Daqin: The Shadow Corps became my killer behind the scenes

Chapter 84 The Beginning of the Massacre

in the military camp.

Yingzi also ordered craftsmen to make molds, melt the rocks, and make eight thousand shields.

Then use snake bones to make eight thousand spears, and snake Lin to make ten thousand darts!
Select five thousand elites from the barracks and equip them with the latest weapons and shields!

All gathered in Songhai City, by the beach, waiting for departure!
Ying Zi also stood on the high platform and swept past the five thousand soldiers.

Their eyes were full of fighting intent, but not firm enough.

"Soldiers, I know, I'm afraid you don't quite understand why you want to attack a remote island."

Ying Zi also spoke slowly, with a heavy tone,

"Now, let me tell you.

Those above are not humans, but beasts!
Let them go, and they will do terrible things to us, our wives, children, and mothers!

Guillotine and alive burial were their common methods.

Some had their ears and tongues cut off first, and then they were killed; some had their wives pulled out of their hair and died; some' daughters were stripped naked and tied to a tree."

Speaking of this, the soldiers frowned, feeling uncomfortable with what Ying Ziyi said.

Ying Zi also said coldly: "I'm just talking, you can't stand it, but they can really do it!
We are here to destroy these demons, to eliminate the possibility of them torturing our family! "

After all, Ying Zi also picked up the wine sent by his subordinates, drank it all in one gulp, threw it to the ground and smashed it to pieces!
"Soldiers of Daqin! Do you have confidence!"

The whole army shouted: "Yes!"

"Immediately! Ready to go!"


Ying Zi also turned around and walked to the beach. The whale controlled by the Shadow Corps swam up, waiting for the soldiers to sit on the boat.

The soldier behind couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"The people on that island...are they really so cruel?"

"Unbelievable! It's disgusting to hear!"

"Go and see..."

"I want to kill them all!!!"

The troops lined up and approached the whales in boats one by one.

There are also several carts of corn, all placed well.

Ying Zi also gave an order, and dozens of whales were dispatched at the same time!
On the surface of the sea, quickly advance against the waves!
About five and a half hours later, the whale arrived at the nearest island to Daqin.

According to Yingzi's memory, this place is called "Kyushu".

Since everyone set off in the morning, the sun just went down at this moment, and the sky was getting late.

In a small fishing village by the sea, the islanders collected their nets and were about to go back.

The man suddenly jumped on a woman and did those things on the beach!

The people around were walking around without realizing it.

When the soldiers saw this scene, they all grinned to express their incomprehension.

Ying Zi also said indifferently: "Did you see it? I said earlier that they are not people like us, they are just a group of beasts!"

At this moment, the soldiers agreed with what Ying Ziyi said.

"Ready to land!"

Ying Zi also raised his hand and gave the order, and everyone responded loudly!

To deal with this group of primitive people, there is no need to engage in sneak attacks!
What is needed is to climb up in an open and honest manner, and use the most direct and terrifying methods to torture!
The boat was put down, the soldiers in the front row raised their shields, and the soldiers in the back row bent their bows and set arrows!
Before the ship arrives, the arrows arrive first, and they shoot onto the beach row by row!

Before the natives on the beach could react, they were shot with arrows!

Ying Zi also shouted and jumped onto the beach first!

The thousand cherry blossoms in his hand were scattered, and the flesh was chopped off like Ling Chi!

Screams echoed across the beach, until I was hoarse and not dead yet!
The soldiers rushed to the beach, raised their guns and rushed towards those simple houses!

"Using indigenous weapons to attack island countries is really a long-standing tradition."

Ying Zi also grinned, and the anger in his chest rushed straight to his head!
This is the first time so irrational!


The spear with the tip made of snake bone burst into bursts of flames, burning the bodies of the aborigines!
Under Ying Ziyi's order, all the troops only stabbed once, let the snake venom and snake flame slowly burn and torture these beasts!
"Everyone, don't be burdened! Just rush!"

Ying Zi also said, bear the brunt of it!

Zanpakuto, the first solution!
Countless cherry blossoms were scattered with blood.

Long guns like dragons!

The universe is shaking!

Break the sky with one shot!


Ying Zi also walked a little further away, drawing out his spear indifferently.

The man fell to the ground, still muttering incessantly.

A short figure rushed from behind, and Ying Zi also turned around and kicked him away!

The man glanced at Ying Ziyi in horror, and turned to run!
Ying Zi also chased after him, but the man suddenly knelt down and kowtowed!

After kowtowing for a while, he turned around and opened the lid of a cellar, and a little girl was taken out from inside!

The man picked up the little girl and held it in front of Ying Ziyi, muttering something in his mouth.

Although Ying Zi couldn't understand it, it was generally understandable that this man was trying to trade this little girl for his own survival!

Ying Zi also had a nauseating feeling in his heart, and he almost vomited out!
Raise the spear!

A shot through the heart!
Similar incidents keep happening in this small fishing village.

They seem to have gotten used to it, surrendering their wives and daughters to survive.

Maybe it's because other tribes do it all the time, preying on women and young children!

Whoever snatches more women can inherit it.

It is extremely primitive and does not conform to the "customs" of the people of Daqin.

Everyone shoots one without mercy!
After killing all the residents here, Ying Zi also took a look at the battlefield and walked further away.

Up from this beach is a mountain.

There should be other indigenous people behind the mountain.

The rest of the beach is no longer inhabited by Aboriginal people.

Jumping onto a higher rock, Ying Zi also shouted at the army: "Soldiers! Be careful not to burn down the house! Let's rest here tonight!"

Hearing the sound, the soldier restrained the use of the snake flame in his hand, only killing people, not destroying houses.

"His Royal Highness, is it?"

Seeing that the killing was almost done, the lieutenant general came to ask Ying Ziyi.

Ying Zi also shook his head slightly: "No need." After speaking, he made a beheading motion!


About half an hour after landing, everything was cleaned up.

The corpses were all piled up together, and they were burned clean!

Beside the raging fire, everyone took out a small amount of fresh corn, cooked rice and grilled fish by the beach, and had a full meal!
The fish is brought from the homes of the islanders.

The crowd also found that these people ate everything without cooking, which made the soldiers feel different from the islanders here.

Before going to bed, Ying Zi also gave a loud speech, and must let the soldiers of Daqin understand how bad the behavior of these natives is! !
After the speech, as expected, everyone was furious!
It has further strengthened the idea that these natives are beasts rather than humans in everyone's minds!

"The next morning, prepare everything!"

"do you know!"


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