for being cruel and inhumane, he cursed that our Ming Dynasty should perish!

What's more, the third grandson slandered us as Mongolians!
In a fit of anger, Zhu Yuanzhang stared and fell backwards.

It just so happened that Mao Yi came to find Zhu Yuanzhang and Wu Wang, and before he entered the house, he found Zhu Yuanzhang fell backwards.

With one stride, Mao Yi rushed over and supported Zhu Yuanzhang.

When Zhu Yunxi said the last sentence just now, he looked for clothes at the bedside, turned his head away, and did not see Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly fell down.

Hearing the movement, he found that Mao Yi hugged Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widened, and the veins on his forehead burst out.

Zhu Yunxi immediately felt that this was a precursor to myocardial infarction!

Zhu Yunxi quickly took out the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill from the system space, and poured out a few pills.

Mao Yi grabbed the pills: "King Wu, find some warm water."

Zhu Yunxi hurried to see the teapot on the stove.

Mao Yi lifted Zhu Yuanzhang's green scarf, fed the medicine in, and took out the water bag for Zhu Yuanzhang to drink.

Zhu Yunxi brought over the water and found that Mao Yi had already fed the medicine into it.

Zhu Yuanzhang was supported by Mao Yi and lay on the bed.

After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang was relieved.

Only then did Zhu Yunxi feel relieved: "Old Bi, let me tell you what's the matter with you? Why are you so excited? You almost lost your life, don't you know?"

Zhu Yuanzhang turned his head, still annoyed.

"Old Bi, have you not passed menopause yet? Whenever something happens, you blow up your hair?" Zhu Yunxi said.

"Bi Baihu, what's wrong with you, isn't King Wu always nice to you?"

Mao Yi quickly hinted to Zhu Yuanzhang, Your Majesty, don't forget your current role, you are now an ordinary household in the firearms camp.

Ordinary households dare not do anything wrong in front of the King of Wu!

If you continue, Your Majesty, you should be exposed!
Zhu Yunxi said: "Old Bi, you are lucky to have met me, otherwise, you would have gone to see the King of Hades today!"

"I might as well tell you that my grandfather also suffers from myocardial infarction, and I asked him to carry this medicine with him. I also have it on me, and I'm afraid that something will happen to him!"

"My grandfather is just like you. He has a bad temper. Oh, this bad temper has to be changed, otherwise, it's not good for the heart!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's anger slowly subsided.

The third grandson actually has medicine on his body at any time, just to prevent us from having troubles.

The third grandson still cares about us.

It's just that the third grandson never expressed this kind of concern to us.

The third grandson's mouth is too damaged.

We are short-tempered, we admit it.

But he said we are bad tempered!hum.

"By the way, Lao Bi, I just said that the Yuan Dynasty was too cruel and inhumane to the southerners. You seem dissatisfied."

Zhu Yunxi asked Mao Yi again: "Mao Yi, where is Lao Bi from and what clan is he from?"

Mao Yi couldn't understand the situation and dared not answer.

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly realize that the third grandson was not talking about us, he was saying that the Yuan people were too cruel to the southerners and did not respect human nature.

Therefore, the Yuan Dynasty should perish.

However, there are two sides to the world.

If there were no brutality of the Yuan Dynasty, how could Han Liner, Chen Youliang, Fang Guozhen and us rise up to resist?

How could there be our Daming?

Without our iron fist to eradicate corruption, how can we have the stability of Daming now?

We rule the country with fierceness and build the country with Confucianism, the two are not contradictory at all.

When to be fierce and to whom, when to be benevolent and to whom, this is knowledge!This is the art of the emperor!
Literati often say that the magic of using it comes from one mind.

When to use and what to use is not a matter of single-mindedness, but of the time and situation. We know it clearly in our hearts.

Third grandson, although you are extremely talented and outstanding in military affairs, weapons, science and technology, history, etc., I am afraid that you are still lacking in the handling of daily government affairs.

As San Sun said, we have a bad temper and bad temper, and it is hard to change.

I can't live for a few years, so I have to hurry up and tell my third grandson how to balance all parties and how to control the officials.

"Old Bi, let me tell you that medicine can only be used as an emergency treatment, not the root cause. If you want to be healthy, there are two main points."

"One is to adjust your mentality, control your emotions, and stay optimistic and calm at all times."

"The second is to regulate the body so that the functions of all parts of the body can achieve a balance."

"The best way is to practice Tai Chi."

"Tai chi can take care of both body and mind at the same time. It can not only relax people, but also strengthen the body."

"In this way, you follow me every day, and I will teach you Tai Chi."

For a while, Zhu Yuanzhang's nose was a little sore.

"You don't seem to believe it," Zhu Yunxi said, "Ask Mao Yi, my grandfather learned Tai Chi from me."

Mao Yi hurriedly said: "Bi Baihu, look, Your Majesty is practicing Tai Chi with King Wu, so you should practice hard in the future."

Zhu Yuanzhang made a grateful expression: "We, we thank you."

"Are you feeling better now? Is your chest tight?" Zhu Yunxi asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang got out of bed and said, "Okay, okay, I'm not bored anymore."

It's still a little boring, but I can't say it.

If the third grandson asks us to take off the mask, wouldn't it be another trouble?
"It's easy to do, it's not too late, practice as soon as you say!" Zhu Yunxi said: "Come on, follow me outside."

"Let's learn the most basic movements first."

"In this movement, both hands are extended together, just like holding a ball, and gently twirling."

Zhu Yunxi set an example.

Both Mao Yi and Zhu Yuanzhang began to learn.

"Mao Yi, look at what you did. The movements are too blunt. How can you hold the ball? You are not throwing the ball, but you have the ball in your hand. There is a feeling of human-ball integration. You should regard it as a part of you , caress!"

"In this way, it can be done smoothly and pleasing to the eye."

Zhu Yunxi looked at Zhu Yuanzhang again, and said in amazement: "Old Bi, you, you are amazing!"

Mao Yi saw that His Majesty practiced Tai Chi so seriously that he forgot to hide it!

King Wu knows Taijiquan very well, and he has only taught it to His Majesty.

His Majesty forgot his identity while practicing!

A hundred households are so proficient in Tai Chi just now! ?

In this way, His Majesty will be exposed in front of King Wu!
Once His Majesty is exposed, he will never blame himself, and will definitely be furious with me!
"Old Bi, no wonder, I heard you said that you used to knead dough to make big steamed buns, no wonder you can practice Tai Chi so well." Mao Yi reminded, while covering for Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said: "Old Bi is from Fengyang, and he is a rice producer, why does he often knead dough to make big steamed buns?"

"I think Lao Bi's private life is a bit chaotic. He must have been romantic when he was young. He went to brothels a lot, touched and scratched a lot. This movement is very skillful. I'm afraid it won't work if you don't have a few years of hard work."


Mao Yi laughed out loud.

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