Ying Zi also had a dream.

In the dream, a family of five and three generations guarded an ordinary tile house and planted a small field.

A bomb strikes and blows up the farmland!
In the bloody sky, an ugly flag was faintly revealed!

The hero put on the messy military uniform, picked up the hoe, bid farewell to his family, and rushed to the battlefield!

Soon, another bomb hit, blowing up the yard and killing the chickens and ducks in the yard!

The hostess was dragged away by a group of short, clean-bearded things, and the blood-red background was full of women's cries and pleas for help!

Now, there are only two elderly people and a little boy less than ten years old left in the courtyard.

Not long after, bombs and tanks flattened the tile house and killed the two elderly people.

The little boy who was less than ten years old was forcibly captured and fixed in front of the camera, making a "friendly" appearance.

With a "click", this photo was permanently preserved as evidence of some subversive history...

Ying Zi also woke up suddenly, his back was covered in sweat!
Looking up at the sky, it is still the world of Daqin at this moment.


Ying Zi also let out a heavy breath, got up and ordered someone to boil water for a bath.

The sun has just risen, and there is still some time before morning.

Ying Zi also thought while taking a bath, since it's still early, it's better to go to court early.

"Come on! Change clothes!"


In front of the Kylin Hall.

Ying Zi also stood in the corner, ignoring anyone.

When someone came up to say hello, they responded casually.

"It's strange, the prince will come to the morning court!"

"I heard that he left Xianyang, went out to have fun, and ignored the government at all!"

"But he also solved the problem of water shortage at the border..."

"It's just a coincidence. In my opinion, what auspicious beast! It's just a monster!"

Because Yingzi also ignored the government for a long time and did not make friends with any ministers, everyone criticized him quite a lot.

Looking left and right, except for Ying Ziyi, there is not a single young master in sight.

Thinking about it, the position of the crown prince has been decided, and even Fusu gave up the competition and worked for Yingzi, who would be interested in going to court early?
The hour has come, and the door creaks open.

The ministers lined up into the hall, and Ying Zi was still standing in the corner.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Ying Zheng glanced at the ministers and Ying Ziyi, and couldn't help but smile.

Next is the customary playing time.

"Your Majesty! The mirage came out of the sea to the east, and found several small islands, which seemed to be inhabited by people. They may be the legendary Penglai fairy island!"

A minister reported excitedly.

Ying Zi also heard this, and listened carefully with his ears pricked up!

Ying Zheng nodded slightly, and didn't particularly care: "I don't think much about immortals now, I think they are just barbarians like the Xiongnu and the wolf tribe in the north!"

The minister continued: "Your Majesty, do you need to continue to visit the island?"

Yingzheng pondered for a moment: "Order an ambassador to bring a hundred bolts of silk cloth, a thousand stones of corn, and ten books each of calligraphy, painting, and books, and go to exchange..."

Before he finished speaking, Ying Zi raised his head abruptly: "No!"

Everyone was startled by his voice, and looked over suspiciously.

Ying Zheng asked curiously, "Zi Yi, what's your opinion?"

Ying Zi also raised his head and walked to the center of the hall, his eyes were firm and serious, and he said seriously: "Your Majesty, I had a precognitive dream yesterday, and if I were friendly to the residents on that island, they would turn against the Daqin sword!
The old and the weak, women and children...all fell into his hands...the misery is unspeakable..."

Ying Zi also remembered all kinds of past lives, and closed his eyes in pain.

The ministers looked at each other, not all agreeing with Ying Ziyi's opinion.

"My lord, it's just a dream, are you...too cautious?"

"That's right, my Daqin army has millions, why are we afraid of the barbarians on a small island?"

"With all due respect, the young master is nothing but worrying!"

Ying Zheng didn't seem to support either side, but just asked, "Zi Yi, do you have more evidence to support your precognitive dream?"

Ying Zi also lowered his head and thought for a while, the current island country should be in the Jomon period, similar to primitive people.

So he cupped his hands and said, "My lord, have you ever been to the island?"

The minister said: "No, I have only seen them fishing from a distance, and they have never landed on the island rashly."

"Okay, let me describe what you didn't mention just now!" Ying Zi also smiled slightly, "These islanders are short in stature, like ten-year-old children, with tall and wide faces, big and flat faces, and low skull tops. , is that so?"

The minister was startled: "This..."

Ying Zheng asked: "Ai Qing, is Zi Yi's words accurate?"

The minister cupped his hands in amazement: "Return to Your Majesty! It's not bad at all!"

"So, do you believe in my prophetic dreams now?"

The ministers stopped talking and only murmured in their hearts, which party is this young master?How can you even know the language?

"Since Aiqing has no objection, then according to what Zizi said, we will not communicate with him."

"Not only that! We must destroy them all!"

Ying Zi also said eagerly.

Ying Zheng nodded: "With your shadow corps, the battle should be over soon."

But Ying Zi also shook his head: "No, I plan to take the Qin Army to fight, and the Shadow Corps is only for support."

Everyone was baffled, leaving the easy-to-use Black Shadow Corps instead of using the Qin Army?
How to solve the food problem?

The Black Shadow Corps is really useful, but Ying Zi also hopes to use Qin Jun to cut off their heads with one sword and one sword!

Otherwise, you can't vent your anger!
"Father, please allow me to persist." Ying Zi also said seriously.

"Your Majesty! The island country is too far away, and the supplies can't keep up. Don't rush to send troops!" The minister objected.

"They're just a group of primitive people using stones, don't worry!" Ying Zi also frowned.

"But as long as there are enough people, it will be enough to hold back our army!"

The two argued with each other, and neither could convince the other!

Ying Zheng said at the right time: "Shut up!"

The Qilin Hall suddenly became quiet.

"Zi Yi, as long as you can come up with a specific plan, I will give you military power!" Ying Zheng said.

Ying Zi also thought for a while, and said: "Lead troops to occupy a small island first—this island country is not a complete piece, but consists of several small islands!
After occupying this place, bring some farmers over to repair houses and open up wasteland again, hunt and fish for a living, and supply the surplus to the army!

As compensation, these residents can enjoy tax exemption for ten years!

Gradually gain a firm foothold, and then march to the surrounding areas, fighting while plundering, and supporting war with war!

In this way, the expedition can be supported! "

Although Ying Ziyi's plan is not perfect, it is also feasible.

Ying Zheng is willing to trust him, and Ying Zi finally wants to work, so you can't beat him!

So Yingzheng nodded: "Okay, Ziyi, I will hand over the military power to you, and all other ministries will fully cooperate!

How you want to do it is all up to you!
Of course, if something goes wrong, the responsibility is all yours. "

Ying Zi also responded with a faint smile: "Yes! Father!"

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